Path of Medicine With a System

Vol 2 Chapter 2022: Sadly

  Chapter 2022 Sadly cut

  Usually in the hospital, the driver of the trolley class sometimes chats with Zhang Fan while driving, and often brags that Zhang Fan's driving skills in Chasu Hospital are quite good, better than their professional driving skills.

At that time, Zhang Fan heard it in his ears. Although he felt that there was an element of flattery in it, he also felt that his driving skills were good. Not a big problem.

  But today, he realized that Zhennima can't compare hobbies with other people's eating skills.

  The snow and mud pits made the path that was originally a narrow path become full of potholes, but the three veterans driving the cart were not only stable but also not slow, and they didn't let the cavalry squad who took a shortcut get thrown off.

  Originally, on this kind of road, not to mention such a large utility vehicle, even an off-road vehicle might not be able to outrun a horse. Seeing that it was about to slide sideways into a puddle, the vehicle avoided the puddle with a light shift.

  In the past, the Chasu Armed Forces sent many veterans to the Chasu Hospital. At that time, Zhang Fan thought that he was helping the Armed Forces to solve the employment difficulties. Now he realized that they were helping him.

   This group of drivers usually don't see anything special, but at the critical moment, they immediately showed extraordinary.

  When the convoy was running towards the border defense, Cha Su's helicopter was also running towards the border defense.

In many cases, there are actually a lot of small conflicts on the border, but people don’t know it. For example, the backpackers are not even on the news. Sometimes there is such a sentence on Chasu TV , My comrades from the public security police have captured news about how many grams and so on, and there is not even a picture.

  Injured and sacrificed, this thing is really too common in this business.

  When the team from the Chasu Hospital entered the border clinic, it was already in disarray.

   There are many types of frontier medical care. The most common ones are ordinary hospitals, which are the same as the inland A and B hospitals, and digital hospitals, which are also common in the inland.

  There are endless hospitals left, but there is another kind of hospital in the frontier, which is the frontier defense hospital. Most people don't understand whether this frontier hospital belongs to endless or to the police. Moreover, the border hospitals are not large in scale. There are no physicians, just a few surgeons and anesthesiologists.

  Zhang Fan jumped out of the car, and before he could stand still, a policeman with a face like fireworks being blown up ran over anxiously, pulled Zhang Fan and ran in.

   "No, people are dying. You must save them, one of them is already dead!"

  Zhang Fan led people into the operating room, and went directly to the operating table without saying a few words.

   Unable to tell which one was more serious, Zhang Fan glanced at the nameplate of the wounded, "I'll take the young one, and you go to the other one!"

  When Zhang Fan said this, others seemed normal, but only he knew in his heart how helpless this choice was.

  Because there is actually not much difference in their ages, one is in his thirties and the other in his twenties, Zhang Fan is not so entangled in his heart now.

   If the other operation fails, this kind of right to determine life and death is really not a good thing.

  Ma Yichen took the general surgery doctor to another surgery, and Zhang Fan took the relatively young patient to the surgery cart.

  Opening the dressing, Zhang Fan's heart skipped a beat.

   It's not fear, but a kind of sadness.

  The young man's belly was blown up like a hornet's nest, and the fragments on his belly seemed to have opened countless eyes.

   There is no time for Zhang Fan to assign surgical tasks, and even the basic examination is not perfect.

  This kind of surgery is just like an encounter.

  Either you kill him or he kills you, neither side has much confidence.

  Although it is a medical team, Zhang Fan is the dean after all. In terms of staffing for the travel team, Lao Chen secretly arranged for Zhang Fan to be the best staff.

   Others may not have this idea, but Lao Chen is different. Anyway, he always makes you feel that he is serious about you.

  For example, now, Zhang Fan has to thank Lao Chen in his heart.

   If Lao Chen hadn't put so much effort into it, Zhang Fan might not have the confidence to perform these two surgeries today.

  The surgical nurse is assigned by the head nurse of the operating room, Bayin, the anesthesiologist is assigned by the director of the anesthesiology department, Lao Huang, and the general surgeon is Dr. Li Guanghai, Dr. Yang Weidong, and Ma Yichen.

   As far as this team is concerned, if there is only one patient, Zhang Fan is not worried even if it is a little more serious.

  Ma Yichen and Li Guanghai were operating on the other side, while Zhang Fan and Yang Weidong were on the operating cart.

   "Yang Weidong opened his stomach directly, see the trick!"


   Needless to say, Zhang Fan took the scalpel from Bayin and started the operation.

  The surgical incision is curved like a snake, and the general surgical incision is as straight as possible.

  Because postoperative is conducive to wound healing.

  However, this operation does not have the conditions, there are too many wounds, and this kind of blast injury, because the shrapnel enters the body at a high speed and high temperature.

  The wounds are all dark red, exactly the same color as the half-ripe steak in that western restaurant.

  This kind of wound needs debridement after the operation is completed, because the tissues are all scalded, and if they are not removed, they will all be necrotic within a few days after the operation.

