Episode 138 Sureside Squad?

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With this, the squad itself is almost complete.

Logistics officer, William, who airlifted equipment and other supplies.

Blake, who is in charge of operations, has built a syndicate strong enough to move politics and the media without hesitation.

Not to mention the combat power of the raid members who will be directly involved in the battle, such as Aina, Priscilla, Katarina, and Chun Hyeon-woo.

If I had to point out the shortcomings, how about the lack of supporters and healers who would directly support the allies?

In fact, the lack of a reliable control tower is a bigger problem… That’s the only way I’ll work hard to solve it.

It is difficult to do everything by yourself, from arranging personnel in the right place to reconciling different opinions, but it is unavoidable.

They’re all people I’ve called.

By the way, Blake said there was going to be an interesting article coming out soon, I’ll have to check that out first.

[‘Blake Cruzé’ talked about donating $50 million to Trinity Academy.]

[‘Mystic’ Blake, who were the cadets who bravely accessed his secret channel?]

[Blake] “It’s not a contempt for image renewal. Donations for talented cadets.”]

[Trinity Academy “It was a donation that I never even talked about before” revealed… ]

How much is five million dollars?

That’s about 6 billion.

Did you just use it as a ‘donation’ and go to the academy?

Articles like this just keep pouring.

Because the public image of Blake is not so good.

This must have been a riot in the Toaka app.

[Donation Donation If you think you are going to a place that has nothing to do with you, then go ahead lol]

[First from me]

[Recommended 512 light 8]

Looks like there was a Blake s*x video on that channel

└Other than that, it doesn’t make sense

└Kingli-like Godsim ㅎ

Isn’t Trinity Academy money rotten? I don’t think there will be any gulp in the middle.

└Yeah, he still doesn’t come to us

└ㄹㅇ Even if nothing gets eaten in the middle, nothing will come to us.

But who are the cadets paying attention to?

└ There was a story about giving Alfred and Park Seong-jin.

└ Do not even use this app faculty members? Does any of the staff know anyone?

└I am an employee, but I only found out after the article was published…

just ask for fifty million dollars

As expected, the Toaka app was a rip off.

From deposit verification, to impersonating faculty members, and begging bugs.

All kinds of aggressors flooded.

What if it were known that I was going to get most of that money?

Out of concern, I called the culprit who sparked this controversy.

­Did you see the article popping up?

“No, can’t we just secretly give it away? Why would you do it this way?”

­Then later on, there’s a guy who talks about contracts and other things like prior contact. It gets really cumbersome to deal with when you get caught. Just roughly ‘a genius who found out about my secrets!’ Better to wrap it this way.

“There was such a problem.”

Unfortunately, I don’t know anything about the law.

In particular, laws related to the Awakening were not at all in the world I used to live in.

It would be much better to just listen to Blake here.

­Anyway, it’s going to cost you quite a bit of money. to use it sparingly. How long don’t you think you’re going to get rid of William?

“Anyway, it’s just that the bond has passed from William to Uncle.”

­Shouldn’t we be thinking that we’re lucky just to be able to turn back?

“That’s it, though.”

­With that money, prepare for war or work hard. It’s only a penny given who you’re fighting against.

Blake hung up the phone as if nothing had happened.

Is his behavior so natural that even I involuntarily do it for a moment? and was about to pass.

This is sure to attract a lot of attention from those around you.

While I was thinking about how to behave, I got a call from a number I had never seen before.


­It’s me, Serena. Aren’t you busy right now?


­Yes, knight, I must have seen it. Some of the donations are said to come to our club. You said you found out while working in a club? Urban legend club, I thought it was a weird club, but there must have been a lot of things that were out of my mind?

Did you handle it this way?

Blake did a really good job finding a detour.

What is the relationship between celebrities and the deep web?

It must be the perfect gossip for conspiracy theorists.

It’s also a very good material to be adapted into an urban legend.

Therefore, there was no doubt about the achievements made by our club.

It’s like catching a mouse while walking backwards.

“Well, how did I find out?”

­Still, what you did well is what you do well. Besides, I like this story because it is a story that works well for the public as well.

“It’s the first time I’ve heard of donations, so I’m a little baffled, but it’s good to think that I’m getting some financial leeway.”

­I like it too. That’s because the results came from unexpected places. Thanks to that, the parachute greeting will be less common. There’s no need to go around looking for a little bit of subsidy.

I don’t think it was because of Serena’s personality.

No, looking back, it might have been that way.

There is only a small difference in that the fist is raised.

“Anyway, professor, are you having a good vacation?”

­Even if I call you sister when there are two of us.

The concept was still valid.

Considering the age of her previous life, it would not be awkward to call her a sister in reality, but it was an awkward title given the circumstances.

Actually it is

The strangest thing is the title itself.

Because in the West, we don’t use the title “sister” unless we are siblings.

Besides, there is a difference in status between me and Serena as a professor and a student, and I am not even 22 years old now.

As a result, it had to be a word that never stuck in my mouth.

“But, no matter how you think about it, isn’t it strange? Originally, the title “noona” was used only between siblings in the West. I don’t think it’s a problem with the translation function built into the serial card.”

­What, was it that you were reluctant to call me for something like that?

“There are other minor issues, but those are the biggest.”

Serena burst into laughter at my answer.

No matter how much I thought about it, there was nothing that could be called a laughing point.

­In a way, it might be a translation problem. Maybe that’s why I asked you to call me by a nickname.

It was then that I realized why Serena called her sister only when they were alone.

In Korea, I was wondering if there was anything wrong with my sister, who is a universal title.

But you were asking me to use it as a nickname?

Yes, I must have been stabbed if I brought those words out in the presence of others.

Of course, there was one thing that was disconcerting even though I understood it.

“Then you’re saying that you’ve been asking me to use your nickname all the time.”

­yes. Somehow it felt a little strange. After trying to find out what that means in Korean, I moved on to saying, ‘You’re a kid who likes older women.’

It was a poignant word.

Because it’s true that I like older tastes.

Ina liked it for the same reason.

Even though her body was a little weaker than others, she was no different than me in terms of personality and inner aspects.

But that didn’t mean he wanted to call Serena a nickname.

“I didn’t write it that way.”

­So, from now on, I can use it in that sense. rather good

Serena’s voice rises.

Even that maddening smile seemed to dazzle in her eyes, because she had a habit of showing it mostly when she couldn’t control her excitement.

Still, if you ask me if I don’t like it, of course I don’t.

Because Serena had almost nothing to dislike.

The aspect that creates a sense of disparity may be a stumbling block for some people, but I’m a person with a very wide range of defense, so that didn’t really matter.

Besides, there was no reason to fear the future, so I gladly accepted Serena’s request.

“So, how was your sister doing during vacation?”

­Uh huh… Well done. Vacation. Are you Sungjin?

“I was busy a while ago, but now I am taking a break. I haven’t been running around for a while.”

­That’s good.

Serena’s number of words decreased in an instant.

Thinking it’s a nickname makes you feel ashamed?

Is that Serena?

That’s weird.

There are a lot of people in the world who don’t do anything when they put a seat down.

However, the Serena I knew was not that type of person.

“Sister, why are you suddenly quiet?”

­No, just. I’m tired, but don’t you want to bother me? Sorry, take a good rest!

Serena hung up the phone hurriedly without even receiving my greeting.

I don’t think it was such an unfamiliar act.

In fact, was Serena also succulent like me?

This would be great to play around with in reverse.

I’ve discovered a weakness I didn’t expect.

Up until now, I’ve only lived with being hit by Serena every time, and I finally have a means to counterattack.

I can use it forever.

Next time I’ll have to try calling first.

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