People are in Naruto, I am Aizen

Chapter 218 New opponent, old opponent

"Did you act violently because of anger? This is not like your actions all the time, Captain Yamamoto."

"The old man has always acted according to the old man's ideas."

"Unfortunately, does that mean that my existence has become your enemy? Although I never had such an idea, I am really sorry if I caused you to have such a misunderstanding."

Looking at the flames flowing from his fingertips, his fingers had already turned into a black and white color, Aizen Soyousuke looked at the expression metaphor in front of him, Captain Yamamoto, who seemed to be brewing a monstrous flame, the smile on his face grew stronger. Hair thickened.

The strongest fire-type Zanpakuto is as fast as fire, and combined with today's strongest Shinigami Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni, this power should be invincible. It should have been. But the flowing flame seemed to have a substance, and it stagnated in front of Aizen Soyousuke. This is not because Aizen Soyousuke resisted so strongly, but because the person holding the knife fell into self-criticism and confusion.

"There's nothing wrong with being confident that you've been doing the right thing all along, that you're all right, that's what you think."

Looking at the haggard face in front of him, Motoyanagi Shigekuni Yamamoto who seemed to have been too weak, Aizen Soyousuke could feel his current state.

This captain, who is still in perfect form in theory, is actually not even as effective as Captain Yamamoto, who had lost his will to fight during the millennium bloody war. Because in a sense, if Aizen's actions are correct, then it is already a certainty that everything that Yamamoto Motoryuzai himself was determined will be completely turned into smoke and dust.

Everything he did was wrong. Including curbing the actions of ordinary gods of death, maintaining the rule of nobles, and creating the blood and sins released by Seireitei. If it was Shigekuni Yamamoto in the past, the real ancestor of the court, the evil ghost of swordsmanship, then this kind of confusion would just be a matter of laughing to him. But the current Genryuzai Yamamoto is completely different. He is already the real controller of Seireitei and a patriarch.

A parent must face his own mistakes and give children a better space for growth.

Although he didn't directly address him, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Sai Shigekuni is the real father's position in Seireitei, and no one can replace him, and no one can approach him. He is the man who created Seireitei, and also the man who brought Seireitei to its peak.

How can a person like this make a mistake? How can you admit your mistake? How can you think that other people's actions are right? Behind him are no longer the bloody criminals. Many of the gods of death today are young people who he personally began to teach and gradually tempered. Even if he wants to turn around, these gods of death today will not allow their beloved Captain Yamamoto to turn around completely.

Letting go of your past life is a painful thing, so people tend to be more stubborn as they get older.

What they are stubborn is not their own status or things. They are probably just to prove that their time has passed, but they are not dead yet. You also need to use your own actions to really prove something.

Just like now, although the violent Reiatsu of the ignited Flowing Blade swept across the entire Seireitei, and even made people's breathing feel dry, but for others, Captain Yamamoto The state is unnatural. Generally speaking, how could an existence like him act directly in anger?

And when such a thing happened, it meant that it was time for Captain Yamamoto to make a choice. He has to make a choice.

It's just such a choice that Aizen Soyousuke pressed back abruptly.

"So when there is a real change, you lose the will to fight, and feel that it is difficult to make up for such a gap with your broken body. So do you want to use this method to unite Seireitei? How naive, Commander Yamamoto."

The fire at the fingertips continued to burn around, and the countless planks and walls gradually melted and burned, disintegrated into a little bit of spiritual particles, and disappeared into the air.

Aizen Soyousuke clasped the seemingly indestructible Flowing Blade with one hand, and looked at Captain Yamamoto in front of him, his expression gradually indifferent.

Undoubtedly, this kind of action and demeanor is a bit broken, and the existence of King Ling and Team Zero is more like a sacred and inviolable idol in his mind. He used this kind of action to prove that there is nothing wrong with his beliefs and the people he believes in.

And Aizen just won't let this kind of action succeed. Although he has been seriously injured and has the energy and imprints from countless strange worlds in his body, Aizen Soyousuke still has not given up his hope and ideal. However, the man in front of him, who should have been the same as him when he was completely body, now has a beard and staring eyes, and he can't even open the swastika, so he can only stand there like a flag, waiting. The look of Aizen hands.

