Path of Medicine With a System

Chapter 863: asynchronous

Chapter 863 Asynchronous

The operation of Chuan Chenghao is actually not a major operation. If it is difficult, there is no need for attending. A group of senior inpatients can be pulled out.

However, why do people come to China and why do they choose expensive ones? They don’t feel that they should enjoy treatment that ordinary people can’t enjoy or that their illnesses require a higher level of care.

This is the same reason that everyone likes to go to the top three hospitals and likes to list expert numbers. In fact, if you really have a serious disease, you can call a general clinic. The doctor can’t see it. You don’t need to call the expert number. Well, I will find an expert to consult you.

However, blindly enrolling in sickness is almost the same for everyone, regardless of the amount of money and money, their disease is not a serious disease, but because of the money, they pay special attention.

For example, gastrointestinal polyps, many people do not understand, what is polyps, is actually a neoplasm of human tissue.

For example, in the past, perhaps grandma and grandpa would warn children not to play with rainwater, but to play with monkeys in rainwater hands!

In fact, this thing is not a polyp. Real polyps are more common. For example, people get married or feel that they are grown up, um, and then they crack, and it turns out that they are found near their arms, back, chin, or near the armpit. A little pink meat hammer grew.

It's long, not long. The pink color always makes people want to pull it down. Although it looks small and tender, it still hurts.

This is actually caused by a non-pathogenic virus that is transmitted through the crackling of men and women. This virus is not a problem for men, but it may cause certain uterine cancer for women.

There are neoplasms on the skin, as well as other organs of the human body, such as gallbladder polyps, intestinal polyps, and rare vocal cord polyps.

These polyps are not simply a non-pathogenic virus. If every organ has the possibility of canceration, then the polyps inside the abdominal cavity, canceration is quite high.

What is the reason? There are many reasons. According to the textbooks, it is very complicated to talk about the genes first, and then the living environment and human temperament.

There are three reasons for more and more common, one is dietary stimulation, the other is mechanical stimulation, and the third is inflammatory stimulation.

Many people, especially big fat people, especially like to eat fatty meat. The big fat meat dangling on the pig's elbow is thrown. People dip some chili oil and vinegar, and drop the fat soup, drip and suck, **** Go inside, without chewing, and see the throat, grunt, and enter the stomach, and then look at the big fat man, sip his mouth, and a satiated look.

In fact, this thing is food stimulation. The human body's digestion is mainly in the intestine, but fat is not. After the fat enters the digestive tract, it is first chylous or granulated with bile, and then is sucked into the blood by the intestine and then enters the liver. Digestion is converted into energy.

But when you eat too much, this stuff is too late for the chyle in the intestine, and it starts to tease the intestinal mucosa. Come, uncle, come, play.

The intestinal mucosa was irritated, and just a swell, and suddenly a sliver of meat swelled from the cilia of the man's flat hair type.

This thing is a polyp in the intestine. This polyp does not look like a sliver of meat that has been seduced, and it has no power.

In fact, everyone is wrong.

For example, many people eat hot pot, drink wine, or eat some delicious food. They don’t have to wait until the next day. On the evening of the same day, they will go to the bathroom once, and once.

The soft toilet paper wiped the **** (a) door red and swollen, and the legs could not be closed together happily. The hot chrysanthemum hated not to use his own cold tongue and bent his head to lick like a kitten or a puppy. A lick.

This is not something that is unclean. In this case, there is a high probability that there is a sliver of meat in the intestine, also known as intestinal polyps.

This thing usually does what the cilia on the intestinal mucosa do as the intestine drifts with the waves, it also pretends to do.

But once stimulated, it was red and swollen like a drunk fat man. It constantly stimulates the surrounding delicate and slim intestinal cilia and mucosal tissues.

The intestinal tract is uncomfortable, and then breathe out, making you greedy, making you greedy, and then the greedy person is either blood in the stool, diarrhea, or diarrhea, or constipation.

Anyway, the mouth is comfortable, but the stomach, intestines and **** (a) door have suffered.

If it is just this simple symptom, in fact, it will be a day or two.

However, don't underestimate it. If you go to the hospital for this thing, if you are in the top three hospitals of senior officials, this small meat strip is generally in the Department of Gastroenterology and Oncology.

Because it is too easy to become cancerous.

In addition to food stimuli, there are mechanical stimuli. This is not easy to understand. The old driver probably thinks of the valley road when he thinks about it. In fact, this is only one of them.

