Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 83


Chapter 83 Senior and junior brothers get together

In the farmland, the farmer is bending over to cut rice, looking at the heavy golden rice, A sense of satisfaction arises spontaneously.

This season's rice has been harvested. Apart from paying rent and taxes, the family can buy some more things.

Whoosh, a dark shadow flashed in front of him with a gust of wind.

The farmer saw the shadow clearly and shouted loudly, "Dead dog, don't step on the crops!"

After a while, he was afraid again, because the black dog Where it passed, there was no half paw print.

"It's dirty!"

The farmer shivered and pretended not to see.

The black dog drooped its tongue, shuttled through the woods and fields, mottled shadows constantly passing over it.

In front of it, there are always a few faint white lines that guide the way forward.

“wu! ”

The black dog looked up and looked ahead, turned around and came back, the town was in front of him.

It remembered Fang Dou's orders in its heart, grabbed the traces of the white thread, and ran desperately to catch the person on the other end of the thread.

Huchihuchi, all the way to the open space outside the town.

The black dog raised its hooves and was about to get into the town when suddenly a silhouette flashed out in front of him.

"This road is blocked, please come back!"

If a country urchin sees him, he will definitely recognize the person in front of him, just like a puppet wearing a costume and heavy makeup. The character is one of the most popular military generals of the founding dynasty.

However, this puppet is not the size of an ordinary doll, and its height is no different from ordinary people.

Except for the stiff expression, the facial features and limbs are all lifelike, like a living person.

The long spear that was originally made of paper in his hand, now flashing with metal cold light, is clearly the real thing.

“ao wu!”

The black dog’s ears were raised like a pair of sharp horns, staring at the puppet generals and growling lowly.

The puppet generals are also unequivocal, raising the long spear and facing the black dog with a spear thrust, the strong wind forced the black dog to jump far away.

The black dog rolled a few times on the ground, dodged to one side, kicked his legs and jumped into the air, and threw himself towards the general's face.

The two sides immediately got into a fight.


In the courtyard, Guo Erlang is still manipulating Soul Soul, fighting against Fang Dou in the air.

He hid behind the scenes and manipulated young girls to attack, consuming the blood essence of the girl's body.

In contrast, Fang Dou concentrates on the enemy, and the loss is his own strength.

Therefore, Guo Erlang has the victory, and has the confidence to spend it with him until Fang Dou is finally dragged to death.


Guo Erlang suddenly noticed that there was a smell lingering outside the courtyard, and someone was secretly peeping.

"Which act recklessly?"

Guo Erlang was extremely angry, tore open the skin on his shoulder, and a bloodshot burst out, pierced through the wooden window, crossed the wall and landed outside.

The soul-pulling silk was made by him through hard training, and it can be manipulated out of the body, killing people invisibly.

However, this time he miscalculated.

After the soul-pulling silk flew out, there was no scream for a long time, and there was no movement.

Guo Erlang is shocked, why is there always something wrong recently?

The gate of the courtyard was pushed open, and a merchant carried a burden and walked sideways into the courtyard.

Qiao Dong put down the burden, wiped his forehead and laughed, "Senior Brother long time no see!"

"Er Longzi, is that you?"

Guo Erlang was startled at first, then overjoyed, wow, the puppet show is here!

Qiao Dong said at the head, "Senior Brother, stop, you have terrifying your opponent!"

"Er Longzi, we senior and junior brothers meet again after a long time, you Come and say something depressing, what's the matter?"

Guo Erlang pointed to the side, "Sit down and talk!"

"There is no time, I will release a puppet, He resisted his dog spirit outside the town, but it couldn't last for long!"

Guo Erlang coldly snorted, "Master is really blind, passing the puppet show to you, but you refuse to use the soul to make puppets, The formidable power is too weak, no one can beat it!"

"Senior Brother, if you want to survive, you'd better leave this town immediately!"

Kojiro Ignoring him, coldly snorted and said, "Let me kill someone first!"

As he said, the soul-struck silk on his body twisted and manipulated again from the air.

In the distant pavilion, young girls with red eyes, ten fingers with sharp nails popped out, and flew towards Fang Dou at the same time.

With a single stroke of the fingernail, the silk gauze that is difficult to be cut with a knife can easily crack.

Fang Dou's state is a little more dangerous.

Upon seeing the martial law, he shouted, "Fight back!"

Fang Dou smiled bitterly, he would have done it long ago if he could fight back. Yes, but they are all innocent girls, so they can't do it!

If you really want to do it, no one will be hurt.

"You go out!"

The situation is critical, Fang Dou couldn't keep the martial law and pushed him out of the pavilion.

The martial law was still in shock, so I was surrounded by family members, everyone talking at once and asked, "Master, how is it?"

"mercy, my Buddha!"

Martial law pretended to be calm, "It's a small matter, this poor monk has already dealt with it, and the rest is left to the assistant."

"Then, do you still want the altar?"

"Yes, why not?"

The martial law then recalled and asked, "How is the altar?"

"It's ready!"

Martial law rushed to the pavilion, the veil in front of him was torn open, a slender palm pierced and stretched out, and the sharp nails almost pierced the eyeball.

He hurriedly stopped and shouted through the gauze, "The altar is ready."

Fang Dou was overjoyed, it was finally done.

He flew out of the pavilion, eight girls followed closely from behind, and the silhouette of sou sou was fast.

Next moment, Fang Dou has appeared on the newly built altar, he raised his foot and stomped it twice, and found that the quality is really good.

At this time, the young girls bounced and jumped on the altar one after another, acting as agile as a martial arts expert.

Everyone is stunned, what's the situation.

The martial law was dripping with sweat, and he kept explaining, "It's normal, just enter the altar!"

Fang Dou raised his hands high, called out the Tiangang altar, and walked towards his feet. Press hard.

In an instant, the rays of light shone, one after another lighted up, like the twinkling stars in the night sky.

The light pattern around the altar is lit up and intertwined into patterns. The originally ordinary earth altar changed something rotten into something magical in an instant.

It's a feeling of power!

Fang Dou felt that at this moment, he was stronger than ever before. In the altar, he could control the life and death of these girls.

Young girls, still thinking of rushing forward to fight, got a look from Fang Dou, bound by invisible ropes, stuck in place unable to move even a little bit.

It's finally quiet.

"Let me see, what's the trick?"

Fang Dou manipulated the altar, rays of light emerged, and the truth about young girls began to emerge.

I saw a black hair with a red bloodline hidden in it, an earthworm-like living thing that was still writhing when it was found.

This blood line is the culprit that makes young girls go crazy and manipulate like a puppet.


Fang Dou suddenly remembered that he had encountered someone performing a puppet show on the way out of Mr. Tang's house. Could it be that there is a connection between the two?

His guess was very close to the truth.

At the same time, in the courtyard, Guo Erlang did not listen to Qiao Dong's advice and questioned Fang Dou.

Qiao Dong's persuasion failed several times, and finally the showdown was over.

"That's an alien with high mana, not a monk, not a Taoist, and a brilliant way!"

"I had a relationship with him, and I saw him kill a tiger demon with a strong head. , sweeping away the ghosts in the sky."

"His dog spirit has appeared outside the town. If it wasn't for my puppet to block it, you would be in danger now."

Guo Erlang sneered, "According to what you said, do I want to thank you?"

"hmph, old fogey is shrewd, and refuses to pass down the full set of the puppet show, deliberately divided into two halves."

"I got the silk show, but you got the puppet show. The two of us didn't learn the spell completely, and we didn't mix well!"

(end of this chapter)

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