Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 941


Chapter 941 Zhengzhuer

"See clearly?"

Somewhere not far away, the military Duke Saint is not sick and is standing side by side with Boss Yin.

The position they are in, the elite of the Tibetan military family, is already daoist from other schools, but they will not be involved in the battlefield.

On the contrary, the terrain is quite high, and you can observe the battle situation from a commanding height.

Boss Yin's eyes were taken away from the many fire birds, and he was very reluctant to glance at the golden light.

"It's not pure Yang Fire, I can be sure!"

The public is free from illness and relaxed, but finally he has a problem, to him nodded, "It's hard work".

It is about the future of the new Imperial Court. He learned that there is a side door daoist in Shishuiguan, who uses a magic weapon similar to the Fire Dragon urn, so he brought Boss Yin to confirm.

Fortunately, Boss Yin confirmed that the magic weapon was not a Fire Dragon urn, not only in terms of appearance and function, but also the spirit fire released did not conform to the characteristics of pure Yang Fire.

"Unfortunately, the fierce battle in the capital that day was in a hurry, and it was a great pity to escape from the Fire Dragon urn!"

"This treasure has long been secretly familiar with spiritual wisdom and knows how to hide and hide. , has become an absolute sound!"

"I originally thought that the Fire Phoenix daoist went dogshit luck and picked up the Fire Dragon urn in the wilderness!"

"Now it seems that , it’s really a misunderstanding!”

Boss Yin explained, “The patriarch should be cautious in using his troops, and this time is no exception. I have already seen that although this magic weapon is not enough formidable power as the Fire Dragon urn, it is also It's not far away!"

"We must guard against it!"

The public nodded, asked rhetorically, "You are entangled in other schools of daoist, donating money and materials, have you ever created a cooperative The magic weapon of your mind?"

Boss Yin placed his palm lightly on his chest, and said solemnly, "It has been made, and once it becomes a reality, it must play a role in turning things around!"

"Then Thank you, if the Tianhe Water Demon is defeated, it will be your turn to play!"

In Gong Wushang's words, it is obvious that he does not trust the Tianhe Water Demon, but why do they still cooperate?


"Dare to kill the Ant Lady!"

The Nine-Headed Monster was furious, but someone was angrier than him.

The harpie rose from the ground, dragging its long flame tail feathers, and charged towards Fang Dou.

It was an insult to God Ant Po to be killed.

It's not because of how good the relationship between the Harpy and the Lady Ant is, but because he promised the Nine-Headed Bird earlier, and if he sees that the Lady Ant is a little unsupportive, he will immediately help.

Fang Dou shot too fast, and there was no sign of it at all, and the Antwomen scattered ashes and dispersed smoke with one shot.

"I don't care about the god of ants!"

The harpy cursed a few times in a low voice, "But you can't kill your companions in front of me!"

"Big Brother Jiutou, I'll go meet him!"

The nine-headed monster bird was about to speak out, but the bird demon had already taken advantage of the fire and was far away, so he had to shout loudly, "Be careful!"


The Harpy appeared in front of Fang Dou, "Don't you want to see me, now you can watch it!"

"Look less, Cooperate with me to send you off!"

Fang Dou blows his beard and roars, "It's you who burned the whole Liefang Pass!"

"Not bad!"

The strange bird said with a smile, "I don't like cannibalism, but I like the process of burning living people to death. I have to say, I had a great time playing this time!"

"Just be happy. , I hope you cherish it, after all, before reincarnation, impossible has such a good chance!"

The implication is that the strange bird will be killed today.

The strange bird is also not to be outdone, with its mouth and tongue trembling, the flames of two colors of blue and white are differentiated.

The blue and white flames turned into various special weapons, one by one, they smashed towards Fang Dou.

In the blink of an eye, it seemed like there was a rain of fire, one after another 'raindrop' fell on the city gate, and immediately fell into seven or eight pieces and flew out against the ground, most likely to burn their own soldiers and civilians. .

