Ye Fan doesn't care, since Yuanzi wants to be exciting, it's better to satisfy her, and save her from making new things.

  Ye Fan touched his head and said, "I don't mind..."

  Ye Fan's voice just fell, fearing that Ye Fan and Xiaolan would regret it, they happily said, "That's it!"

  Yuanzi immediately put on a condescending look: "Good daughter, good son-in-law, serve me well tonight, do you understand?"

  Xiaolan said hesitantly, "Yes...Mom..."

  Yuanzi's eyebrows jumped, stared at Ye Fan, and said, "It's your turn."

  Ye Fan felt that Yuanzi's current appearance was very sloppy, and he felt that he was too indulgent to her.

  Yuanzi pretended to be sullen and said, "Why? Don't you talk? Do you understand politeness? I'm your mother-in-law now, stinky boy, do you understand?"

  Ye Fan didn't allow Yuanzi to continue to be presumptuous, and rushed directly towards Yuanzi.

  "Oh... Ye Fan, what are you doing..."

  "Ye Fan, how can you do this, I'm your mother-in-law now..."

  "Wu...Xiaolan, come and save your mother soon!"

  Xiaolan not only did not stop Ye Fan, but also repaired the garden together with Ye Fan.

  Yuanzi still wants to be my mother?It's so arrogant, I'm sorry!Don't miss her tonight!


  It was another quiet and charming night. If it wasn't for the class tomorrow, Xiaolan and Yuanzi, who were drowsy and submerged in the morning, would not be ready to get up.

  Ye Fan drove and sent the two to Didan High School, where Xiaolan and Yuanzi didn't seem to wake up.

  The two walked towards the classroom, and then, Teacher Judy's voice appeared behind them.

  "Xiaolan, Yuanzi...why are you two so unmotivated?"

  Xiaolan turned her head and said hello to Teacher Judy: "Mr. Judy, good morning, I was a little tired yesterday and didn't sleep well."

  Teacher Judy then asked, "Really? Sonoko, you haven't slept, have you?"

  Sonoko said: "It's not that I didn't sleep well, I didn't sleep enough, I didn't sleep until after four o'clock, and only slept for two or three hours..."

  Teacher Judy said, "That's not good. Staying up late is not good for your health. But, Sonoko, are you staying up late reading a book? You only slept so late."

  Yuanzi said, "I said I stayed up all night to read, does Teacher Judy believe me? This is not the same as Xiaolan."

  Yuanzi yawned again, looking at Teacher Judy's bewildered face, and said, "Mr. Judy, you are also an adult, I don't know why, you should think about it. Or, Teacher Judy, she has always been single. ?"

  Judy was cut to a pain point. Judy has always had a secret crush on Shuichi Akai, but Shuichi Akai, an idiot, has no interest in her at all.

  Being ridiculed by a female high school student made Judy very uncomfortable.

  "Where's Xiaolan? Xiaolan won't be the same as Yuanzi."

  "That's it."

  Xiao Lan bowed her head shyly.

  "You two are really good friends, and you can get together in anything!"

  "Hey, Mr. Judy? How do you know that Sonoko's boyfriend and I are the same person!"

  Xiaolan asked in confusion.

  "No, I just said that the two of you happened to do things together... Wait, you and Sonoko's boyfriend are the same person."


  Seeing Xiaolan and admitting it directly, Yuanzi couldn't help but cast a glance at Xiaolan.

  Xiaolan, it's too easy to slip up, but it doesn't matter...  

  Teacher Judy was shocked. Her first reaction was whether Sonoko and Xiaolan were deceived and played with their feelings.

  Whether it is in the United States or Japan, things like pedaling on two boats are normally not allowed!

  As a teacher, Judy feels a responsibility to help students who are being deceived.

  Judy quickened her pace, took a few steps forward, turned around, looked at Xiaolan and Yuanzi, and said worriedly, "Xiaolan, Yuanzi, I suspect you two have been deceived."


  Xiaolan was dumbfounded, wondering what Teacher Judy was talking about?

  "Mr. Judy, don't think about it, there is nothing at all."

  Sonoko looked at Judy speechlessly, couldn't help but yawned again.

  Teacher Judy was preparing for a long lecture when, unfortunately, the bell rang and they were already at the door of the classroom.

  Teacher Judy had to give up, but she decided to do her best to save her students!

  Xiaolan and Yuanzi didn't feel anything, and they didn't care about the opinions of other classmates.

  A three-good student with excellent academic performance, and a chaebol's daughter, has always been the object of envy and hatred of other classmates.

  Xiaolan and Yuanzi don't care, but Teacher Judy is different.

  Teacher Judy has always liked the two students, Xiaolan and Yuanzi, and did not want them to go astray, so she decided to investigate the matter secretly and save the two little angels who had gone astray.

  As the CIA's Judy, it's not easy to investigate such a trivial matter...

  Ye Fan was about to drive to the Metropolitan Police Department when Di Di Di rang from his cell phone.

  Ye Fan glanced at it, and it was with Ye.

  "He Ye... is there something wrong?"

  "Well, Ye Fan. I'm at Tokyo Airport, and I want to ask you for help with something."

  "Okay, I'm coming..."

  Not long after, Ye Fan drove to Tokyo Airport and saw He Ye standing on the side of the road.With Ye Qingchun's beautiful appearance, and the passers-by who come and go, her appearance is obviously not the same level, Ye Fan saw her at a glance. .

Chapter 498

  He Ye's expression was obviously worried, Ye Fan went over and picked He Ye into the car.

  "He Ye, you came to Tokyo to find me, what's the matter?"

