In the simulated battle space that Qi Liang left for Kiana.

With the help of Celine and Kiana of the “Sky Ranger”, Raiden Bud Yi was finally able to control the power that originally belonged to the “Lawyer” in her body at this moment.

Although occasionally Raiden Bud Yi will still have a little conflict with the personality of the lawyer in his body, it is enough now.

After completing the “Lawyer” Raiden Bud Suit, her original Valkyrie armor “Raiden Queen’s Ghost Armor” also became a new set of “Lawyer” armor at this time.

Two huge devil-like arms floated on either side of her, holding huge swords.

At this moment, Raiden Bud Yi, her whole body is covered with purple tulle clothes, covered with cheongsam-like clothes.

If Qi Liang was present, he would have made a sound in surprise when he saw the current thunder bud clothes.

After all……

The lightning bud clothes in front of her, who had just completed the “lawyerization”, turned out to be her own skin “night rain and spring”.

This was in Qi Liang’s previous life, but he got a lot of skin during the Spring Festival.


“Bud Yi… How do you get such clothes after being lawified… Mature!? ”

Looking at the lightning bud in front of her, Kiana said with a little crying and laughing.

Although she didn’t care about herself, she didn’t want others to see such a lightning bud.

“Hmph! What is this, compared to my body, it is far worse! ”

! ”

At this time, Celine, who was floating in the air, crossed her hands and hugged her chest and made a look of contempt.


And after listening to Kiana’s words.

At this time, she looked down at her costume.

Then, her face also began to turn red slightly, just like a red apple of Mt. Fuji, which always made people want to take a bite.

She was also very surprised why her clothes suddenly became like this.

And it’s so mature…

However, compared to the clothes on your body.

What shocked Leidian Bud Yi even more was the change in his body.

From the moment he completed his “lawification”, he seemed to have a force that was pouring out from afar.


Even, when Raiden Bud moved his finger slightly, purple lightning flashed on it.

Looking at the changes in his body, at this time, Raiden Bud Yi finally couldn’t help but show a shallow smile.

“This time, I finally don’t have to worry about losing control and hurting the people around me.

Right now…… I am already in perfect control of my power! ”


On the other side, in the “Quantum Sea”, the second world bubble left by Walter is inside.

After a long journey.

In this world, Otto, he finally brought Qi Liang, Bronia and Xi’er to the “orphanage” where he sheltered.

Looking at the familiar faces here, Bronia couldn’t help but change her eyes slightly at this time.

There’s Teresa, and there’s a little boy who looks a lot like he wanted to snatch the bud clothes before, like Walter.

There are even “vodka girls”.

However, of course, these familiar faces are not the same people as the ones that Bronia knows.


After taking Qi Liang and the others to an empty room.

Otto also stopped immediately at this time and turned around.

“Well, this is your room.

You can stay as long as you want. ”

While speaking, Otto continued with a shallow smile at this time.

“Then, I’ll leave first.

After all…… These children are not very easy to take care of. ”

As soon as the words fell, Otto walked in the direction outside.

“Wait a minute!”

However, there was no time for Otto to really leave Qi Liang and the others’ field of vision.

Qi Liang shouted, but suddenly stopped Otto.


“That… Is there anything else? ”

Otto turned around politely, still looking at Qi Liang and the others with an indifferent smile.

“Say, you should still have a purpose, right?”

I saw Qi Liang at this time, and he directly asked this question.

Hearing Qi Liang’s question, Otto’s face immediately became serious.

And Bronia and Xi’er, who also sensed that something was wrong, the two of them immediately put on a posture that was about to go to war.


Facing Qi Liang’s pressing, there were also the two little girls in front of them with powerful collapse energy reactions.

At this moment, Otto, he could only sigh slightly.

Subsequently, he was the one who planned to truly tell Qi Liang and the others in front of him his purpose…

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