Episode 123 Bridge.

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Slowly deciding that I was ready to receive instruction, I contacted Chloe.

“I’ll see you at the training ground.”

Chloe was also waiting for the words to come out, and urged them to come out to the training ground quickly.

Is this training going to be as hard as last time?

Anyway, it won’t be that much.

I said I would do it while looking after Chloe, and my skills have improved so much that I can’t even compare it to back then.

Of course, even that was possible because the acquisition speed of this newly born body was beyond common sense.

Still, I couldn’t let go of the tension.

Considering the biological experiment I did last time, I had no choice but to do so.

Because there was no law that you would do such a crazy thing only once.

* * *

Unlike the last visit, Chloe’s personal training ground was very clean.

At that time, it was so dirty that black stains came out of my hands just by touching a shelf or anything, but now it was so smooth that I couldn’t even see a single grain of dust.

“Did you even clean it? It was very clean.”

“Of course. Even if you and I are the only users, shouldn’t it be clean when using it?”

“Then why did you invite me in such a dirty state last time?”

“I never thought it would be that bad. We’re running out of time to get things sorted before we arrive. By the way, did you get a new haircut? It suits you well. The atmosphere has really brightened up.”

Chloe skillfully shifted the subject to my head.

It’s like the story is about to end.

‘Yeah, where did you organize it now?’

With that in mind, the interrogation decided to leave it that way.

Because I don’t have any bad hobbies that bother the elderly.

“They told me to dress up like this, so I looked at their hands.”

“Okay. Good.”

“I appreciate the compliment, but how about doing the training first? I want to see how much my skills have improved.”

“Are you really confident? So where do we go to check it out?”

I’m not that confident.

Even if it’s a major development by my standards, in Chloe’s view, it will be there.

It is certainly painful to have a master who is too good.

Nihilis, Serena and Chloe.

All three of them were so great that I couldn’t handle them.

I clicked my tongue briefly and followed Chloe to the training room.

“We will proceed in the same way as last time. Remember?”


“Then let’s get started.”

It is a scene that is not much different from that time.

They sit facing each other and do nothing.

In any case, it’s only on the outside.

Because in the invisible world, fierce battles were going on than ever before.

‘Still, the fact that a workshop is possible is hopeful. At that time, I couldn’t even make a proper resistance.’

I can definitely feel that my skills have improved a lot.

At that time, I felt like my soul was being pulled out if Chloe gave me any strength, but now I am just a little tired and exhausted, and I don’t feel like I’m going to die.

“It is not a lie to say that it has grown a lot. At that time, even if I closed my eyes and focused my whole mind on it, I would make a sound of pain, but now I am at a level where I can see myself.”

“It’s more comfortable than last time, and it seems that the chairman has been practicing a lot of power control.”

“is it? Did I loose too much? I think that’s the right thing to do when you see that we even have time to talk.”

The corner of Chloe’s right lip was slanted.

At the same time, a torrent of mana that rushed in like a tidal wave began to rush in from all directions.

However, to my surprise, my body was able to withstand the fierce momentum.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Mana, who accepted my power, did not yield to Chloe’s angry external pressure, and firmly held the position.

without even a single shake.

‘Yeah, now I understand. What does floating (不?) mean?’

It does not fall, it does not crumble, it does not sway.

Just waiting for the next one.

“You seem to have finally figured out the meaning.”

A smile appeared on Chloe’s face.

It was a smile that was so complete that even the person who had made the slanted ridicule earlier could not think of it.

“A little. Even if it were, it would be at the level of a young person.”

“Yeah, I still have a lot to learn. Still, isn’t the first step the most important thing? You can learn the rest slowly.”

“is that so?”

“The rest is easy if you know the trick. It’s my standard.”

I’m trying to get better

What’s not easy by Chloe standards?

He’s a yangban who would say that everything is easy except for the agenda like ‘Winning the game with the Oscars’.

“Chairman’s standards are not very reliable.”

“No, is it really that easy? You can believe it.”

“Then, teach me one technique that is easy to learn and yet effective.”

“Well, this would be nice.”

Chloe summoned a dummy.

The stats were no different from the other dummy, but the durability stats were the highest among the data that could be called out.

What are you trying to do?

“Look well.”

She clenched her fists normally.

It wasn’t like Serena or Vincent’s regime had overwhelming power.

It was an attack that was nothing more than an ordinary jab, but the pile it received was shattered like an explosion.

… power wizard?

“It’s a technique that fills the empty space of the body with mana and drains that mana while hitting the opponent. It’s not just a skill that enhances physical strength. Strengthening the body is just to alleviate the shock received, and the destructive power comes from the mana that spreads through the opponent’s body. In reality, it is closer to the technique of inducing implosion (?).”

I thought it was a similar technique to the balkyong (??) appearing in martial arts ji, but it doesn’t seem to be.

Whatever it was, it was definitely a very powerful technique.

It wasn’t too difficult to listen to and use.

“Is this a skill I can use too?”

“It will be much less powerful than mine. It’s not a matter of proficiency, it’s because of the nature of your mana I mentioned earlier.”

“ah… I have no choice but to do that. It’s a technique that deals damage by using the violent movement of mana, but my nature is immobile.”

“It can’t be helped, huh? Instead, when it comes to defense, your side is much more advantageous. I have no choice but to accept it as my own penalty. Let’s try writing it first. How powerful is it?”

Chloe shook her head once, and a new dummy appeared before her eyes.

Naturally, it was an item with a much lower durability than what Chloe summoned.

At my level, this would be appropriate.

It would be impossible to destroy even this.

Actually, it didn’t matter much.

It’s a technique designed to inflict damage to the inside of the body, so even if it enters only a major organ such as the heart, it will be a fatal blow.

“First, take your mana slowly. That’s right, so. do it soon However, it is still a bit lacking. Rather than feeling like it’s wrapped around the whole body, it feels like it’s filling the entire arm.”

“Like this?”

I tried to condense all the mana into the inside of my arm.

Nevertheless, it did not feel heavy or uncomfortable.

Rather, it felt comfortable as if it was originally in my arms.

“I am definitely in good shape. All right, you can inject mana into the opponent’s body by pouring it out in that state.”

It’s impossible to explode with one blow like Chloe, so I’ll have to try it to the extent that it inflicts internal wounds.

A body blow with a similar purpose would be a perfect match.

Wrapped under the left rib of the pile.

The feeling of digging deep is transmitted through your fingertips.

If it were a real person, the power would have crushed the liver.

“It certainly reminds me of what I learned from Professor Serena. The playing style and the chosen technique are similar.”

It was just a skill I picked without thinking.

As we lived together often, it seemed that we were subconsciously becoming alike.

In this respect, there was nothing bad about the resemblance.

“So, how was it?”

“Even if it loses power, it doesn’t seem to matter because I know how to apply it. What I showed you a while ago is just a performance to the last, and in reality, the technique used is correct. The only disappointing thing is that the movement of mana was so slow that it felt more like being stabbed with an implosion rather than an implosion. Other than that, it’s great.”

“Isn’t there a good technique other than this? Jinjo relativity seems to be a less effective technique.”

“It’s never too late to learn it later, so whatever you learn now, practice hard. Even if you know that, you won’t be pushed against Jinjo. If only I had Cecilia, wouldn’t I know, Esmeralda is also on your side, right?”

Seriously, it’s better to be good at at least one than to know how to use multiple skills in the dark.

Then, I should aim to master this technique until the decisive battle with Jinjo.

“By the way, what is the name of this technology?”

“Pile Bunker.”

no real sincerity

Although the principle itself has some similarities, it was a reckless naming enough to make me think that it was too much.

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