Under the nagging of Gao Yuanyaoyi, Yamato Kansuke finally couldn't bear it any longer. Blue veins appeared on his face, and he angrily drove Gao Yuanyaoyi off the train. Anyway, his large luggage had been checked.

  "Why do you talk like that, I just"

  Gao Yuanyao muttered in a low voice, and then he stepped off the train under the strange eyes of other passengers waiting to be checked.

  However, the contemptuous smile that flickered on the corner of his mouth was not seen by anyone.

  If Yui Uehara, who knew his true identity, was here, he would definitely give Gao Yuan a thumbs up in his heart.

  Life is really like a play, all depends on acting skills, the life of a hell puppet master, there is no rehearsal.

  "Dare Yamato help you find any luggage that might contain dead bodies?"

  After checking the passengers on the other side, Zhufu Gaoming came over.

  "Police, we haven't found it yet."

  Yamato Kansuke shook his head in frustration.

  "Well, I didn't find it there either.

  Nodding, he reported the situation of his inspection while looking at the next passenger that Yamato Dasuke was going to inspect next, who seemed to be a member of the magic group.

  "Dahe dare to help, let's check this big suitcase! I'm here to help too, I can't let the passengers wait too long."

  Zhufu Gaoming said and opened a large suitcase. If it was used to hold corpses, this suitcase was more than enough.

  "Ah, this is!"

  When he saw the contents of the suitcase that Zhu Fu (Qian Li's) Gao Ming had opened...

  Because the contents of the suitcase turned out to be limbs that were broken down into pieces.

  "No, it's not real, it's just a dummy!"

  Zhufu Gaoming found something at a glance, something was wrong, he said calmly.

  "Ah, it's really just a doll. Huh? It seems to be made of wood, why bring such a thing to scare people!"

  Yamato Gansuke complained unhappily while picking up the limbs of the suitcase and studying them.

  "Hahaha, sorry, sorry, I'm so sorry for the misunderstanding. That's a performance prop for the finale of our fantasy magic troupe 'The Living Puppet'."

  The clown Sakinji, who was being examined, leaned over with a smile and explained the origin of the puppet to everyone.

  "Do you think it is the body of the head of the mountain god, hahaha, how is this possible!"

  "Hmph, your things have also been checked, you can get out of the car."

  Yamato Kansuke didn't want to pay any attention to this man with a smirk.

  "Haha, it's quite fast!"

  Zuojinji laughed and got off the train, "But don't look too closely, or our tricks will all be seen!"

  "I know, get out of the car, don't interfere with our work."

  Yamato Gansuke got angry when he saw the contrived expression on Sakonji's face, and urged him to get out of the car.

  "Then, let me see, what exactly is in the picture!".

Chapter 655

  The scene taken by Sakinji Temple shows what they saw when Yui Uehara and Yamato dared to help them get to Room 13, Room 1.

  There were colorful balloons floating all over the room, and a man dressed in a magician's usual attire was lying in the center of the room full of bright red roses.

  This is the tragic corpse of the head of the fantasy magic troupe, Gentleman Mountain God, who had a knife inserted in his temple.

  The Gentleman Mountain God's face was so white that there was no trace of blood, his body was wrapped in a black cloak, and his hands in white gloves seemed to be holding the rope tied to the balloon.

  The video is dubbed with various screams.

  Time went on, Uehara Yui brought Ye Fan over, and after Ye Fan got close to the head of the mountain god, there was a sudden burst of white smoke near the head of the mountain god, followed by a crackling explosion.

  The messy noise was followed by a "bang".

  Yui Uehara narrowed his eyes and watched intently.

  Then he saw that the body of the Gentleman Mountain God suddenly exploded, and then his head flew.

  The body exploded and the head flew. What's going on, Yui Uehara opened his eyes wide.

  He backed the surveillance video for a few seconds and re-watched it several times before he finally understood.

  The body of the head of the mountain god did explode, but his exploded body was actually made of balloons, which is a technique used by those street performers and clowns.

  The murderer disguised the balloon as the body and limbs of the head of the mountain god, and then covered it with a black cloak. Because it was not a close-up view, it was difficult for everyone at the door to see through this technique.

  In fact, there was only the head of the head of the mountain god in Room 1 at the beginning, and the rest of his parts were all made of balloons.

  And when the head flies, it's even simpler.

