“Ahem, in other words, Ye Zhou, are you okay today? Would you like to go and see us doing tasks? Asma calmly interrupted the two to continue making out.

“Okay, it just so happens that Kakashi-sensei gave us two days off, and we have nothing to do.”

Looking at Jing Ye’s expectant eyes, Ye Zhou of course nodded in agreement.

“Yay, let’s go then.” Jing Ye grabbed Ye Zhou’s arm and pulled him to walk in front.

“Alas, today’s children are really enviable.” Asma, who followed behind, sighed.


However, neither Shikamaru nor Tsuji paid attention to him, a situation they had become accustomed to when they were still in school.

On this day, Ye Zhou followed Jing Ye and they In addition to the grass in the afternoon, Asma also specially invited Ye Zhou and several people to eat a nightly meal.

I don’t know if I have seen the amount of rice that Ding Ci has, Asma is just a box lunch for a few people to eat in “710”.

Ding Ci was greatly dissatisfied with this, and kept complaining that Asma was stingy.

Fortunately, Asma was thick-skinned enough and didn’t care about Dingci’s complaining at all.

I wanted to invite Ding Ci to eat a few more times, and it was estimated that even his wife Ben was gone.

In order to save his wife, what is it to be complained about in two sentences.

After staying with the Ino team for two days, Ye Zhou returned to the seventh class.

Then, under the leadership of Kakashi, he did several D-level missions.

On this day, Ye Zhou and they were suddenly gathered by Kakashi.

“Kakashi-sensei, what is the mission today?”

As soon as they gathered, Naruto asked Kakashi.

“I won’t do the task today, there is something I need to ask your opinion.”

Kakashi said seemingly casually.

“What’s going on?”

Hearing that it was not a task, Naruto suddenly became interested.

Even Sasuke showed a questioning expression.

Ye Zhou was even more psychologically moved, shouldn’t it be the Zhongnin Exam?

He said: “This is the registration intention form for the Chūnin Exam, you all take a look. ”

After giving the registration form to the three, Kakashi took advantage of the fact that several people were checking and told them about the village’s preparations for the Chūnin exam.

“Well, that’s roughly the case, do you want to choose to sign up?”

After speaking, Kakashi looked at the three.

“It goes without saying, isn’t that of course?” Naruto touched the brace on his forehead with a serious expression.

“In the Zhongnin exam, you should encounter many strong opponents.” A flash of joy flashed under Sasuke’s eyes.

If you can fight with more powerful people, you will definitely be able to become stronger faster.

“Then participate.” Ye Zhou said absentmindedly.

Zhongnin exam, unconsciously the plot has come to this stage?

Orochimaru and Ichigo Morizuru seem to be very resistant opponents.

“So your choice is…”

Kakashi looked at the expressions of the three, and sure enough, he didn’t expect it.

“Of course I participated!” Naruto said immediately.

Looking at Ye Zhou and Sasuke at the same time.

The two did not speak, but silently filled in their own information on the form.

A few minutes later, the three returned the form to Kakashi.

“In that case, then I won’t do the task for the time being in the next few days, you all prepare well, and I will hand in the registration form.”

Kakashi instructed a few people before leaving first.

“Let’s go train too, don’t drop the chain during the Zhongnin exam.” After Kakashi left, Ye Zhou also beckoned the two to prepare to go to training.

He was going to have a special training for the two of them before the Chūnin exam, at least to improve his strength to the power of a battle when facing the Great Snake Pill.

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other, then hurried to follow Ha Zhou.

However, a few people had just left, but suddenly heard an argument not far away.

“Let go of me, you scoundrel!”

“It’s Konohamaru, he seems to be in danger!” Naruto instantly recognized that it was his little brother’s voice, and his expression suddenly became anxious.

“Go over and take a look.” Ye Zhou walked quickly to the source of the sound. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Soon, the three of them saw Konoha Maru held up by Kankuro in one hand.

“Hey, what are you guys, let go of Konohamaru!” Naruto saw that his little brother was being bullied and immediately stepped forward to scold.

“This imp just bumped into me, it’s okay with you.” Kankuro said arrogantly.

Deliberately wanting to provoke Naruto, they took the lead.

“But didn’t Konoha Maru already apologize?” Naruto was really fooled and opened his mouth to retort 0….

“Hmph, apologizing is like forgoing, how can there be such a cheap thing.” Kankuro said with disdain.

“Bastard, I see you’re just looking for trouble on purpose.” Naruto was furious all of a sudden.

Subconsciously, I wanted to snatch Konoha Maru from the other party’s hands.

Kankuro saw that his goal had been achieved, a sinister smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth, and Chakra turned into silk thread intending to embarrass Naruto.

“Naruto, don’t worry, the other party did it on purpose.”

Sasuke stopped Naruto and looked at Kankuro with a frown.

Sharingan instantly sensed the other party’s movements, and he naturally wouldn’t let Naruto take the bait.

“What?” Naruto was startled and immediately stopped moving.

“Cut, don’t see through it? Sure enough, you can’t underestimate Konoha’s ninja. ”

Kankuro glanced at Sasuke unpleasantly and cursed in a low voice.

“Forget Kankuro, be careful for a while.”

Temari on the side looked around carefully, looking slightly worried.

“Hey, it’s just fun, you can also test the strength of Konoha ninjas, even if I Ai Luo knows it’s nothing.” Kankuro was unimpressed.

“I don’t care, don’t expect me to help you talk later.” Temari looked slightly dissatisfied.

“I said that Sand Ninja, if you don’t want Konoha to start a war with Sand Ninja, it’s better to let that child go.” Suddenly, Ye Zhou spoke.

“Hey, let Konoha and Sunahide go to war for a child, do you think you’re Hokage?” Kankuro scoffed. 3.8

“Of course I’m not Hokage, but that child on your hands is Hokage’s grandson.”

Ye Zhou’s calm words made the expression on Kanjiulang’s face instantly freeze.

Even Temari didn’t care about admiring the handsome guy, and turned his head to look at Konohamaru in an instant.

“Are you kidding?” The corners of Kankuro’s mouth twitched.

Is your own luck so good? A kid who was bullied casually turned out to be Hokage’s grandson?

The world is not too small.

“No kidding, if you don’t believe it, you can go and ask someone else, Konohamaru’s identity is not a secret in the village.” Ye Zhou continued.

Seeing that Ye Zhou did not mean to joke, Kankuro’s forehead suddenly oozed cold sweat.

It’s over, it’s a big game.

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