Episode 113 Who is she? (1)

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“I didn’t know you were going to prepare all of this.”

“It wasn’t for nothing that I said that I could do it.”

After a lot of hard work, somehow, they succeeded in preparing all the fixtures.

Now, all that remains is whether this club will run well or will it just go bankrupt.

“’The question is, how many people can you gather?’ Isn’t it?”

“I wrote a promotional article on the Toka app.”

“I saw that too. Because it was a simple introduction, it seemed a bit lacking in attracting aggro, but it was better than being frustrated for nothing.”

It’s not that I haven’t tried anything new.

There were also some trendy jokes in the draft, and the colors were colorfully painted to stand out.

In the end, it was all removed.

The reason was a matter of trust.

In the end, the key is how closely you investigate this and how well you solve it.

If we receive too many requests, the number of cases that cannot be resolved will only increase, which will only lower the prestige of our club.

It was best to solve anything within the line that could be dealt with.

“But, what if people don’t come too soon?”

“Then we have no choice but to investigate ourselves, well… ”

“I hope it doesn’t happen like that.”

“In that case, you just have to be sassy.”

While the ‘deep’ stories about the club’s fortunes were coming and going, someone knocked on the door.

was the first guest.

“Come on in.”

“hello. This is a newly established urban legend club, isn’t it?”

It’s the first time I see your face

It was probably from a class that was quite far from the S-Class or U-Class.

It didn’t matter anyway.

Because in the first place, I put it up in the advertisement saying that I would listen to everyone’s stories.

“you’re right. What story have you come to talk about? Oh, you can speak comfortably.”

“Yeah, it’s nothing. There are rumors circulating these days, and I am exactly that.”

Is it great from the first day?

It doesn’t matter how small the story is.

After all, it is said that it is widely known to the public.

It’s easier to research simple materials that are easy to win people’s sympathy with than choosing complicated and difficult materials for nothing.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Most of the cases are either out of fashion or too complicated to be read without even reading it once you’ve barely researched the esoteric material.

Of course, these are the kinds of things I want to investigate, but as long as they are active under the name of a club, that had to be an additional task.

Later, when this club grows to a fairly large scale, it doesn’t matter if most of the work is delegated to the bottom club members.

“What kind of rumor is it?”

“It is rumored that something special will happen to that person if he retrieves the writing instrument that he left for repair.”

“It’s too abstract. It’s very common for people to leave things for repair. Anything special can happen.”

“right. But the point here is that it doesn’t happen to everyone. Most of the people who went through this were said to be people who had Mercury fountain pens repaired. I also had the Mercury fountain pen repaired.”

“What is that special thing?”

“It’s such a small thing… memory loss? forgetfulness? should i say There are times when consciousness suddenly disappears. I can’t remember what I did in between.”

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Mercury fountain pen.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Memory loss.

I don’t know what the hell is the connection.

Even if I try to tell you something, the clues are too weak.

“How long do you lose your memory? If you lose it for a long time, it becomes a very serious problem than you think.”

“Very short. How much time do you have to be stunned?”

“Why do you say it’s special? There doesn’t seem to be anything strange about it.”

“So, um, how can I explain it? It’s not that time has passed without me realizing it, it’s that my consciousness has gone dark. Do I have to say I passed out for a moment?”

It feels very similar to when Aina used Mind Control on me.

Of course, I don’t doubt Aina.

Because she’s not the kind of person to waste time on such useless things.

Besides, it’s said that it’s a symptom that only appears in people who have their fountain pen repaired, whether it’s Mercury or not.

“Do you guys know anything about the company Mercury? I know very little about Mercury.”

“As I said, it’s a famous pen company. Other than that, nothing special.”

“No, people who are interested in writing implements don’t think of Mercury as a pen company. Rather, it is a company that you know better with ink.”


“The Mercury ink is famous for its very good quality. Even if the pen is made by another company, it is common to use Mercury’s ink as much as the ink.”

After all, it’s a stationery manufacturing company.

It’s full of things I don’t understand even if I keep listening to the explanation.

I don’t even know what it is

It seems like a problem that needs to be returned and further investigated slowly, this one.

“Well, thanks for the report. First of all, it seems that it is impossible to give an answer right away, so I will investigate and submit it to the club activity report. Would 200 credits be enough?”

“Yeah, that’s enough. It wasn’t a big deal, but thank you for listening.”

“It’s a club we created for that purpose, what?”

“I’ll bring you another interesting news next time!”

“Oh, may I borrow your Mercury fountain pen? I was hoping it would be of some help in gathering clues.”

“it’s okay. I even brought it for that.”

Fortunately, she didn’t seem to think that what had happened to her was a big deal.

Because I could see my eyes rolling right away to the 200 credits story.

Well, that’s better.

On the contrary, if we get anxious for nothing and take it seriously, we will be concerned too.