Shouldn't it be like this? Yamamoto Genyanagi was heavy country. You shouldn't be so kind, and so soft-hearted that you don't even know your own state.

Even if you want to surrender, if you want to pass on this idea, you need my consent.


"Want to pressurize? But what can you do now that you have lost your fighting spirit? Captain Yamamoto?"

Taking a step forward, a deep dent was made on the solid wood floor that was not burned by the flames under his feet.

"You should be very clear that no matter how many times you attack here, as long as you don't have the strong idea of ​​killing me, there is absolutely no way to hurt me. And the same, if I don't have the idea of ​​hurting you, I won't hurt you." There will be scenes that hurt you. That’s all. The conflict of ideas is not the same as real blood, and I don’t want to mix it up.”

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, boy, you think too highly of your ability! I've seen too many disobedient captains like you back then!"

"But they are definitely not as strong as me, let alone as talented as me."

Seeing Captain Yamamoto who roared in a low voice, pulled out the flowing flame in an instant, waved it at himself, and poured the heat of the flame into the flame in an instant, Aizen's expression became more and more dismissive.

"I have been obsessed with the glorious history of the past, claiming that the gods are constantly eroding the authority of the highest, and then trying to completely adapt the original history to something else. Such self-deception is fruitless. Just like now , Captain Yamamoto, when you made the decision, all of this was already doomed."

Stretching out his hand to tap in the flowing flame, the originally flowing flame quickly turned into ice in the blink of an eye, instantly freezing part of Captain Yamamoto's palm.

Even though the sealed ice crystals were broken, judging from the bruises and bruises on the palm of the knife-wielding hand, it can be judged that the Yamamoto Corps is not in a good state.

"Old man!"

"Don't come here! Brat, don't you understand!"

Looking at Jingle Shunsui who, after being suppressed by Captain Yamamoto, committed an old problem and started to intervene in other people's battles, Aizan just frowned and pointed at Jingle Shunsui. Under the almost terrifying sense of crisis, Jingle Chunshui subconsciously used the spirit in mid-air to instantly twist his waist and turn around.

A single black sharp needle that was barely visible instantly pierced the air, turning the buildings around Jingle Chunshui into powder in the blink of an eye. As for the small sharp needles that rushed past, several of them appeared in Aizen Soyousuke's hands in the blink of an eye. Even Jingle Shunsui, who was fearless, looked at Captain Yamamoto, whose expression was getting more and more embarrassing, but pouted regretfully, and quietly moved to the other side.

Now that the matter has come to this point, those pleasantries and remarks are no longer necessary. Kurosaki Ichigo has already brought important witnesses, and then Aizen stands in the shadow in the dark, as if standing in a quagmire, which proves that there are problems that cannot be ignored as a whole. Aizen Soyousuke has never been a character of nonsense, he really has various situations, and he is convinced that this part will definitely bring problems to Seireitei, so he decides to speak out. This is the real situation in the eyes of Captain Yamamoto, and it is also common sense.

But in Aizen Soyousuke's eyes, all this is so ridiculous. Facing Captain Yamamoto and Kyoraku Shunsui, who are the positive meaning of fatherly kindness and filial piety, Aizen Soyousuke frowned, and pierced Kyoraku Shunsui's chest with a thin line in an instant.

Amidst Captain Yamamoto's shocked roar, Aizen Soyousuke turned the blade and aimed at Captain Yamamoto in front of him, with a cold and cruel expression.

"Then, in order to ignite your fighting spirit in the end, I will give you a few messages for free."

"First, Yuhabakh and the Quincy still exist in this world. They have been hiding in the shadow of the Soul Realm, waiting for the time to come. Looking at it now, I'm afraid it won't take long."

"Secondly, the users of Chakra, that is, we, do not intend to do anything to Yuhabach. We even want to absorb him and become a member of our peripheral organization. We hope that one day, the Quincy can be with The gods of death welcome the wine, and need not be delayed by such a bound world as this is now."

"...What are you talking about?! Yuhabach is already dead!"

"Dead? Yuhabach? No. He's still watching us in his sleep."

Looking at Captain Yamamoto in front of him, Aizen Soyousuke smiled coldly and grabbed his side hard.

"As it is now."

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