“Hee-hee, as far as you can talk.”

Ino squinted and smiled.

It can be seen that Ino is very useful to Ye Zhou’s words.

“Really, I said don’t come with them.”

Behind the two, Shikamaru mercilessly complained to Dingji.

“Well, I’m used to it anyway.” Ding Ci ate the potato chips and said without care.

“That being said…” Sakura looked at Ino with an expression full of envy.

If only Sasuke and I could do the same. With a sneak glance at Sasuke, Sakura suddenly fell into a fantasy.

“Sasuke, how is it, Tsunade’s mother-in-law I found it, it’s amazing!”

Naruto was showing off next to Sasuke.

“Isn’t it the credit of Lord Jiraiya? Naruto, you’re just a follower, right? “One Five Seven”

Sasuke said with disdain.

“Huh? Sasuke what do you say? Obviously, I also made a lot of efforts, and I also defeated Orochimaru and his subordinates together with Tsunade’s mother-in-law! Naruto defended unhappily.

“What is this, I already slaughtered four of Orochimaru’s men before you came back.” Not to be outdone, Sasuke wasn’t to be outdone.

“Really fake, Sasuke, you shouldn’t be bluffing me, right?” Naruto showed a skeptical expression.

“Believe it or not.” Sasuke shrugged and replied indifferently.

But Sasuke’s appearance made Naruto believe a little.

“Hey, Ye Zhou, is what Sasuke said true?” Naruto hurriedly asked Ye Zhou.

“Well, there is such a thing, just a few days ago.” Ye Zhoutou said without looking back.

“It’s true, it’s abominable.” Naruto was stunned.

Looking at Naruto’s changes, Sasuke faintly revealed a hint of a smile.

“Really, I don’t know what Naruto-sama asked us to do, we can finally rest at home for a day.”

Hokage Building, Shikamaru yawned and complained.

“Who knows, maybe it’s some kind of mission.” Ye Zhou also didn’t know the situation, so he could only guess wildly.

Early this morning, Ye Zhou was called to the Hokage Building by Kakashi, saying that there was something important.

Ask him specifically and say nothing, just say that it is a good thing, which makes Ye Zhou confused.

“Nara Shikamaru, and Fujimiya Hashu, you can come in.”

Just then, Tsunade’s voice came from Hokage’s office.

Ye Zhou and Shikamaru glanced at each other, then pushed the door and walked in.

I saw three familiar faces in the office in addition to Tsunade and her assistant.

They are Mori Hibiki, Mitarai Red Bean, and Buchi Genma!

Seeing these familiar figures, Ye Zhou and Shikamaru looked at each other, and they both had guesses in their hearts.

“It seems that you all guessed, that’s right, I called you here today for the promotion of Zhongnin.”

Tsunade noticed the small movements of the two, and in his heart he also had the confidence to promote the two of them to Naka-ninja this time.

“I saw your performance in the Chūnin Exam, and the examiners and the three generations of Hokage spoke very well of you, so I specially called you here today just for this matter.”

“Congratulations, from today onwards, you will be in the middle of patience!”

After saying that, Tsunade couldn’t help but smile.

“So, is it just the two of us? I remember Sasuke during the Chu Shinobi exam, and they did well, right? ”

Shikamaru scratched his head and asked.

“I understand your concerns, but to be honest, they are not enough to meet the conditions for promotion because of their own reasons.”

Tsunade said after glancing at the two.

In addition to strength, Zhongnin must also have the ability to react in time when facing unexpected situations and facing the enemy, that is, combat thinking.

Of course, if it was just that, Sasuke and many other people’s conditions could be fully satisfied.

But becoming a shinobi also requires an invisible condition, that is, leadership.

Because when Shangnin is not available, Naka-Shinobu needs to lead the team out to carry out tasks. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Like Sasuke, who usually behaves too coldly, so that the examiner cannot determine whether the other party can lead the squad members well, he is not sentenced.

And everyone else also has all kinds of small shortcomings, and as a result, the only members of this promotion are Ye Zhou and Shikamaru.

“Okay, I see..”

Shikamaru listened to Tsunade’s words and probably guessed the reason.

“If there is no problem, you can leave first.”

Tsunade issued an eviction order.

Ye Zhou and Shikamaru didn’t say much, walked out of the Hokage’s office together, and then went to collect the Naka Shinobi vest.

After the two left, Tsunade looked at the three examiners in charge of the Chu Shinobi exam.

Frowning and asking: “Shikamaru even if he is also the son of Shikaku, I don’t need to say that I can recognize it in terms of ability, but what is the situation of the other little ghost named Fujimiya Yezhou?” ”

“How do you feel that all of you are very optimistic about him, can it be said that he is a genius similar to Watergate?”

Although Tsunade had already heard a lot of information about Ye Zhou, it was the first time he had really met Ye Zhou.

Therefore, to be honest, she was still a little worried about promoting Ye Zhou to be a middle forbearance.

“Naruto-sama rest assured, although this child Fujimiya Yezhou is young, but his personality is very stable, it is completely fine to serve as a middle Shinobi, and even I think it is not too much to directly promote him to Shinobi.” Mori Hibiki was the first to answer.

“Ibiki is right, and if I’m not mistaken, the person who fought off the Great Snake Pill in the Death Forest should be Fujimiya Hazhou, I found it at the scene…”

Hongdou also answered and said his inference.

She had carefully inspected the place where Ye 0.9 Zhou and the Great Snake Pill fought, and through various traces, coupled with the various means that Ye Zhou used to support in the village later, it was not difficult to deduce that he had repelled the Great Snake Pill in the Death Forest.

“Is that so? It seems that he is indeed a very powerful little ghost. ”

After Tsunade listened to the words of the two, he also felt a little shocked in his heart.

With the power to defeat the Great Snake Pill in its heyday, he developed a magnetic blood stain alone, and his interpersonal relationship is also good.

The other party does have the qualifications to be promoted to Zhongnin.

No, as Ibiki said, such a condition is not exaggerated even if it is directly promoted to the rank of superior Shinobi.

However, if you really want to promote Ye Zhou to Shinobi, you have to determine how the other party views him as a Hokage and the village.

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