This situation is like the most beautiful fireworks. Every firework extinguished is a life taken away.

"A little patience!"

Fang Dou saw it just right, backed away almost one after another, and gave an order to the fire bird.

“hu hu!”

The bird demon senses the pressure. After all, these fire birds under Fang Dou’s command can cultivate Extreme Yang True Fire, which must be the bloodline of the Ancient Golden Crow. Descendant and

fire birds crowded towards the bird monster from all directions.

"Are you repeating the old trick?"

The bird demon sneered a few times. After all, the god ant was killed by the fire bird like a tarsal maggot just now.

He would never sit still, and after a little thought, he came up with an idea.

“go go go!”

The two broad wings of the harpy slammed together, driving the violent wind erupted, so that the fire bird cannot get close.

Next moment, he will have sharp eyes and head on Fang Dou.

The human being in front of me is the culprit in manipulating the fire bird. As long as he is killed, everything will be over.

The two wings of the bird monster collide, and the wind is as sharp as the wind The knife spun into a huge knife ball in an instant.

When the knife ball hit the ground, it set off a huge wave of earth, ploughing out the bottomless ravine directly.

The gully continued to spread, aiming in the direction where Fang Dou was. It is conceivable that when Fang Dou was at his feet, the knife ball would jump out and engulf Fang Dou.


Fang Dou slightly frowned, then stretched out, “Just in time!”

He raised the crow jug, facing the The gully under him shook a few times, "Come in!"

Rumbling, the ground began to undulate, as if it was enveloped by a huge suction.

In the blink of an eye, with a whistle, the knife ball buried in the ground had already revealed its whereabouts before it could stealth to Fang Dou's feet.

The huge knife ball, flying to the mouth of Yagong Hukou, has shrunk the size of Small Accomplishment sesame balls.


It was smooth and smooth, the knife ball was swallowed by the mouth of the pot and entered the depths of the Yagong pot.

The powerful attack of the bird demon was instantly dissolved and invisible.

But he didn't have time to be discouraged, because the fire bird attacked like a shadow, coming one after another.

"gu gu gu!"

The shrill scream made the fire bird distracted, and it was more certain that it was Golden Crow's bloodline alien.

How could he just sit still, and immediately swallowed the lantern Fireball above his head, along with the slender tail feathers, which began to shorten.

After a short period of gaining momentum, the Harpy attacked again.

The blue-white flame is only three inches when it is spit out, and when the wind grows, it grows to seven feet, and finally it is ten feet, hundreds of zhang.

After a blink of an eye, the bird demon swept across the front with a huge fire pillar in its mouth. Not only the fire bird, but also Fang Dou, who was standing not far away with the crow jug, were all in the fire pillar. within the envelope.

"puff puff puff!"

The fire bird was swept by the blue and white flames, twisted a few times and then exploded and died. It can be seen that this fire is powerful.

The nine-headed monster bird looked towards the companion next to him, "Immortal World 'Jiufeng Aristocratic Family' stands side by side, and each of the nine families has received a Divine Ability from Phoenix. He was born in one of the Jiufeng Aristocratic Family. The flame light always has several points of Antiquity Phoenix traces, trifling mortal magic weapon, how can you resist it?"

These words were said loudly, not only the Tianhe water demons could hear them, but also Even the famous Taoist cultivators in Chengguan have heard it.

It turned out that this powerful harpy was descended from Phoenix.

It's no wonder that it is so powerful, the flames that breathe out of the mouth are the inheritance of Phoenix True Fire!

Fang Dou didn't have time to be surprised when he heard a pu chi laugh from the crow's jug, apparently Remnant Soul didn't hold back.

"senior, why are you laughing?"

"hehe, it's nothing, I'll help you, burn this pretending grandson!"


Fang Dou found that the context was wrong, "What pretending to be a grandson?"

"Ah no, it's nothing, you heard it wrong!"

(this chapter end)

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