Pendor Empire In Other Worlds

Vol 3 Chapter 65: Willier's dilemma

This apology meant that Willier had given up all the unrealistic illusions brought about by his status as heir to the principality.

   and put himself in the identity of a simple messenger.

  'S realization for this can be seen from the smile on his face when Lothar said "where and where" to help him up.

   To be honest, Lothar's view of the scene in front of him really has an inexplicable sense of drama.

  ‘It’s like, in those historical films and TV dramas, a certain dynasty broke out due to the change of the throne, and he was one of the traitorous ministers. ’

  ‘I don’t know if I will be the same as those characters, the result of defeat. ’

  ‘Or is it defeated and captured, and then reduced to the end of a running dog that can be humiliated wantonly by those in power? ’

  ‘If you look at this script, this is the heir to the country who has suffered a lot of shame. ’

  ‘Isn’t that the one who is most likely to play the role of the one who defeats him? ’

   While talking and laughing loudly with Willier, Lothar deduced this kind of plot that might develop in his mind.

   Art comes from reality, this kind of scene of film and television drama that Lothar is quite familiar with, it is really possible to realize it.

   After all, people who can know shame and be brave are often able to achieve outstanding achievements.

   Willie, who can still talk and laugh with Lothar, does not have such potential?

   But even so, Lothar did not regret his actions.

  Because of his current position, he must never show any sign of weakness to Essien Island.

   Once Lothar was more enthusiastic, he showed compliance with the Grand Duke.

   Even if it's just a disguised compliance.

  It is certain that the members of the mission headed by Willier will definitely intervene in all aspects of Lothar's actions after the two sides are in contact with each other.

   Even as the heir to the Principality of Willier, he once served as the head of an army.

  'S proposal to take over the command of Lothar's army is very likely to happen.

   is wrong.

   If Lothar really meant to show weakness, it would not be possible to seize command of the army, but something that would definitely happen.

   Lothar obviously didn't mean to work for the Paz family.

   When the time comes, there will only be an unhappy ending.

   For Lothar, the emergence of this situation is a big disadvantage.

   Because even if I turned down this kind of "proposal". Seeing his weakness, those southern aristocrats who were originally dissatisfied with him, but had to succumb because of the advance of the soldiers, would abandon him without hesitation.

  The gold coins, grain and grass, and soldiers that Lothar was worried about will also grow wings and fly to other places.

   Otherwise, how could the Viscount Husey maintain a peacemaker's posture throughout.

   If it wasn't for his dark history in this civil strife, I am afraid he would have taken the initiative to trouble Lothar.

   I really thought that a battle could make an aristocrat completely unsuccessful.

   "Death" is impossible.


   Of course, Lothar didn't have the idea of ​​killing Willier on his own territory.

   Just like Willier was slapped in the face by Lothar several times and realized that he did not have the slightest loyalty to the principality, he still had to take the initiative to speak for him. It was the same as maintaining an apparent harmony between the two sides.

   Lothar also had no plans to classify the Grand Duke as an enemy before he breached Qatar City.

   It's just that compared to Lothar's simple troubles, the Grand Duke has a stronger need for a harmonious relationship between the two sides.

   It’s best to control this army;

  The two parties can take the second place in joint action;

   Peacekeeping is the bottom line;

  Absolutely, never let the two sides turn into hostile positions.

   This is the request of the Grand Duke for this contact.

   is especially true for Willier.

   The situation on the Grand Duke's side is not very good.

   Zaimeng’s seizure of the throne and Phil Bien’s departure were an almost catastrophic blow to the Duke of Serugago’s plan.

   If there are no problems with these two points, then relying on the combat power of the principality's regular army and the three-pronged approach, it is very possible to end this civil war in the shortest time.

   But now, regardless of the fact that the second round of war between the two sides has not erupted, the situation is quite unfavorable for the Grand Duke.

   Because of the previous battle, although the Principality Army won the victory, it paid a heavy price for the regular army.

   Although the loss of the Marquis Army was not small, it was equivalent to a chance to train.

  In the battle between Lothar and his partial division, the opponent's military formation combat method had already taken shape.

   Even the simplest phalanx is much more effective than rushing up and defeating.

   The Principality Army’s move to recruit private soldiers from the lord is basically the same as Lothar’s current recruitment of flag wavers.

   It is totally unreliable to fight.

   That is to say, the longer the time is delayed, the greater the advantage the Marquis has.

   The situation that Willier faced was even more dangerous on the basis of the Principality’s weakness.

  The reason lies in his status as the first heir to the Principality.

   may be the heir of the Principality, but it is impossible to be the only one.

   If the situation worsens, Willier may not be abandoned by the Grand Duke, and instead choose Havana, the third son who has a chance to reverse the situation.

   At that time, in order to show the sincerity of Essien Island, Willier's ending is naturally needless to say.

   Therefore, the contact with Lothar can be said to be the last time the Grand Duke gave him a chance to take the initiative to control his destiny.

   Therefore, even though Lothar's attitude was so tough.

   As long as he didn't directly show hostility, Willier had to accompany the smiling face to fight for the most favorable situation for the Grand Duke and himself.


   With such an analysis, Lothar seems to be more and more like a villain.


  After finishing the scene in front of the city Lothar prepared a welcome lunch for Willier.

   At this luncheon, the two sides didn't talk about anything meaningful, but just touted some nonsense to each other.

   The really valuable things were discussed at the formal banquet held at the Sufren Castle the next day after Monroe arrived from Nuremberg.

   It is worth mentioning that on the first night, the Viscount Husey, who knew Lothar had prepared a resting place for the condolences group, would not mention inviting Willier to the castle to rest.

   It was considered that they had chosen their own position between Lothar and the Grand Duke.

   The dinner on September 2 was not very grand.

   In addition to Monroe and some people I met yesterday, only a dozen nobles who contributed most of their wealth were invited to the banquet.

   Seeing that Lothar did not intend to let the condolences meet with other nobles, Willier simply did not delay and directly announced his origin.

   As for why it was not announced directly at the luncheon.

   In addition to fantasizing about gaining support from other nobles.

   There may be reasons for worrying about being rejected by Lothar in private.

   This, Lothar guessed, should be the idea of ​​Baron Bernard.

  , after all, was someone who had undertaken to detect Lothar's attitude, but he was not as low-powered as he showed.

  :. :

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