People Are In Marvel, Summon Ye Fu At The Beginning

Chapter 215, Chris, Open Your Eyes, I Am An Observer!

Just after the observer involuntarily stepped into the parallel universe No. 19999, the man known as the upper-level narrator revealed his true face.

He is none other than Ji Zhong himself!

After entering the "real world" through the power of [Mordius], Ji Zhong was able to steal part of the power of the upper-level narrator, and at the same time, he also learned the truth about the so-called "real world"!

This is not the world he was in before crossing over. Although the two are similar, there are still considerable differences.

This so-called "real world" is actually just a bigger Russian matryoshka doll!

To put it simply, people in the "real world" think they have created a series of works such as Marvel and Ultraman, but in fact they are just creations created by the narrator of Gao Shikang!

The reason why "Real World" can create those familiar film and television works is actually the settings of higher-level narrators!

Ji Zhong even suspects that the narrator on the higher level is just a creation of others, and the real real world is at the top of this matryoshka doll!

However, these are just guesses after all. Even with Ji Zhong's current strength, he does not have the ability to find out all the truth.

Instead of worrying about yourself, it’s better to focus on the more important things!

Without strength, even if you know the truth, there is nothing you can do, just like the involuntary observer just now!

Observers who seem to be detached from the parallel world have almost no power to resist in the face of the authority of Ji Zhong's pseudo-upper-level narrator!

This power is undoubtedly Ji Zhong’s biggest gain from this trip!

Unless the upper-level narrator named [Stan Lee] takes action against him, there is no existence in the Marvel world that can threaten him!

However, it is worth noting that even with this supreme power, Ji Zhong still cannot see the slightest detail of the system in his mind.

If the system hadn't actively appeared at his request, he wouldn't even have been able to capture the other party's existence!

This discovery made Ji Zhong feel a little scared and a little happy.

The inability to ascertain the nature of the system means that he still has the possibility of continuing to grow, but the extremely mysterious existence of the system makes Ji Zhong instinctively feel threatened.

However, Li Zhong is not the kind of character who turns his back and disowns others after receiving benefits.

He knew very well that without the help of the system, there was only one way for him to live stably in this world, and that was to study as a time traveler from the Ancient One and become a Kamar-Taj magician.

If you want to reach your current heights, the possibility can only be said to be overwhelming.

After pondering alone in the gap between the world for a long time, Ji Zhong finally regained consciousness and returned his attention to everything that happened on Earth 19999.

Under the influence of Mind Gem, Chris, who had completely lost consciousness, finally came to his senses.

He naturally knows this observer, who is an extremely famous character in the recent Marvel animation.

Electromagnetic force is the most critical factor that constitutes the macroscopic universe. From protons to molecules to macroscopic particles, under the pull of electromagnetic force, the world can run in such an orderly manner.

"Run away!"

Moreover, the picture they saw now was much scarier than that nonsensical question back then!

At the same time, since photons are bosons that rely on electromagnetic action, light will also dissipate with the disappearance of electromagnetic force.

He immediately found the source of all disasters - Chris from the "real world"!

If the electromagnetic force is lost, then all material structures in the world will completely cease to exist!

Just like that, in just a few seconds, the strongest Avengers were almost all killed or wounded!

Chris couldn't help but think. .

For the human body, since the essence of intermolecular attraction is actually electromagnetic interaction, the human body will be decomposed immediately and turned into a pool of disorderly moving plasma.

Because not only the electromagnetic force disappears at this moment, but also the strong interaction, weak interaction and gravity!

Disaster will naturally come as expected!

Now, this extremely terrifying scene really appeared in front of Tony!

The observers who were tricked into this world by Ji Zhong only had time to "borrow" a few Infinite Gems from other universes before they arrived in a hurry.

Tony replied at the time - that means the death of the entire world!

Very few people escaped, or in other words, except for a few Avengers members, no life could escape from that great purge!

But, what does the other party want to do when they find you?

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These four basic interactions that constitute all the rules of the universe disappeared without warning on this planet called Earth!

This is real destruction! It is the end of this ancient world that has lasted for 4.6 billion years!

In college, a classmate once raised such a question when discussing with Tony.

And Thor's proud Mjolnir was instantly penetrated like fragile butter in front of the enemy, and Thor's body also collapsed!

Just like this, on the third planet of the solar system, all matter here was decomposed and annihilated due to the disappearance of the four basic functions, and finally returned to the void where endless dark energy slumbers!

When the disaster occurred, the Avengers happened to be at the source of all disasters, so they survived.

Just when the last hope of this world was about to disappear completely, a strange wave of power enveloped the universe!

Tony tried to use the power of the Time Gem to go back to the past, but the shining Eye of Agamotto instantly turned into powder due to the strange fluctuations!

And the sphere seemed to be stimulated by the 907 force of time, and its unconcealable malice was aimed at the only remaining Avengers!

Everything around is returning to Chaos, there is no sound, no light, this planet that has given birth to countless lives is like a whale falling, entrusting all its energy to the boundless vacuum!

What would happen to the entire universe if the electromagnetic force suddenly disappeared?

Captain Marvel, who possessed the power of the Space gem, only had time to say a word before her body collapsed and disintegrated like sand.

"Watcher?! What do you want to do?"

"Chris, open your eyes! I'm the observer!"

It was that sphere that was perfectly unlike the creation of this world. The waves that spread out from its body completely annihilated this world!

But at the same time, they also clearly saw the strange sphere that broke out of Chris' body!

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