  "Ye Fan, actually, I came to Tokyo to find Hattori Heiji?"

  "Huh? What happened to Hattori Heiji?"

  Ye Fan turned his head and looked at Yuan Shan and Ye, the co-pilot.

  Yuan Shan and Ye said worriedly: "Aunt Jinghua called me just now to ask me if I knew the whereabouts of Heiji Hattori. Aunt Jinghua on the phone was very anxious. However, I didn't know the whereabouts of Heiji Hattori, and I couldn't get in touch. so I want to come to Tokyo to find out."

  "Aunt Jinghua is in a hurry... It's very possible that something happened to Hattori Heiji! But why did you think of coming to Tokyo to find Hattori Heiji?"

  Ye Fan knew that Hattori Jinghua was a very stable person and would never do rash things. She was in a hurry, which meant that something might have happened to Hattori Heiji!

  Yuan Shan and Ye recalled and said, "My father asked me to accompany Heiji to Tokyo to find a gentleman named Nanchuan. This man used to be my father's subordinate, but now he seems to be working in the Cupido Detective Agency because Mr. Nanchuan wrote 19 wrote a letter to my father, saying that there is something very important to tell my father, but then there is no news, so my father wants me to accompany Heiji to visit Mr. Kusukawa. However, I refused, I'm your girlfriend now, so I don't want to get too close to Heichi..."

  "Oh, that's right. In other words, Hattori went to find that Mr. Kusukawa? After that, I can't contact him anymore, right?"

  "That's right. Now that Heiji Hattori is missing, I blame myself, especially on the phone. I feel that Aunt Jinghua is in a hurry, and I'm very worried. I heard that Heiji Hattori's father went to work abroad. If something happened to Hattori Heiji, Aunt Jinghua would be heartbroken."

  "Don't worry, I will help."

  Ye Fan comforted Yuanshan and Ye, thought about it, and continued: "If the persuasion department has gone to Mr. Nanchuan, then either Hattori encountered a major case and there was a problem with his mobile phone and he couldn't be contacted, or something happened to him. , he has no way to contact us at all."

  "Ah? Isn't that Heiji's situation quite dangerous!"

  Yuan Shan and Ye looked at Ye Fan worriedly. Although she didn't like Hattori Heiji anymore, she loved Ye Fan, but she also regarded Hattori Heiji as a friend. After all, they grew up with childhood sweethearts. She didn't want Hattori Heiji to have an accident.

  "It's not impossible, and it's quite possible." Ye Fan nodded lightly, he could understand Yuan Shan and Ye's mentality, it was impossible for them to have no feelings for childhood sweethearts who grew up together. "If Hattori encounters a case, no matter how busy he is, he can find someone to borrow a phone to call to explain the situation, right?"

  "Then you must help me, Ye Fan."

  "I know, not only for you, but also for Aunt Jinghua!"

  If something happened to Heiji Hattori, Ye Fan was worried that Shizuka Hattori would not be able to take the blow and would not be able to get sick... This kind of tragedy is not an exception.

  Afterwards, Ye Fan drove there according to the address given by Yuanshan and Ye.

  Youjinzhuang, this is Nanchuan's address, but halfway through the drive to Youjinzhuang, it suddenly rained in the sky, so Ye Fan had to park his car outside a supermarket.

  Taking out an umbrella from the trunk, Ye Fan and Yuan Shan and Ye walked side by side with umbrellas and came to Youjinzhuang.

  Standing in front of the mailbox, He Ye looked at the mailboxes above and said, "Mr. Nanchuan... Yes, his room number is 202."

  "Room 202 is on the second floor, let's go up."

  Ye Fan made a sound, and the two walked up the stairs and stopped outside No. 202.

  "I should be back before noon. If there is a registered letter, please send it to the landlord, Nanchuan."

  On the door of the room, a note was posted there, and the person who posted the note was obviously Nanchuan.

  Yuan Shan and Ye said incomprehensibly, "But the noon time has already passed, why is this piece of paper still posted here?"

  Then, she guessed: "Could it be that Mr. Nanchuan was still at home when Hattori came here, so we went out together to have a cup of coffee or something."

  "No, it's not like you guessed."

  Ye Fan pointed to a wet mark next to the note and said, "This is the mark left by the hat that Hattori often wears. He must have been waiting at the door for a long time, because Mr. Nanchuan There is no relationship to come back, so he put his hat on the back, leaned his back on the door and waited for Mr. Kusukawa to come back."

  Yuan Shan and Ye looked at it carefully, nodded and said, "Yes, this is the pattern of Heiji's hat. He often wears the hat to the back. It must be like what Ye Fan said."

  "And there is one here. Heiji must have sat on the ground impatiently and waited for Mr. Nanchuan to come back."

  Ye Fan pointed to an imprint on the door, and a small transparent tape was attached to the door frame.

  Seeing this, He Ye squatted down and looked at it and said, "This is to put a tape on it to make a mark, and then we will know if anyone has sneaked into my house."

  Ye Fan looked at it and said, "Since Mr. Nanchuan used to work under your father He Ye, he would naturally have this ability. Now that the tape has come off, it means that someone has sneaked into Mr. Nanchuan's house. And the tape has come off. It should have taken a long time to fall off, and all the parts attached to it are covered with dust, maybe..."

  This note was not posted today, but was posted here a few days ago.

  Ye Fan looked at the note on the door, put his hand on the doorknob while speaking, and turned it.I didn't want to make this turn, but I opened the door easily, and the door was not locked at all.

  Seeing this, He Ye hesitated and said, "Ye Fan, let's just go in like this, is it really okay?"

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