“It’s actually pierced!”

Bai Tong looked at Torebol’s body that was punched through by himself, but did not see any blood, and his face was also interested.

During the time he joined the Navy, although Bai Tong grew up a little, he still had the curiosity of a seven-year-old child.

At this moment, he was curious by Torrepol’s body.

“Finger gun!”

Bai Tong’s five fingers volleyed out in the air, bringing up several finger gun waves, and shot at Torrepol’s body.

Torrebol’s body is actually very small, and the reason why it looks big is because of the mucus made by Torrebol from sticky fruits, and his body is wrapped in mucus.

But no matter how wrapped it was, in the face of such a dense fingergun attack from Bai Tong, Torepol was quickly injured.

The sharp finger wave directly passed through Torrepol’s body.

Although Torrebol is a Devil Fruit ability, he is too old, and it is no exaggeration to describe it even as a wind candle for a long time.

Hit by Bai Tong’s finger gun, a mouthful of blood spurted out wildly in an instant.


“Much… Dover, save me! ”

The wounded Torrebol shouted for help towards Doflamingo.

“Find dead imps!”

Doflamingo was blinded and rushed directly towards Bai Tong.

It’s just that he himself is not Bai Tong’s opponent, how can he save Torrepol.

Bai Tong shook Doflamingo back with just one punch.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Tong shot a fingergun at Torrebol again.


Even in the white boy several finger guns, Torrebol is directly unable to do it.

But before he died, he went, and Bai Tong gave him a breath.

“Catch this guy!”

Bai Tong ordered to Colonel Weis, who had already woken up from Doflamingo’s overlord.

“Yes… Major General Bai Tong! ”

Weiss and the others are now not as afraid of the Don Quixote family as before, and they are particularly motivated.

After Bai Tong gave the order, he captured Torrepol and handcuffed him with Hailou Stone.

Doflamingo was also furious when he saw that the navy men had captured Torrepol.

In the past, the navy saw him basically walking around, where dared to provoke him, but now, in front of him, they even arrested his Don Quixote family.

“Give me death!”

With a wave of his right hand, several white lines suddenly condensed and shot towards Weiss and the others.

However, it was blocked by Bai Tong.

“Arashi foot… Kick in a row! ”

Brush! Brush! Brush!

Immediately afterwards, Bai Tong kicked Doflamingo several times, knocking it away.

After shooting Doflamingo, Bai Tong did not care about the guy anymore, but instead looked at the other members of the Don Quixote family.

It will take some time for this guy Doflamingo to catch, but the rest of the Don Quixote family should be easy to catch!

Thinking of this, Bai Tong directly attacked these people.

They were not Doflamingo, and they were powerless to parry the White Boy’s attack.

Bai Tong was almost punched one by one!

In less than a minute, Bai Tong will solve it all.

The scene at this moment is a bit like in the original book, where the yellow ape deals with a supernova.

At that time, the yellow ape kicked a supernova, and the white boy was a member of the Don Quixote family with one punch.

“It’s all tied!”

“Yes! Major General Bai Tong! ”

Weiss and the others stepped forward and arrested Sugar, Diamanti and other members of the Don Quixote family.

And with the arrest of the members of the Don Quixote family, only Doflamingo was left at the scene.

Weiss and the others also felt a bad breath at this moment, because they had been suppressed by the Don Quixote family in the past, and although they were navies, they did not dare to touch the name of the Don Quixote family.

But now, Major General Bai Tong alone beat the people of the Don Quixote family to the ground.


As for Doflamingo, although they were not caught, they were not afraid, because there was Major General Bai Tong.

They knew it was only a matter of time before they caught Doflamingo.

“Boy, are you sure you want to do this? You have to find out my identity, I am a member of the world government, if you arrest my people, the people of the world government will not let you go! ”

Doflamingo knew that he was not Bai Tong’s opponent, so he could only come to the world government to suppress Bai Tong, after all, the navy was only the face of the world government after all.

He hoped that Bai Tong would take care of the world government and release his people.

However, Bai Tong’s performance made Doflamingo’s face change, and he stood there and smiled at Doflamingo: “I don’t care who you are, if you dare to come to the branch to make trouble, you will be arrested!” ”

Doflamingo didn’t expect Bai Tong to care about his identity at all, but now he couldn’t let Torrebol and the others go, after all, these people were his family.


As soon as his figure moved, Doflamingo rushed towards Bai Tong again.

Several white threads in his hand were thrown out and cut towards Bai Tong’s head.

But his attack obviously couldn’t hurt Bai Tong, who defeated him with just one punch.

Immediately afterwards, the white boy stepped on the shave, and quickly approached Doflamingo.

Seeing Bai Tong rushing again, Doflamingo decisively created a large number of threads again for defense.

“This thing can’t stop me!”

A faint voice sounded, and then Bai Tong threw a punch, smashing it to pieces, and then an undiminished punch smashed into Doflamingo’s chest.

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