   The speed of entering the abdominal cavity is extremely fast, and at this time, there is almost no hierarchy.

  Normal surgery does not really pursue speed.

  For example, someone brags that an appendix operation takes ten minutes.

  A ten-minute appendix operation can indeed be performed, but after that operation, the patient's stomach is directly stuck together like a Tang monk in a silk hole.

  Operation is to enter layers, layer by layer, just like undressing, you can take off all at once, or you can take off one by one.

  Normal surgery, like a gentleman, takes off one by one, and stitches are stitched layer by layer.

  This kind of operation, the patient's surgical scar and prognosis, although there are adhesions, but the adhesions are the least.

But there is no time to talk about this now. Zhang Fan entered the abdominal cavity at the fastest speed. In the abdominal cavity, fortunately, the intestines were damaged, but the liver and kidneys were not injured. At most, there were some dark red lumps. contusion.

  The impact injury of the blast injury is also very troublesome, and the intestine has several injuries.

   "Oval forceps!"

   Card, card, card, the oval surgical forceps are stuck on the intestinal tract, and the repair and filling must be fast. Now the wounded's electrolytes are on the verge of disorder.

  If the intestinal fluid is lost a little more, there is no way for the gods to come down.

  Abdominal injury is afraid of this, not only bleeding but also loss of intestinal fluid.

  The fluid in the intestinal tract is particularly important. Many people think that there are food residues in the intestinal tract.

  In fact, 90% of water recovery is in the intestinal tract. If there is no intestinal absorption, people will not even think about leaving the bathroom.

   There are also various nutrient solutions that almost enter the blood vessels in the intestinal tract, and the way of this entry is to dissolve in the solution in the intestinal tract first.

   Then it enters the blood vessels, and the intestinal blood vessels enter the liver. This is a series of digestive pathways.

   And this intestinal fluid is almost entirely protein.

  Many people know that diarrhea can kill people, why can they kill them?

  It is because the intestinal solution is almost all protein, and protein is the carrier in the intestinal tract, a transport ship for transporting nutrients.

  The loss of these proteins will not be easy to replenish for a while.

   Therefore, Zhang Fan and Yang Weidong can almost be said to have used the fastest speed.

   On Ma Yichen's side, it was not easy for him and Li Guanghai.

  The difficulty of the operation is no slower than that of Zhang Fan.

  Ma Yichen's hair was covered with white sweat, and the anesthesiologist said that there was an arrhythmia, and then the anesthesiologist said that the patient's blood oxygen was not enough.

  Really, he really wanted to jump up and slap the anesthesiologist across the face.

  But he knew that at this time, he could only speed up by himself.

  He really missed when his master was the chief surgeon.

   After more than two hours, Zhang Fan's surgery was over.

   Zhang Fan didn't need to explain, Yang Weidong said directly: "Zhang Yuan, just leave the rest to me and Bayin, you hurry to the other side to have a look."


  Zhang Fan took off his surgical gown, and regardless of whether it was cold outside, he got out of the operating room wearing a half-sleeved hand sanitizer, and trotted all the way into the operating room of the border police.

   Once inside, they are still dealing with the intestines.

   "Give me a suit!"

  As Zhang Fan spoke, he sanitized his upper limbs with both hands directly into the alcohol bucket.

  Put on clothes and gloves, and then change places with Ma Yichen back to back.

   Almost identical injuries, all intestinal injuries.

   Half an hour later, the operation was over.

   Zhang Fan’s first surgery patient had no other abnormalities after surgery.

   But the second one didn’t work, because the operation was too long, which led to electrolyte imbalance, and the cardiopulmonary system of the wounded was almost on the verge of collapse.

   Ma Yichen looked guilty, Zhang Fan had no time to comfort him.

  If the operation is not done well, it is not done well, and it doesn't matter just because you are young.

   "Zhang Yuan, the plane is coming!"

   "Ma Yichen, get on the plane and transfer the wounded to Chasu Hospital as soon as possible!"

   Then Zhang Fan turned around and went to the surgery. Although there were two wounded in the operating room, there were still several wounded outside.

  The trauma is not serious. Although it looks scary, the egg-sized wound on the face is actually sutured.

  A young warrior with neat features like a star, but a long **** on the side of his cheek made the child look hideous.

  Zhang Fan felt a kind of pain in his heart.

   But the young man looked calm, and said to Zhang Yuan easily: "Leader, you can leave me alone, let the hospital give you two stitches and forget it. You can take a look at my comrades in arms."

   "Nonsense, I know what to do, stop talking, stretch the wound!"

  It was late at night when the processing was completed, and the person in charge of the frontier defense saw Zhang Fan coming out of the operating room, and looked like he wanted to say something but was embarrassed to say it.

   "What's the matter, if there is something we need to do, just say it."

   "Yuan Zhang, can the doctors be allowed to stay for another day tomorrow? The family members of our sacrificed comrades will arrive tomorrow, and the old lady of the comrades in arms is over eighty years old. I'm afraid!"

  Zhang Fan nodded sadly.

  (end of this chapter)

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