Chapter 85: The Golden Lion’s Trick, Lion Wei? The Great Earthquake [subscription required].

“Two-on-three situation?”

Whitebeard glanced at several people on the battlefield.

Then the arm presses on Uchiha to push it back, and then it retreats backwards.

“Shi Ji, Silver Axe, you two can deal with the new successor as soon as you go, and Uchiha Ban will hand it over to me.”

Whitebeard glanced at the two and instructed.

Whitebeard does not like to cheat with more and less, and when there is a chance to be one-on-one, he naturally will not let go. Now there are three of them on the pirate side, and there are two members of the Ten Thousand Realms Pirate Regiment.

Fought by the Golden Lion and the Silver Axe, he is in charge of dealing with Uchiha. Despite the pressure, he only wants to be one-on-one and does not want to win with quantity.

“Want to hit two and one?” I don’t have any comments. ”

Following Guoyuan’s interjection.

Fighting one-on-one with the golden lion could not put too much pressure on him, so he wandered the battlefield while fighting with the golden lion.

Now that he’s in a one-on-two situation, he can fight seriously.

“You’re a little bit under-looking, Edward Newgate.”

Uchiha snorted coldly. Whitebeard’s swordplay, strength, and physical skills were all good, but they were almost hot for him.

There is a gap in strength.

“Gollum… 43….Not enough to see, you look at it, Uchiha spot. ”

Whitebeard sneered and replied, “If someone else had uttered such arrogant words, Whitebeard would have already carried Cong Yun and cut it up.”

But it was Uchiha who spoke, and Whitebeard needed to think of countermeasures to deal with him in this way.

“Really? Then hope not to make me feel bored, use all my strength, I will……. Destroy you with your own hands. ”

Uchiha said in a calm and arrogant tone.

“Let me understand it….. The strength of the members of the One Thieves of All Worlds. ”

The white-bearded man suddenly appeared with green arms and his legs charged up, and Cong Yun cut on the cover of domineering qi and quickly rushed towards Uchiha Spot. The battle between the two began.

“Still stunned about what to do, two dozen one…….. Still need to hesitate? ”

Ji Guoyuan carried the Sun Wheel Sword on his shoulder, and his contemptuous eyes scanned the golden lion and the silver axe, and asked in a cold voice.

“If you stab me, you can’t do it today!” I’ll let you… Death here!!! ”

The silver axe body exuded a terrible momentum, and a low roar with a vicious face.

The silver axe stepped on and quickly rushed towards the edge of the country, he was like a furious rhinoceros, the momentum was like the sun in the sky, and the strength was incomparable


Following the Sun Wheel Knife of Kunichi and colliding with his giant silver axe, the air instantly exploded, emitting a violent sound. The silver axe slashed at the axe that followed Guoyuan Yi with all its strength, and was easily blocked.

“Bastard Stoney, are you going to keep watching?” After I die, his next target is you! ”

Silver Axe saw that the golden lion on the ground not far away was still watching, and yelled at him.

“I said Silver Axe, join forces with you….. I don’t think there’s much chance of winning. ”

The golden lion sighed and inserted the double sword back into the scabbard.

Then I lit a cigar.

“You… What do you mean? ”

Silver Axe saw him look like this, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

“The battlefield is so big, I think, I… You should go find another opponent. ”

The golden lion glanced at the white beard, then set his eyes on the silver axe again.

“Damn Stoney! Aren’t you afraid of Captain Locks’ punishment!!! ”

The silver axe ridge back chilled and instantly understood the meaning of the golden lion. The Golden Lion felt that the two of them could not defeat Ji Guoyuan Yi together, so… You want to fight another opponent.

That is to say, if the silver axe is abandoned, the golden lion does not intervene in the battle on this side. That is to say, the situation on the scene is that Whitebeard fights Uchiha Ban.

And the Silver Axe Battle follows the Kingdom One.

Whitebeard was better off saying that his talent was terrible, and he would not be able to die after fighting with Uchiha Ban for a while and a half. But the Silver Axe was a little worse, much worse than the strength of the successor Guoyuanyi.

Not to mention that he was also stabbed by the other side.

If you let the silver axe and Ji Guoyuan one by one, I believe that it will not be long before he falls.

“Bastard Schip, I’m going to kill you!!!”

Silver Axe’s eyes were covered with blood, and he lowered his path towards the Golden Lion.

“Can you do it now?”

Golden Lion Cloud took a deep breath of his cigar lightly, spat out a mouthful of smoke and laughed. Now the Silver Axe was a little weak even for the other party’s successor to the country, and it was not necessary to kill him.

Ji Guoyuan threw the silver axe out with a forceful arm, and then a layer of flames was wrapped around the knife. Swinging forward with force, a fire dragon was struck, and the fire dragon directly devoured the silver axe.

However, the silver axe had thick armor on his body and an armed color domineering spirit covering his body, and these flames were not enough to hit him hard. After Guoyuan punched the silver axe and flew out, another sword qi was struck.

However, this sword qi was not attacking the silver axe, but towards the golden lion.


A fierce flame sword qi flew across the sky and flew towards the golden lion.

“Hahaha……. Squirki, even if you want to go, do you think she’ll let you go? ”

Silver Axe laughed when he saw this

“Boom, boom!!!”

The golden lion on the ground continuously wielded the golden sword qi, cut off the flame sword qi in front of him, and then used the floating power to avoid the devouring of the flames.

“Stupid, if I wanted to go, I would have left long ago!”

The golden lion stared at the silver axe with a foolish look.

“What do you mean?”

Silver Axe asked with a slight change in his face.

“Lion Earthquake!”

The golden lion did not respond to him too much, but roared.

As his words fell, the ground around him shook violently, as if an earthquake had occurred. Only to see a huge lion’s head made of stone and dirt appear behind the golden lion. The Lion Roll is a lion’s head made by the help of the surrounding soil.

The Lion Wei Great Earthquake is a larger collection of lion heads, which is an upgraded version of the Lion Wei Di Volume. But this trick……. The current golden lion cannot be used at a moment’s notice, and it still needs to be charged.

Therefore, he was not in a hurry to attack the succession of the country.

Instead, a little bit of energy gathered to create such a huge lion’s head.

During this time, taunting and frightening the silver axe, he thought it was quite funny.

“Buried in the ground!” Following the national edge one! ”

The golden lion shouted at Ji Guoyuan.

His fingers flickered, and the huge lion’s head rushed toward the edge of the kingdom, and the ground tumbled along the way to set off a puff of smoke.

“Breath of the Sun Red Mirror!”

Following the national edge was not ambiguous, the blade was covered with the fire of the sun, and a fierce and terrible hot sword qi struck the huge lion’s head.

Following the national edge one, the one-on-two battle officially began.

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