Inside a special warehouse.

Now Qi Liang, Bronia and Xi’er, they are lurking and waiting for an opportunity.

That’s right, it’s the same as the collapse plot in Qi Liang’s previous life.

The first test of the bubble in this world is to reclaim that special “cargo” from the hands of these terrorists who are “anti-entropy”.

However, it is also strange to say.

When Qi Liang saw this plot in his previous life, he felt very confused.

After all…… If the “Mandate of Heaven” did not get Walter, there would be no “reverse entropy” organization behind.

However, the world is where organizations such as “reverse entropy” appeared in advance.


Qi Liang thought carefully, anyway, this world bubble is just a simulated virtual world.

It is also very normal that this situation will be like this.

And, probably because of the reason for joining yourself.

Originally, Fu Hua and Kokolia should have been assisted by Bronia in her mission.

However, these two people are now missing.

The specific situation of that task, Qi Liang estimated that it would also change to a certain extent.


“Teacher Qi Liang… The intelligence trafficker, the white fox, seems to have left.

We can now recycle the goods…”

Just when Qi Liang was still pondering that the world had changed because of his appearance, Bronia next to him suddenly reminded him and said.

Once cultivated as an “assassin”, Bronia is naturally handy for tasks such as stealth.

Listening to Bronia’s words, Qi Liang’s original thoughts were also interrupted at this time.


He didn’t expect that this time the infiltration would be so simple.

When I saw this plot in my previous life, it was not so simple.

Well, but for Qi Liang.

Even if this is really a trap, you can directly break through it with your strength alone.

The key to the test of this world bubble is not how to infiltrate and defeat the “anti-entropy” warriors here.

But…… In with “compassion”.

I saw Qi Liang at this time, and he also responded to Bronia and said.

“Well, then let’s hurry up and recycle that special cargo…”

After obtaining Qi Liang’s consent, the three of them continued to sneak in the direction of that particular cargo at this time.


Very simple, without any difficulty.

At this time, Qi Liang, they had already come to the position of that special “cargo”.

Look at this incomparably ordinary box in front of you.

At this time, Bronia showed a slightly puzzled expression.

“This world is too strange.

Is this really the special cargo we are going to recycle? Feel…… Did you find the wrong one. ”

Listening to Bronia’s question, she didn’t wait for Qi Liang to respond.

Xi’er said at this time that she had suddenly opened her mouth in response.

“Nope!, Sister Bronia, this is the goods we are looking for.

I can clearly feel that there is a special power inside…”

Although Xi’er here did not experience a test in this world bubble in advance like Xi’er in Qi Liang’s previous life.

But, nevertheless.

She still felt the strangeness inside this box.

However, just when everyone was about to recycle this special cargo.


Suddenly, countless spotlights hit Qi Guang’s position at this time.

The strong light shone Bronia and Xi’er at this time, and they couldn’t open their eyes, so they could only squint and raise their right hand to block in front of them.

And Qi Liang, although he is not so embarrassed, but at this time he is also squinting at the group of “anti-entropy” fighters in front of him.

“Sure enough… Although it has long been guessed that there is such a possibility.

But…… I still underestimate the warrior of anti-entropy. ”

At this time, Bronia, she secretly gritted her silver teeth and said.

However, while speaking, she also summoned her “Reloaded Bunny 19C”.

Similarly, at this time Ciel.

The clothes on her body are also gradually transitioning from blue to red…

Stealth is just to minimize unnecessary combat processes.

When Bronia and Xi’er made a fighting posture, a white “space-time drive” also appeared around Qi Liang’s waist at this time.

In fact, for the current Bronia, Xi’er and Qi Liang.

“Sneaking” (matchless) is the most direct and effective way…

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