For ordinary people, what they eat is more food that is rich in parasites. The insects crawl around the intestinal wall, which is also irritating. The intestine will also bang, and the cilia can also change out. Super Saiyan.

Inflammatory stimulation, the easiest thing for everyone to understand, is that bacteria cause intestinal infections.

This kind of polyp is often not a single one, just like a long green lawn, suddenly there are a few dog tail flowers, swinging with the wind. It makes people uncomfortable to watch and wants to unplug it.

Chubby took off his robe, exposing Bai Shengsheng's buttocks (a), opened the chrysanthemum, waiting for the doctor's treatment.

This treatment is not the same as doctors treating ordinary people, while thinking about how to cure patients, while thinking about how to not exceed the red line of medical insurance, and thinking about how to earn a little.

For this treatment, the patients choose expensive and not suitable. Ouyang is also polite, what is expensive. The doctors were finally refreshed.

Lubricants commonly used in medical treatment are either paraffin oil or glycerin. They are often packed in glass bottles or plastic bottles with large heads.

But this time, Ouyang didn't know which urinary catheter bag he had learned from. For one person, even the paraffin oil was packed in a hard plastic box that seemed to be very luxurious, and packed like a gift layer by layer.


Although there is a simultaneous interpreter around each lineage, but the little girls are taking up their posts for the first time, they don’t have much experience. I guess it’s because they are excited and want to show more. The result seems to make the translation a bit more cumbersome. Slightly delayed.

It is estimated that the little girls self-expressed themselves, and gently used non-professional language to comfort the inheritance of the (a) part of Bai Shengsheng.

"Relax, come, relax, inhale, inhale deeply, come to exhale, exhale, and then let the sphincter splay open as if you were defecating!"

After all, it is not a professional medical translator. When the little girl was still thinking about what the sphincter said, the treating doctor thought she was finished, and then patted Bai Shengsheng's fart (a) stock and stuffed it in.

"Ah, oh!" When the enteroscope went in, the traditional hero screamed like a wolf howling or a long key. The tone of excitement, excitement, and a little excitement was included in the shout.

If we use the words of our people, this person is also a bad brain, full of food, beautiful girl, is she okay, isn't she gentle, she must accept the inhuman way! I don't know what to think.

The colonoscope finally entered the intestine, but with the doctor's activity, he moved, and the man biting his teeth seemed to hurt like pain, and if he didn't like it, he would groan for a couple of times.

The doctor doing the treatment and the little nurse on the side of the translation, all the hairs on the body have been raised, what kind of person is this, in the end, it hurts or is it cool! The doctor was so nervous that his hands were shaking, which was so strange.

Under colonoscopy, the polyp in the patient's intestine is like a greasy worm on the wall of the intestine. With the peristalsis of the intestine, the worm is flicked and pulled, pulling the silk to the mucus on the body. , Ticking down, sticky.

Fortunately, there are few polyps. If there are too many, it really doesn't work out. Not to mention the average person, even non-digestive doctors can spit out this scene.

Think about it, just like a piece of hanging, bright red and fresh pink meat slices, I could have thought of a pot of braised pork, and then came closer to look carefully, obedient, there are dozens of white greasy creeping on the meat slices Fatty meat bugs, spitting sticky saliva on the side, as if they were about to fall down, watching people repulsively.

Really, this polyp is like an upside-down meat bug eating more intestinal contents, vomiting last night's food. The front end of the flesh, just like the head of a bug, is irritated and swollen, and then spit white greasy intestinal solution bit by bit, really, on the enlarged display, how to look and how uncomfortable.

If polyps are found, they must be removed for medical examination. If the polyps are small, the activity is acceptable, and there are no inflammatory plaques or rots around. Use laser or high-frequency current directly under the electron microscope.

Under the electric knife, the polyp is like a raised lump on the lamb skewers, which is burned into a black pimple under the high temperature. The doctor then manipulated the pliers under the electron microscope to gently crush the coke pimples, and the black powder fell.

The doctor then slowly withdrew from the electron microscope.

Ordinary people or people with no special hobbies, enteroscopy treatment, to be honest, it is punishment, spastic pain caused by swelling, pain, intestinal traction, waves of convulsions, and one after another Swell.

To be honest, it's really uncomfortable! But for this guy, looking at the exiting colonoscope, and then seeing it can be played in real time on the side. I was curious and asked the nurse, "How much is this stuff!"

(End of this chapter)

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