Chapter 64 Gatesmen, you lied to me!!

“Hey, Windtaros!”

Kuinaga shouted at Fengtaros, who was running around the hospital.

“Eh… Xiaodang, how did you get here? ”

Feng Tarus was stunned, it stands to reason that he should not have had the opportunity to come to this time period?

Then, he saw Tokiwa Shogo… It turned out to be Shiwang!! Wait a minute!! Time King? No way!

What’s going on? Why is King Shi here? Isn’t the knight ~ already gone?

What’s going on here?

“Don’t be shocked by that, I’m a demon king… Can you still travel into this world? ”

Tokiwa Shogo said with a smile.

Then, Feng Taros thought about it and nodded, indeed, King Shi is an extremely vicious demon king in the future…

Crossing into another world is not difficult for him…

He, the demon god, can come to this world, why can’t the king of all knights come to this world?

“Windtarus, what are you doing here for this time period?”

Tokiwa Shogo asked suspiciously, how did he come to this world as a strange person?

Is it for sabotage?

Windtaros shook his head, “To change history… Because of the arrival of the knights… At that time, the robber appeared in this world… Just stop Shingo from being caught… The world can get back on track. ”

Just as he spoke, a scream sounded…

“There are monsters…”

Several people looked at each other and hurriedly rushed towards the outside of the hospital.

As soon as they felt here, they saw the alien W approaching Shingo.

Tokiwa Shogo and Feng Taros looked at each other and took out the drive.

【Zi—O (Time King)】

【RiderTime! (Knight’s Moment)]

【KamenRider! Rider! (Kamen Rider)]

【Zi—O (Time King)】

After becoming the queen of time, Shogo took out the FAIZ dial again.


【FAIZ! 】

Then it entered an accelerated state and rushed towards the alien W.

At this moment, the other half of the alien W also turned into an accelerated Gaia memory and fought against the King of Time.

During the battle, the alien W constantly changes the other half, killing Tokiwa Shogo.

“Knight, but that’s all.”

Looking at Shogo Tokiwa who was shot out, he looked at Shingo who fell to the ground

“You guy, let go of my brother!”

“Oh, so you’re Shingo Kuinaga’s younger brother… So be it…”

Alien W thought of something, a wicked smile appeared on his face, and he took out the Alien dial in his hand.

“Xiaodang, leave quickly!”

Shogo saw the alien dial and hurriedly shouted.

But it was too late, and the dial of the alien electric king entered Jiuyongdang’s body, and gradually Jiuyongdang became the alien electric king.

“Oh, uncle!”



“Now that Ted is rewriting history, you have lost…”


Alien W commands the Alien Electro King, who summons his distorted time train, and the three disappear into this era.

Kuroyama ruins

Due to the distortion of time and space, the relics of another world have also appeared in this world.

Tidd came here, and he looked at the empty me lying inside… The first generation of Sora Rick…

Your power is mine.

With that, he took out the dial and prepared it for absorption.

Suddenly, the dimensional wall appeared and knocked Tid out.

“That’s what Menyashi said.”

Gates looked around, then saw Tidd lying on the ground.

“You are Tidd the Time Robber? Menyashi said little ks? ”

Speaking of taking out the drive to transform…

“What’s the joke, I allow you to transform?”

Said, stretched out his hand… But it didn’t stop… WC?

What’s going on? Why wasn’t it stopped?

“I knew you would stop, but Menyashi gave me that.”

With that, Gates took out a card.

“You guy… Do you think I just stop from time to time? ”


【GAZI (Gates)】

【RiderTime! (Knight’s Moment)]

【KamenRider! Rider! (Kamen Rider)]


“Let me guess what you’re here for, that’s the source of this matter, right!”

After speaking, he took out his watch and prepared to transform.

Tidd looked at Gates, very disdainful, after all, he had sealed that peculiar point…

“Kamen Rider Sora I was born here, this is the source of all knights, you knights should not exist… Because of your existence, the world has become confused. ”

“Originally, there were no knights in this world, and it was because of you that this world became like this.”

“Huh… Don’t use us as an excuse for your abuse. ”

Then directly punched him.

With a wave of his hand, Gates’ attack was directly invalidated and bounced to the ground.

“Bastard, this guy’s strength is not at all comparable to those time robbers”

“Don’t compare me to your time robber, I’m a super time robber said, took out the dial and put it on the empty seat belt…”

【Empty self!!! 】

Looking at the dial in his hand, Tidd directly took the empty watch and put it directly into his body.

A roar of pain sounded… Gates was stunned by this scene.

Taking advantage of this gap, Gates took out a blank dial to suck my power… With the explosion, the relic returned to his original world again.

No wonder the void I became so weak in the fifth generation, it turns out that the reason is here… Gee!!!

Running outside, Gates held the dial and looked at the huge alien empty me in the air. Looking at the Tidd who has become an alien empty me, Gates is confused, doesn’t it mean that this alien card empty I am not difficult to fight?

“Menyashi! You really are a demon. ”

Gates kept rolling to dodge the attacks of the alien empty self, how to fight such a big alien knight?

Can it only be said that it is worthy of Heisei Big Brother? I’m so big as the alien void I’ve become?

Is it that the Showa Knight’s number one turned into an alien knight is also so big? Won’t the first knights be big in the future?

Is it that at the beginning of every era, those knights’ alien knights are so big?

Number one is like this, Sora me is like this…

But zero one, that’s it, it’s the same as shrinking. Gates complained.

“What are you in a daze? Gates! ”

Yueyun piloted the space-time demon god machine to knock the alien void me out and shouted at the daze Gates.

“Oh oh oh…”

Gates reacted and hurriedly entered the space-time demon god machine.

“Gates, are you all right?”

Gates looked at the alien empty my huge body and reminded Yue Yomi: “Yue Yue, this guy is very strong… The bastard of Menyashi lied to me again. ”

Menyashi, who was eating cake, sneezed… Shi, look at this as you did something wrong and was scolded.

Menyashi disagreed, “Just Gates, that deflated goods, I can’t beat him when he comes, I’m beating him.” ”

“Okay, let’s go on… Those weirdos are here again. ”

“What… Haven’t finished eating yet? ”

Menyashi was very helpless.

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