Facing the emperor-level Collapsed Beast in front of him, which was already firmly bound by the “Heavenly Lock”.

At this time, Qi Liang saw that he slowly raised his right hand and raised the long sword with a peculiar shape in his hand, “Heaven and earth open up the star of obedience.”

And the Valkyries, who had already opened the distance because they wanted to avoid the attack of the Honkai Beast, also looked at Qi Liang who was facing the Honkai Beast with a puzzled look at this time.

However, what made them even more puzzled was the long sword in his hand that did not look like a long sword at all.

If they had seen such a scene before, these Valkyries would still have felt some shock.

But…… After a long period of contact with Qi Liang.

Now no matter what Qi Liang did, it would be difficult for them to feel shocked again.

After all…… In that man’s body, no matter what strange things happen, it is extremely normal.

“That hateful teacher Qi Liang, what the hell is he planning to do!?”

I saw Kiana at this time, and she said with some impatience.

On the other side, Karen showed a not very happy expression.

“Ah Liang, he probably plans to test his new weapon again…”

Karian, who had appeared with Qi for such a long time, still had a deep understanding of Qi Liang’s words.

After listening to Kalien’s words, Kiana at this time immediately opened her mouth and said.

“Huh!? Is Teacher Qi Liang going to test his weapon again!? Then we don’t have a chance to make a move again…”

From Kiana’s words, it is not difficult to hear that they are very sure of Qi Liang’s strength.

They didn’t think that the Broken Beast would survive in Qi Liang’s hands.

The other side.

Raiden Bud Yi, she looked at Karen and Kiana at this time, the sad expression was also said in a circle.

“Well, if you leave it to Teacher Qi Liang here, it can indeed save a lot of time, right?”

While speaking, Raiden Bud Yi reluctantly let himself show a shallow smile at this time.

“Well, that’s right.

Just leave it to Ah Liang…”

Yae Sakura, she also nodded silently after listening to Raiden Bud’s words.

When it comes to fighting, neither Karen nor Yae Sakura shows the same enthusiasm as Kiana and Karen.

And Bronia, she has been floating in mid-air, squinting…

It’s just that the other side.

At this time, Qi Liang finally began to activate the so-called “Heaven and Earth Opening Star of Heaven and Earth” in his hand, which was known as a “treasure tool of the opposite realm” that could tear the world apart

The ability to do it too.

The three cylindrical blades on the blade began to rotate at a super high speed at this time, generating a strong wind pressure that almost tore through the space.


An extremely violent hurricane blew on the entire “Moonlight Throne”, and the wind blew up, and even produced a roar like a bomb explosion.


Blown by the fierce wind were the Valkyries who were almost unable to open their eyes, and they were also forced to helplessly raise their right hand in front of them at this time, trying to resist these violent winds.

“It’s terrible, is this Teacher Qi Liang’s new power!?”

I saw Kiana at this time, she felt a little terrifying about the power of Qi Liang’s new weapon.

“Ah Liang, he is always able to come up with so many novelties.

No, next time I want him to ask for some.

Otherwise, like just now, there is always no way to break through the defense of the emperor-level Collapsed Beast, which is really too uncomfortable. ”

Karian, at this time, she suddenly began to change her mind, and she also began to want to get some “treasures” from Qi Liang to play with.

However, it is still the same as before.

Now Raiden Bud Yi and Yae Sakura, they don’t have too many ideas, now they just want Qi Liang to quickly end the emperor-level Collapse Beast and complete the task early.

Back to the battlefield of Qi Liang and the broken beast that was already bound by the “Heavenly Lock”.

“Okay, it’s over!”

With Qi Liang’s order, he had already swung the “Heaven and Earth Opening Star of Obedience” in his hand towards his eyes.

“Enuma Elish!”

Qi Liang shouted the “real name” of the Excalibur in his hand, liberating part of its power.


The wind pressure caused by the wind pressure was almost a quasi-space fracture, and the wind pressure attack of the space-time fault hit the body of the emperor-level collapsed beast.

Accompanied by a deafening roar.

That emperor-level Collapsed Beast had completely disappeared into this world before it could even let out a cry of pain, leaving not even the slightest trace of its existence.

However, fortunately, Qi Liang took into account the damage to the “Moonlight Throne” and adjusted the output of the “Obedient Sword”, and then used his “vector control” ability to limit the scope of destruction to the emperor-level Collapsed Beast.

After releasing the Emperor-level Collapse Beast easily.

Slowly, I saw Qi Liang at this time, and he put down the “obedient sword” in his hand.

“Maybe you can use vector manipulation to modify the power of wind pressure, and concentrate it all, maybe you can burst out more powerful power.”

That’s right, the essence of the attack of the “Obedient Sword” is still the power that almost tears the space caused by the wind pressure.

However, Vector Manipulation can directly modify the orientation of the visual eye regardless of its size.

“Hmph! Sure enough, compared to the words of the king’s treasury.

Vector control is really strong, unreasonable ah dragon. ”

While speaking, Qi Liang also walked in the direction of the Valkyries at this time.

Solving that emperor-level Collapse Beast is just the beginning of the plot of “Moonlight Throne”…

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