Episode 161 I’m in the article? (1)

* * *

“Congratulations everyone. It’s the best.”

It was so natural that I wasn’t particularly happy or anything.

Rather, I was worried about what would happen if I didn’t get the highest score.

honestly it is

There were no civilian casualties, and we came back clean with no injuries.

It wasn’t because the battle was dragged on by it, and it wasn’t that he gave the opponent time to deal with it.

“thank you.”

“It’s only me who can evaluate according to my skills, what? I have nothing to be thankful for. By the way, you will have to work hard when you return to the academy.”


“You’re not the type to announce your plans in advance. However, I can’t do everything for you. So I had no choice but to write a rough draft of the mission dispatch plan and submit it. Do you know what I mean?”

“If the president sees the process of carrying out the mission, I think he will say something… You mean this?”

“okay. But the president is just as geeky as you, so he probably won’t say anything out loud. If it’s his personality, he might praise you.”

This is something I did on my own, so there is nothing I can do about it.

As Vincent said, I can’t focus all my attention on me, who is just one of the cadets.

Of course, the fact that he worked hard on my work also occupies a large part of it.

“You have to accept that.”

“Anyway, everyone worked hard, and when you return to the academy, rest well. It didn’t take a lot of effort, but the burden of participating in the mission itself was enough to make me suffer.”

“Professor worked hard too.”


The atmosphere in the helicopter returning to the academy was bright.

The captain praised us, saying it was a wonderful sight.

A follow-up was also held to commemorate the success of the mission after returning to the academy, but there was nothing special about it since it was small.

* * *

The next day, Chloe called me just before dawn.

­Student Park Seong-jin, I would like you to come to the president’s office for a while.

“yes. I will go right now.”

It seemed like this.

Still, I thought there would be a little break.

How do you plan to call the day after the mission is over?

Even so, my actions were radical.

I went to the president’s office in anticipation of what he would say, and Chloe was looking at the materials with interest.

“Come on. Sungjin cadet. First of all, can you explain a little bit about this mission? How the hell did you get the job done so quickly and flawlessly?”

“It seems that you haven’t checked all the materials yet.”

“no? It’s confirmed, it’s already over. I’m just asking because I’m curious about your intentions.”

“Well, actually, this plan is something I’ve been thinking about for a long time.”

It’s been a long time since I finished the composition of the members.

A large amount of thread is required to make parachute and wingsuits, and it requires a high level of weaving (?) skill, so I just couldn’t try it.

Recently, my skills suddenly went up, so it was possible.


“At least that’s the case with something called a wingsuit. The rest came to mind later.”

“Continue explaining.”

“There are a lot of buildings in the city center, so we can secure enough mobility, but in open areas, this is not the case. The problem was that no matter how fast you could move, you wouldn’t be able to use that speed if you didn’t have enough stealth.”

“You seem to have realized this before Jinjo. Even if you can move quickly, it loses its meaning if your opponent knows your location.”

“Yes, above all else, it was Priscilla who was hiding the last blow to Jinjo. I realized once again how important the breadth of movement is.”

In that respect, I was very fortunate to have Aina and Alfred on my side.

If you take full advantage of their abilities, they can mimic some pretty plausible stealth abilities.

Of course, synergy is necessary, but it is possible.

“So, did you come up with a strategy to cover your eyes like now?”

“Right. Alfred had the power to manipulate electricity, so he thought he could defeat radar, a radio-based detection system.”

“Even if you barely reach the enemy’s line of sight, you are hiding in Aina’s shadow, so it won’t be easy to see with your own eyes.”

“Of course, compared to those with real stealth abilities, the level is very low, so if you get close, the enemy will notice too. However, if we can confirm that, we will be more than enough to make a surprise attack first.”

“Impressive. It’s a strategy that makes good use of the team’s breathing. Vincent, who is famous for being stingy with compliments, for some reason wanted to get all your compliments like that, so it’s worth it.”

“Professor Vincent?”

No one else, that Vincent complimented me?

I’m surprised.

Vincent is a person who hardly ever talks to anyone in the first place.

“Yeah, he said that he seemed a bit out of the selfish figure that only he knew, and he looked good. You must have been like that until last year, didn’t you?”

“That’s because I couldn’t afford to look at others back then.”

“Don’t be afraid to add a word like that.”


Listening to it, it seems that I too have changed a lot compared to last year.

At that time, I was only running the solo meta.

Now that I owe so many things to other people, I can’t do that.

I am also a person who knows grace.

“Anyway, that’s Professor Vincent’s point of view, and that’s what I focused on more.”

Chloe played a recording of yesterday’s mission process.

Then, after stopping the video at a certain point, he enlarged the screen and pushed it towards me.

That scene was none other than Priscilla’s shooting scene.

It was that scene that completely devastated the enemy camp with just one shot.

“Someone seems to have come up with the idea of shooting white flower dust created by Priscilla’s ability in a firearm. But, the reason I haven’t tried it before is because Academy cadets can’t use heavy weapons.”