Still, if you don’t know, you’ll have to research it carefully.

* * *

“So, what do you guys think?”

“The scale of the work is trivial, but it gets too complicated to listen to. There are too few clues to guess anything.”

“I just collected some data on the rumor and found one thing in common.”

“What was it?”

“Among those who have complained of similar symptoms so far, many people have used Mercury’s ink.”

“So, even though they didn’t use a Mercury fountain pen, most of the people experiencing the same symptoms used Mercury ink?”

“right. Needless to say, the people who took over Mercury fountain pens for repairs will use Mercury ink.”

If so, it is a fact that this case is related to the company called Mercury.

It’s said to be a luxury item, but I don’t know why a stationery company or a company that made it did this.

But, how did you find out about that?

“How did you research the data?”

“I searched the internet for keywords such as short-term memory loss and forgetfulness. I collected the IDs of the people who wrote that they were experiencing the symptoms, and searched all the IDs. And then, I went into the SNS account with the same ID and checked the photos I posted.”

“It must have been a very tedious task. How did you finish it so quickly?”

“It was a lot simpler than I thought. If you are an artist specializing in art such as calligraphy or handwriting, it is normal to set up an SNS account for promotion, and if you are a person who collects luxury goods, it is daily to brag about buying a new masterpiece. In most of the photos they posted, you could see Mercury ink.”

Did Katarina have such a side?

got a little scared

Usually these guys do things like digging up and sniping people in the community.

“uh… okay. Thanks for the investigation.”

“It’s nothing.”

Katarina, who was only considered a muscle brain, had such an unexpected side.

Serena, who has a similar muscle brain, did the same.

Because I never expected that the yangban, who doesn’t fit the word ‘family’, would have an aptitude for household chores.

“To summarize, do people who recently purchased Mercury ink show symptoms of short-term memory loss?”

“Yes. I have no idea what Mercury Ink has to do with amnesia.”

“Then I’ll have to separate the ink from the pen first.”

I wondered what to do if the separation process was complicated, but it wasn’t that difficult.

It was easy enough to follow just by watching a video.

“Now, this is the essence of that ink.”

“On the surface, it’s just plain ink.”

“for a moment.”

Chun Hyun-woo was the first to step out.

What happened to the guy who was only playing games in the corner of the club room all of a sudden?

“i get it. what.”

“What do you want to know?”

“Look Carefully.”

Chun Hyeon-woo put his hand on the cup containing the diluted ink.

Then, ripples so faint that they could not be seen began to form.

When the tremors had completely subsided, a small red drop floated to the surface.

“… blood?”

“How do you know?”

“My imaginative power is the ability to handle blood, but there is no way I can’t not sense it.”

“But, isn’t it a little strange? With such a small amount of blood mixed into the ink, how can it still be intact?”

“I don’t know that either. What is certain is that this is blood.”

… it’s true

Are you sure.

As far as I know, Jinjo is the only one with blood like this.

In addition, one of Jinjo’s abilities is the ability to control objects that come into contact with his own blood, so there is no doubt about it.

The question is, what the hell is the relationship between this company called Mercury and Jinjo? .

“Sungjin seems to have already figured it out?”


“It’s just, when you’re usually thinking like that, you’ve got an answer right away.”

“The situation has been roughly sorted out, but this seems to be a case that is too large for our line to solve.”

How could the first quest be like this?

A coincidence is an amazing coincidence.

“What’s going on?”

“Perhaps it has something to do with Jinjo.”

It was an instant that the club room froze.

Hey, you’re saying it’s related to the new villain who’s getting the most attention in the world, but you can’t help it even if you don’t want to be nervous.

“Then, should we get rid of this?”

“Maybe it should be.”

“It’s a big burden to be hostile to a large company, and if it’s a case involving a villain, it’s hard for nosebleeds like us to intervene.”

“But, I think it’s too dangerous to bury it like this. The number of victims will continue to increase.”

“… Are you borrowing the chairman’s hand?”

“It is worth considering. If the president is busy, he will return to nothing.”

Although various opinions were exchanged, the scale of the incident was not at a normal level, so even after a long time, no ideas that could be said to be distinctly good came out.

“After all, it seems pointless to talk about this more. For now, let’s just talk to the president, and if you come up with other good ideas, we’ll talk about it again.”

“I guess so.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”

In fact, talking to Chloe would not be a fundamental solution.

Because she retired from the role of hero.

Of course, it would be possible to contact other famous heroes, but whether those heroes can immediately defeat Jinjo is another matter.

It’s difficult, but it’s difficult.

What should I do.

… Wait, I think I understand the meaning of ‘that word’ now.

* * *

“Did you say we would meet again?”

“Iknow, right. Cecilia must have already known.”

“Even though it’s a phone call. I really wanted to meet you, but I’ll just get to know you later… So, where do we start the story?”

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