  That's just because a fishing line is tied to the head of the mountain god, and the fishing line extends from... barely through a head-sized car window.

  It seems that someone was pulling it outside, so the head of the head of the mountain god and the cloak were pulled out of the window.

  As for where it went, Uehara Yui guessed that it should be in the toilet in Room 13.

  This is the mystery of the disappearance of the body of the head of the mountain god that happened in room 13.

  "This magic is really amazing. If Mr. Zuo Jin just photographed the process, it is impossible to figure out how the entity disappeared!"

  Uehara Yui exclaimed softly.

  Although after knowing the principle, some people will think this method is very simple.

  But in fact, it is very difficult to actually accomplish this technique.

  During the whole process, the prisoners are linked with each other, using the methods of logical suggestion.

  First block the crowd with rose bushes, forcing everyone to stop, and then immediately intimidate everyone with white smoke and explosions, reminding them of the previous fake bomb storm, causing everyone to panic.

  "Hey, Uehara Yui, how did you check?"

  Behind him not only Zhu Fu Gaoming but also Ye Fan, who was particularly interested in this kind of incident.

  Of course, Ye Fan's two girlfriends also followed behind him.

  "It's okay, the mystery of the disappearance of the body of the head of the mountain god has been solved."

  Yui Uehara shrugged and replied flatly.

  "We didn't find anything either! The entire train has been checked, and the luggage that can hold a human body has also been checked, but the body of the head of the mountain god cannot be found at all"

  Yamato Kansuke was talking, and suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the conversation just now, so he stopped.

  After a few seconds, he exclaimed: "What, Uehara Yui, you said you have solved the mystery of the disappearance of the body of the head of the mountain god from room 13"

  "Yes! Is there something wrong?"

  Uehara Yui replied nonchalantly.

  "Uehara Yui, do you really already know?"

  Zhufu Gaoming couldn't help but ask, he didn't have a clue yet.

  Ye Fan didn't expect Yui Uehara to see the murderer's modus operandi before him. The level of the criminal police in Nagano County is really much higher than the level of the criminal police in the first section of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's search.

  Yuanzi said vigilantly, "This female detective is so powerful, Ye Fan, with the look of admiration on your face, are you already fascinated by her?"

  Xiaolan was also worried and said, "Ye Fan, you are not allowed to see one and love the other..."

  Ye Fan was speechless: "Such a serious matter, you two, don't interrupt."

  "If this method is really used, it is feasible!"

  Zhufu Gaoming stroked his moustache. He frowned and said, "Uehara Yui, have you found any evidence that the prisoner used this technique? Besides, who is the prisoner?"

  "Evidence, even the body has not been found at this time, how to find it!"

  Yui Uehara smiled wryly, "However, if the murderer used this trick, then the body of the head of the mountain god must have been dismembered. In short, we can find out after the body is found."

  "Also, you can ask the forensic personnel to investigate several bathrooms on this train. Since the murderer dismembered the body, he will definitely get bloodstains everywhere. Even if he has cleaned them, those bloodstains can still be found. It's a circumstantial evidence to identify it!"

  Yui Uehara continued to add.

  "Well, I see, I will order it."

  Yamato Kansuke agreed, and then frowned: "But, Yui...even if you know how the corpse disappeared, you still don't know how the corpse disappeared from the train?"

  "Are you sure you've checked everyone's luggage?"

  Yui Uehara seemed to have something to say.

  "Hey, hey, I've checked everything carefully, Yui, you don't believe me!"

  Yamato Kansuke said angrily.

  "Yamato, that's not what I meant."

  Uehara Yui waved his hand and explained, "What you said just now is 'the luggage that can hold the human body has also been checked'. What about the luggage that cannot hold the human body? Did you really check it carefully?"

  "What's the use of checking luggage that can't hold a human body? Since it can't hold a human body, of course there's no corpse..."

  Yamato dared to help, he said strangely.

  Ye Fan heard the words and suddenly realized: "The whole body is not good, then if it is broken into pieces, the body must have been dismembered and placed by the murderer!".

Chapter 656

  At this moment, the members of the fantasy magic group who got off the train are gathering in the lobby to talk.

  "Damn, what the hell is going on?"

  The expression on the mermaid Yukai's face was very ugly.

  "Haha, Miss Xihai, you'll be fine, you don't really believe what the two policemen said, it must be the magic performed by the head of the regiment..."

  "Why are you so sure?"

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