Path of Medicine With a System

Vol 2 Chapter 2088: Zhang Fan’s Order of Alliance Leader

 Zhang Fan is also a bit over-confident when it comes to orthopedic research.

How do you say this? When doing general surgery, Zhang Fan didn’t even need to speak, he just expressed that he wanted to get gallbladder cancer.

To be honest, Zhang Fan's elders, fellow disciples, and even his disciples, without Zhang Fan's shouts, a group of people came up to help Zhang Fan handle some things that they thought did not require Dada to do it himself.

 For example, the process of some experiments!

As for scientific research in other disciplines, the current scientific research on tea is almost always done by Zhang Fan, who starts it, tells the results, and then doesn’t have to worry about anything else.

For example, when tuberculosis was first demonstrated, a group of big guys followed Zhang Fan to the northwest without saying a word. The country even spent huge sums of money to build a national laboratory in tea.

  Zhang Fan has contributed to the current scale and height of the Department of Tea Sustain Infection, but without national support, just like the current Department of Tea Sustain Orthopedics, Dunima was confused as to whether to incense it before opening the group.

 Most of the remaining scientific research is actually carried out around general surgery, skin and infections.

 Zhang Fan felt that the talent pool in orthopedics was pretty good now, and he felt that he had gained some scientific research thinking by following a group of academicians in the past few years, so he prescribed bone cancer.

 As a result, a problem arises.

 Zhang Fan knows the result, but this process is very important.

 Can orthopedics invite foreign aid? Yes, as long as Zhang Fan is shameless, all he needs to do is give Shuitanzi Lao Zhao a call.

 At most, it would make Lao Zhao laugh out loud.

 Why is scientific research so difficult?

To put it bluntly, scientific research is just like going to war.

 Scientific researchers are like generals on the battlefield.

This thing is not about choosing who is my son-in-law as a general, nor is it about whoever gives me a gold horse shoe and I will make him a general.

 The real generals are not appointed by anyone, but are selected through wars and life and death again and again.

 Scientific research is actually the same, but the problem is that the rules of scientific research are the same as those on the battlefield, but there is no life and death elimination mechanism.

 There are professors and experts who have published more papers than Qianlong’s poems. Are such people really capable? Damn, he helps sell stents to foreign drug dealers.

 Because China is a paper-only society, and the right to determine the value of papers lies in Western discourse, are large journals absolutely correct, fair and neutral? Nonsense. If you say you want to publish an article but have no skills, no problem. Some large foreign medical institutions will do this for you.

Not only do they not ask for money, but they also give you money. The requirements are simple and you will endorse them in the future.

For example, when scaffolding is rolled out over a large area, superiors will also ask experts to demonstrate it. However, when encountering a group of experts raised by capital, the end of the demonstration is just a hammer, just smash it!

 So, sometimes scientific research institutions become more and more bloated, and the personnel become more and more inbred, but the results become more and more sparse.

 Why is it said that science and technology cannot make breakthroughs in recent years? From Zhang Fan's perspective, if you fire all these people and retrain them, you might be able to make breakthroughs earlier.

 Because now, no matter which country you are in, almost scientific research institutions and capital are couples who have in-depth exchanges. Negotiations guided by capital can produce a hammer breakthrough, and everyone is moving towards head-changing technology.

 Chasu is good because of Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan is that layer of membrane that blocks most of the capital.

However, the scientific research of Tea Su Hospital, especially the Department of Orthopedics, currently lacks the choice of life and death in war.

Why the General Surgery Department was successful? Because with the help of Old Man Lu and the others, Zhang Fan was lucky enough to pick up Zhao Yanfang. Later, he met Lu Yuyun, and then Huo Xinwen appeared. This is called a one-size-fits-all approach.

 The most important thing here is not that Zhang Fan has any problems, but that he has a strong ancestral line to support him.

  It can be said that Zhang Fan’s general foreign lineage grew up lying on the body of his ancestral lineage and drinking milk.

 What about orthopedics?

 Zhang Fan's surgery was so good that Golden Retriever Special Orthopedics even paid for Zhang Fan's construction of an orthopedic institute.

 But the borrowed cat does not catch mice.

 It’s okay to give money, and it’s okay to give equipment.

It is possible to rely on special orthopedics to build its own scientific research system, but there is no way.

Can you let Shuitanzi Lao Zhao help Zhang Fan?

It's not impossible. First of all, Zhang Fan surrendered to Lao Zhao. To be honest, if Zhang Fan really surrendered to Lao Zhao, according to Zhang Fan's skills, as long as Zhang Fan goes to Shuitanzi, Lao Zhao can make half of Shuitan go. Zi's ​​people followed Zhang Fan.

But now Zhang Fan is on his own, and Grand Duke Zhao selflessly wants to recruit people to help Zhang Fan. He may be able to make other people in Shuitanzi drown Old Zhao with their spit.

 So, the current situation of the Tea Su Hospital and Orthopedics Bone Cancer Project Team is in the stage of negotiating whether the partner can join hands or not.

  If you follow the right path and you are tempered, you may be able to quickly take off your clothes and turn on a lamp.

But once you think about how to give a watch, how to give a car, how to sell blood to buy a diamond ring, wait for it.

Just knowing the result can be used as a hammer. The girl is right there. If you look at it with a clear eye, the second characteristic is also mature, but you can't take off her clothes.