“However, the weapon Priscilla used was a sniper rifle, not a heavy weapon.”

“Yes, the weapon itself is not a heavy weapon. But, you know? Some sniper rifles can fire high explosives that can be used with heavy weapons. Penetrating through the outer wall of the building isn’t enough. Judging from the explosion at the point of impact and spreading the efflorescence dust, does that look like something like that? I like the idea, but it could be a legal problem.”

I heard it

I knew it would be a pain in the ass if caught, so I prepared a way out of my own way, but I can’t avoid nagging.

“This is it. Surprisingly, it was not a legal issue.”

“… What are you talking about?”

“I know the regulations on explosives are very strict. So I did some research and found that shells, that is, weapons that use warheads, and bombs are prohibited from being used, but general firearms that use bullets are a little different.”


“So, the term “heavy weapon” is problematic. Heavy weapons include anti-tank rockets, which are a group of weapons that use warheads (?), and heavy machine guns that use bullets, but in the case of bullets that use ammunition, all types of ammunition can be used except ‘steel high explosive incendiary rounds’. Everything the president said applies to cannonballs.”

“ha… So, you didn’t use that damn armor or bullets, so there’s no legal problem?”


It was the answer that I found after researching in every way, hoping to use the white flower dust properly.

To be honest, Priscilla’s abilities are so precious.

With such a good ability to use as a wide-area weapon, do you mean to keep it for two years?

You can never do that.

“It makes me crazy. really. Didn’t you do something similar last year? It’s a clever abuse of the rules. Thanks to that, I remember adding an academy rule.”

“Maybe it was.”

“Oh, I don’t know. Let’s think about complicated stories like the law later. Because you looked it up and there was no problem. If there is a lawsuit, you can go and think about it then. Once the iron… Let’s start by explaining what’s going on. You need to know why it is possible so that you don’t fall behind.”

“So, the legally problematic size, the standard classified as a shell, is 15.2mm. Anything larger than this size is classified as a shell and prohibited from being used, but anything smaller than this size is classified as a bullet, so you can use all other ammunition except for the high-explosive high-explosive ammunition I mentioned earlier.”

“Huh, why do you have your head flying in such a bad way?”

I’ve been struggling to do this too.

Wing shooters are hard to get dirty.

However, if we can only use the wingsuit, if we are strong enough to defeat them even if we hit the enemy lines, that’s not the case.

Even if it was a result of self-interest, this was the only way to safely subdue the enemy.

That said, it’s not like it was easy to get these bullets.

A high-armored bomb that produces decent power can only be found in anti-target sniper bullets, but the model Priscilla uses was for anti-personnel shooting, so it didn’t meet the standard.

Luckily, I was able to change it to a sniper model by replacing a few parts.

“Anyway, did I do well? It’s the best, isn’t it?”

“What are you good at, you bastard! It’s only getting more annoying!”

Chloe groaned and screamed.

It seems that the fever has really risen, and he wasn’t angry just to show off.

‘Aren’t you crazy? You put mana in your fist! I really wanted to hit one! This!’

After he managed to dodge his fist a few times, it seemed that Chloe didn’t want to argue any more, so he started talking again with a face that seemed a little bit excited.

“Considering what you’ve done, even one hit is cheap.”

“If the president hits me, I go straight to the goal, so please be patient.”

“Anyway, yes. I’ll admit it’s the best. Let me know if you all need letters of recommendation later.”

“thank you.”

“What is gratitude? done. Get out.”

He bowed his head one after another, showing his sincerity of gratitude.

Nevertheless, Chloe did not care and repeated the gesture to get out of the president’s office.

“Ah, by the way, even if I can give you the highest score, I think it will be difficult to prevent articles about you from going out. Know that.”

“What do you mean?”

“Will you find out about the day after tomorrow?”

Chloe smiled gloomily, as if she had left it.

Seeing that makes me anxious

Suddenly an article about me appears.

* * *

It was the morning of exactly the second day.

­Park Seong-jin, you did something cool again. Thanks to you, I don’t know how much trouble I’ve suffered. No, I didn’t just suffer. Because I’ve seen good gains.

“What are you talking about all of a sudden in the morning? Blake.”

­Guys, didn’t you kill some of the punk villains a while ago?

“It was.”

­In the process, there were going to be articles in several places stating that you knowingly penetrated and abused the cracks in the firearms control system. I managed to get it down somehow or fix it with friendly content, though.

… Was this what the article was about?

No matter how much I hate the look, this is a very different scale of revenge.

It’s a pity that Blake stopped it.

“It must have been a big deal. Thank you very much.”

­done. Instead, if you’re going to do something like this next time, give me some advice. The stocks of the companies that manufacture the ammunition have risen quite a bit. If I had bought it in advance, I would have made quite a bit of money.

“… All right.”

After all, entrepreneurs.

Don’t you think about money?

No, on the contrary, is it possible to thrive as an entrepreneur?

I don’t know.

I’ll have to go ask Chloe first.

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