Episode 109 New semester.(3)

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“Is the dream remnant recovery going well?”

Enrique said, stroking his collar.

“no. We didn’t get much back.”

“So, what is the progress of the analysis?”

“It is the same. There is no news.”

“I wish I had hurry. Remnants can be retrieved at a later date. Even so, if the research is delayed, even if the remnants are collected, the plan cannot be realized. No, maybe even restoration will be impossible.”

Where he shifted his gaze, white fragments of turbid energy were gathered.

From as small as a grain of rice to the size of a fist.

No matter how you looked at it, it was nothing more than a special stone, but Enrique and other members of the Somnium Liberator were risking their lives for the mineral.

“I have one good news, though.”

“Let me tell you.”

“Finally, it looks like Hilda is trying to move.”

“Is it good news that you are just starting to move? Pretty sure it is That bitch should have been cut sooner. It is the number one person who would have been separated if there was only one person to replace him.”

Even if it wasn’t for Enrique, there weren’t many people who liked Hilda inside.

Who would appreciate a person who is full of ambition and does not act.

“However, for us, it is difficult to find someone with better skills than Hilda.”

“Yeah, that’s one of our biggest problems. You have to carry a bitch like a living invoice.”

“I’m sorry. It would have been nice if she had half resembled her daughter Astrid.”

“It’s such an odd relationship. No matter how you look at it, even if it’s a mother-daughter relationship, it would be difficult to like each other if they had such opposite personalities, but they get along really well. no… I’m more curious about ‘how could I get married’ before that.”

‘I’d rather have Astrid there… ‘

Everyone thought so.

Unfortunately that won’t happen though.

Because Astrid wanted to be a hero.

To be a theme hero whose mother is a lazy person who is a member of a villain organization, it could not be a strange family.

“Well, aside from being lazy, there is nothing special about him. Surprisingly, the people around him take good care of him.”

“If you look at her personality alone, Hilda is not the type of person to do something like a villain. We just move together because our interests are aligned. By the way, I’d love to hear what Hilda’s plans are.”

“Do you remember a project related to the phoenix among the projects you planned in the past? We plan to use Jinjo there.”

“Now that the phoenix is gone, are you going to choose Jinjo as a replacement?”

“That’s right. It’s a project that was being discussed for disposal anyway, so it wouldn’t be a big problem to leave it to Hilda.”

Enrique didn’t think it was a bad idea.

Because it was the same thing as a phoenix or a jinjo, a person who moves outside the realm of their control.

If you can’t control either of them anyway, it’s better to convince Jinjo, who simply surrenders his body to his instincts, rather than the phoenix, who has a character close to a hero.

“Good plan. After all, our original purpose is to get Hades out of the Destruct Orbital. I think Jinjo is better than the phoenix, who saves himself. However, I don’t know if he will be able to meet our expectations. Even if it’s notorious these days, would it be as strong as the Phoenix?”

“I don’t know that either. Please share the details with yourself.”

“i get it. A lot of hard work.”

Enrique lightly tapped the janitor’s shoulder a few times before leaving the lab without looking back.

It was the caretaker who thought he was lucky not to see his face anymore.

* * *

Hilda Werpel was staring blankly out the window.

Occasionally, the snow on the window sill tumbled down, trying to disturb her contemplation, but she paid no attention to it, only staring at the distant mountains.

Hilda was still feeling the joy, even though half a day had passed by sitting still and meditating.

This behavior, which would seem boring to others, was the greatest joy for Hilda.

Perhaps if Henrique had not broken the silence, Hilda would have stayed like this until the end of the day.

“Long time no see. Hilda Werpel.”

“What’s up?”

“It is unusual for you to move. It’s the first time since I joined.”

“I have so much to think about, I can’t help it.”

Enrique managed to contain the rising anger.

To him, who really hates meaningless actions, Hilda could not help but feel precious.

After taking on a major role in an organization, all they did was sit quietly in a corner.

“I didn’t come here for any other reason. I want to hear some thoughts.”

“Are you talking about new ideas?”

“That’s right.”

“Let’s have a drink and talk first.”

Hilda took out a beer from the refrigerator and handed it to Enrique.

It wasn’t Enrique who didn’t know that it was simply an act to choke his neck, but his group was full of guys who couldn’t think normally, so he had no choice but to be grateful that there was a guy who showed at least the least sincerity.

“So, why are you trying to replace the Phoenix with Jinjo? I think I know a little bit about it.”

“The important thing is that. In the end, we have to betray the guy we held hands with, right?”

“Yes. To replace Hades in Destruct Orbital.”

“Yeah, the reason for the existence of the Destruct Orbital is that it’s a device to trap those who do more harm than good to kill. Phoenix and Jinjo are both compatible in that respect. But, just because they captured the phoenix, will they try to imprison him in the Destruct Orbital?”

The phoenix was a type of character that was far from common villains.