 In the laboratory, Zhang Fan's cursing voice seemed to echo, one after another.

“Why are you so stupid? Don’t use it like a scalpel. It’s like cutting fascia, using the smallest trauma to open up the largest field of vision.”

 Zhang Fan was confused.

Cultivation of cancer cells, Wang Yanan held a thick and fat black mouse, as if he was catching a prisoner.

The mice were almost crushed to death by this guy.

 You say she is scared, she has a mouse in one hand and can inject mice with the other.

You said she wasn't afraid? She even squeezed out mouse urine.

 Originally, after Zhang Fan handled some administrative work in the morning, he could perform two surgeries before going to work in the afternoon. This time is the most relaxing time for Zhang Fan every day. He doesn't have to think about cheating people or being cheated by others.

 Then have some lunch and take a short rest. In the afternoon, I have to listen to the reports from each director, which is quite irritating.

Zhang Fan not only needs to hear their deeper meanings from their words, but also considers what they want to do, what the consequences will be, whether it is appropriate, and whether other departments will feel unfair. For example, Lu Shuyan from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology has been thinking of ways to put joint maternal and child rounds in the obstetrics and gynecology office.

 It seems that there is really no need to discuss this kind of thing, but Lu Shuyan, a bitch, can play a secret role in ogling. Today the morning meeting is in the obstetrics and gynecology department, and tomorrow the neonatal critical care department is in the obstetrics and gynecology department. It won't be long before she can lead the department of pediatrics.

 Zhang Fan is very wary of this kind of thing. If you try to fool me for a little money, I pretend not to understand. But if you are being cunning in this regard, Lao Ju is an example.

 Be like a donkey when you are in use; when you are not in use, pull him out every day and slap a whip on his butt.

 Following this, various vice presidents came to talk to Zhang Fan, such as several establishments, bidding, hospital construction, various funds, etc. that were going to be issued recently.

This kind of thing is particularly troublesome, especially the staffing and funding issues. Zhang Fan has always wanted to give it to Ren Li, but Ren Li has been pretending not to want it.

But since Zhang Fan has the Ouyang religion, these problems are not big.

 After finishing his work in the afternoon, Zhang Fan's way to the research institute felt like he was going to the execution ground. It was really a torture. Don't think that swearing is cool.

To be honest, if he had a choice, Zhang Fan would rather not engage in this scientific research.

It was so painful that a group of people who were as smart as monkeys in the operating room entered the laboratory and were clumsy.

 This is the difference between clinical doctors and scientific research work, but China is really not doing well in this regard and the boundaries are unclear.

 Let those who want to do scientific research also know how to see a doctor, and let those who want to see a doctor also do good scientific research.

 these days, Zhang Fan's mouth blistered after being scolded, and the scolding was even worse. Wang Yanan herself said that she had an endocrine disorder.

 “Where’s Wang Yanan?” After entering the scientific research group, Zhang Fan’s unknown anger arose.

 Because several people didn’t come.

 “Wang Yanan is having a major surgery this afternoon!” The snake charmer spoke with twinkling eyes.

Zhang Fan endured and endured, and he also discovered that Wang Yanan was very similar to him, that is, he could do surgery, but everything else was useless.

 Without Wang Yanan and a few people who were not interested in scientific research, the progress was accelerated.

Orthopedic Research Actually, Zhang Fan did not ask them all to come.

 But they only saw the thief eating meat but not the thief being beaten.

They all see Rouguli wearing gold and silver, and they think that if they follow Zhang Fan and get bone cancer, they can at least change their car.

As a result, a bunch of idiots just got scolded when they came in.

Wang Yanan even said in the department that even if you all become academicians in the future, I won’t go.


“Zhang Fan has said that he wants us to help him with the equipment of the pancreatic cancer center. This catalog has also been sent. Let us send someone who is true to his word to the Chasu Hospital next Monday!”

"Are you asking us to serve as a consultant? This is a clear notice."

As the first echelon of soft lens team, Wan Zi Olympus and the first team of hard lens team, Demokar Stoss, both received invitations from Chasu Hospital.

 Wanziguo means scolding people behind their backs.

 De Mao is going crazy here. "Damn it, he's a pancreatic cancer center, why do you want to ask me for a hard mirror? Is he a pervert?"

 Actually, Zhang Fan had a simple idea. Instead of dealing with them one by one in the future, it would be better to call them together and get all the things they need at once, not only by grabbing them, but also by buying them.

Not only endoscopes, but also GE, Siemens, and Philips. Because the pancreas is deep in the abdominal cavity, ordinary CT has great interference.

  However, they all have some equipment in their laboratories that is not currently in quantitative production.

 Many people criticize those who sell computers and mobile phones. They always add configurations little by little.

 In fact, the same is true for medical equipment.

 The best is never what’s on the market.

 Hua suffered a lot from this matter.

 The equipment I just bought with the most expensive money turned out to be out of date in less than three years!

 Can they develop research and development so quickly?

But Zhang Fan is good at this, he knows how to buy it at the wholesale market.

 Compared to pharmaceutical companies, Zhang Fan poses less of a threat to manufacturing companies.

Pharmaceutical companies are now afraid of Zhang Fan, so much so that he will become incontinent.

However, equipment companies don’t dare to say they can’t.

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