Even though he had a cruel side, his actions and thoughts were far from villains.

Rather, more people liked him because of his heroic side.

Among the heroes, there were a lot of people who thought that way.

In other words, even if he somehow managed to capture the phoenix, the probability of throwing him straight into the Destruct Orbital was low.

They will somehow indoctrinate them and make them stand by their side.

“In other words, even if you hold hands with the Phoenix, the probability that he will follow our instructions is low, and there is no guarantee that he will be able to bring out Hades, the ultimate goal, just because he obeys us well.”

“I understand correctly.”

“But there is one problem with that plan. While the Phoenix is a strong force that everyone knows, Jinjo is still significantly less famous than the Phoenix. Even if Jinjo moves as planned, it is questionable whether it can be exchanged for Hades. At best, you will end up in a circuit breaker-class prison.”

“There must be a process of convincing the public that Jinjo is more vicious than the Phoenix. The Phoenix is missing anyway, so if Jinjo’s notoriety rises further, the Cosmos guys will take care of replacing No.7 Everlasting with Jinjo.”

The story flowed smoothly.

That alone could not determine whether this plan was good or bad, but at least it was clear that there were no contradictions.

“good. I think it’s fine so far. Now let’s ask if it’s realised. How do you plan to convince Jinjo?”

“Reconciliation? No need to bother. He’s on the phoenix side, he’s got a good head, and even if it’s not for this plan, he’s a person worth using, but Jinjo is a hand that will be used and thrown away, isn’t it? I’m just going to make it fly harder and make it run more wildly. There is no need to introduce ourselves to such a guy.”

“Oh, there is no need to make direct contact with Jinjo?”

“Yeah, we just need to focus on changing public opinion. If you inflate their victories while asking Jinjo for those who are moderately strong, but can’t beat Jinjo, you’ll get attention.”

Hilda’s value was being re-evaluated in Enrique’s mind.

Although Hilda occasionally provided useful ideas, she felt that the Somnium Liberator didn’t do what it paid her to do, but this time, for the first time, she felt it was worth it.

“All right. You seem to have your own ideas, so I’ll leave this plan entirely up to you.”

“It will probably take some time before we can start working in earnest. Jinjo isn’t that famous yet.”

“I want you to come out as quickly as possible. There is no time left.”

“I will try.”

No matter how hard I looked at Hilda’s posture, it didn’t look like a person who was willing to work hard.

Sitting on a chair and looking out the window was enough to make everyone else’s clothes explode, but Enrique didn’t even gossip about it.

Because this is the right thing to do for Hilda.

Of course, Enrique wasn’t the type of person to be tolerant enough to just leave it alone, so he quickly got out of the place.

* * *

There is one thing I recently discovered.

It was the fact that I was damn weak.

No, I knew it before, but it would be right to say that I felt it again.

In terms of technology, we were not far behind others, but when it came to a situation where the struggle for strength was more important, I couldn’t help but lie flat on my back.

“Sungjin is a man in the training room today.”

Everyone was looking at me with sad eyes.

However, none of them could save me.

“Can I just take a break today?”

“why? Is there anything urgent?”

“no. I just have someone I want to see.”

I really wanted to see Aina.

I missed last year when I was learning Managlaive swordsmanship under Aina.

It wasn’t that it wasn’t hard at that time, but at least I didn’t cry out for my life like it is now.

“Those who want to see are more happy to see them later.”

“Who did that?”


“Then, why not just do strength training?”


It reminds me of going to the gym in my previous life.

At that time, there were articles that were popular on the Internet as a way to find a good gym.

Rather than a gym full of good equipment and pretty and handsome trainers, a place full of sloppy youngsters in a remote place is a better environment to learn health.

I will guide you based on the experience I have accumulated over the decades.

It’s also free.

I, too, fell in love with that word, so I found a gym like that and signed up for it.

And, I regretted that decision.

Because the true identities of those hellsangs were torture engineers.

They were people who knew very well how to make people the most difficult without dying.

Admiring their dedication to treat each part in a different way every time to avoid getting sick in one area, I quickly quit the gym.

I’m sure I’ll have that experience again in another world.

“Come on, let’s do one more set.”

When a person is really hard enough to die, all I can think of is that I just want to rest.

Because I don’t have the energy to fall asleep, to eat, or even to look down on something.

However, at this time, my strange scent was making them possible.

Should it be a feeling that forces the body to move?

Thanks to you, my suffering has also doubled.

“Professor, are you spraying perfume or something?”

“no? Don’t ask such useless questions and keep your posture straight. As long as you’re here, I’ll send it to you.”

Other times, there is no reaction, and if you only do this when you are with Serena, it must have something to do with Serena… .

I can’t even honestly ask.

How do you openly explain this?

In the end, I couldn’t figure out the identity of the scent I smelled every day until the end of today’s replenishment.

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