In the endless void, Cheng Wushuang leaped into the sky, and under the horrifying eyes of Martial Artists, the silhouette gradually disappeared, almost a skill, has reached the altitude of thousands of battles, and is approaching the top of the mountain.

Mu Linglong was obsessed with this scene, and felt that Cheng Wushuang’s strength was too magical, and she could ignore the power of the ancient fantasy world!

Star Domain World’s law, if there is no level of gods, absolutely no one can shake, but now there is such a young man, wanton destruction of this law strength, leap into the high altitude!

“The top of the barren mountain! It’s here!”

Cheng Wushuang glanced indifferently said.

Everyone’s eyes moved to the top of the barren mountain. The top of the mountain was a huge uneven area with numerous sand and stones and countless dry bodies lying on the ground.

At the moment, everyone saw a group of weirds, besieging a powerful Martial Artist. The Martial Artist’s cultivation base has developed sixty-five Life and Death mysterious veins, and they still have the ancient black blood dragon blood system! Unfortunately, under the terrifying strength of Swallowing, there seems to be no way to resist it.

That Martial Artist is only right hand within half a weird battle, the whole arm is drying up in a short time!

“Good terrifying ability to devour life!”

Mu Linglong was dropped in the air by Cheng Wushuang, and felt the strange terrifying. Seeing that strange looking rhinoceros, he was attacking a group of Martial Artists who had just reached the top of the mountain. Fortunately, they were not following the wave, or it was necessary. A fierce battle.

Look for the ruins this time, and depending on the number of this person, there are tens of thousands of Martial Artists!

Even if the top of the mountain is terrifying terribly and difficult to kill, it will not stop many Martial Artists from terrifying the nine Indians’ inheritance. It can be seen that the inheritance of an ancient top sect is too attractive for Martial Artists!

Maybe everyone Martial Artist has the idea that as long as they get Ancient’s top sect inheritance, they can soar into the sky, so that the fearless Life and Death must also cross the top of the barren mountain and reach the heritage ruins on the back of the mountain.

Not long after, Cheng Wushuang dropped Mu Linglong and the others, soaring in the void, avoiding the danger of strange attacks, many strange, all stared at the void, they can sense Cheng Wushuang and the flying in the sky. others within the body, with a powerful life strength, how can it not be swallowed up!

“A stop!”

Cheng Wushuang landed Mu Linglong on the ground steadily and immediately withdrew the chain.

Everyone glanced around and found that there were countless Martial Artists gathered here. Look at this number, there are already thousands of people.

At present, the place where everyone is located is halfway up the mountain. There is an open area like a plain, surrounded by nine huge stone pillars filled with talisman seal. All the stone pillars are surrounded by half a battle high. Strange, with greedy glances at the Martial Artists, they can’t seem to enter this area!

Seeing this scene, Cheng Wushuang was a little confused, so he approached the stone pillar and used Divine Sense to perceive it. He found that there are countless ancient strength of Engraving Marks in the stone pillar. These strengths are similar to the law, but they are less than the level of the law. , Like an invisible formation, hinders the entrance of the weird.

Taking a closer look, Cheng Wushuang found that some strange creatures could not bear the temptation of strong life strength and wanted to enter, but when one foot entered the area wrapped by the Formation, that foot turned into sand instantly!

“It looks like this Formula was designed to deal with weirdness.”

Cheng Wushuang looked behind him, and beside the mountain, there was a huge stone gate. This stone gate was dozens of tall and dozens of battles. Thousands of Martial Artists were crowded in front of the stone gate, staring at the stone gate brightly. Imprint.

After Mu Linglong inquired, Cheng Wushuang learned that the inheritance of the nine seals does not seem to be easy to open. The nine seal of inheritance has only one Dao Sect door engraved, and the person who owns the Dao Sect door engraved seems to have died in the desert. In the strange mouth, the sect mark disappeared with it.

Countless Martial Artists have been here for two or three days, carefully studying the method of opening the stone door.

However, a small number of Martial Artists noticed Cheng Wushuang, and there was a hint of greed on his face!

Because they found that Cheng Wushuang had more than a dozen Illusion Realm lights above their heads, so wondering how to start? While other Martial Artists are still comprehend the secrets of Shimen, beheaded Cheng Wushuang immediately, or are they waiting for others to try and test the strength of Cheng Wushuang.

The Martial Artists here are some people who are arrogant. Although they are arrogant in their hearts, they have not reached the point where no one is in their eyes. A teenager who has been able to get more than a dozen Illusion Realm lights for three days in the ancient fantasy world. By no means mediocre.

“Kill that kid, the light of Illusion Realm will be ours!”

It didn’t take long before some Martial Artist couldn’t help it and decided to take a shot!

Cheng Wushuang 杩 欐 椂 chain 欐  鍦 ㄥ 拰 绌 嗙 幉 鐝 悭 nd the others Copying the helm 塳 illing intent 锛 岀 珛 鍒 籇 ivine Sense

浠 栫 幇 鍦 ㄨ 缮 嶆 兂 锷 ㄧ 敤 strength strength ㄥ 洿 镄 凪 ㄥ 洿 镄 凪 strength strength strength strength strength strength strength strength strength strength ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial 嫢 嫢 嫢 嫢 嫢 嫢 嫢 Illusion Realm

Gallium € a urderous aura 锛

鍗 佸  阆 搈 urderous aura 锛 屽 湪 Cheng Wushuang 瓒 呭 自己 镄 勬 带 鍒 朵 箣 箣 ao Intent 锛 屽 寲 Juan coax 崄 澶 氭 妸 murderous aura 涔 嫔 墤 锛 屼 粠 all around鐖   屽 嚭 锛 屼 楃 ┖ 姘 斾 箣 楃 ┖ 姘 斾 箣 楃 ┖ 姘 斾 箣 楃 ┖ 姘 斾 箣  纴 浜  纴 浜 敓 浜 嗕 竴 敓 浜 嗕 竴 ′ ′ ′ 浜 浜 浜


闾 e 嚭 嬬 殑 冧 冧 冧 Han 冧 杩 樻 湁 C Wu 浠 楄 浠 楄 浠 楄 浠 楄 杩 樻 湁 浠 楄 浠 楄 浠 楄 浠 楄 杩 樻 湁 杩 樻 湁 杩 樻 湁 杩 樻 湁 杩 樻 湁 杩 樻 湁 锛 岀 锛 岀 锛 岀 锛 岀 锛 岀 锛 岀 umbrella murderous aura 涔 嫔 墤 锛 屼 竷 绐 嶆 祦 琛佽 Han Huan

杩 滃  闾 d 簺 鎯 宠  鏂 ╂ 潃 Cheng Wushuang 镄 凪 artial Artist 锛 岃  鍒 stirring umbrella浜 Rainbow 殑 蹇 冩 濓 纴 浠 栦 Slide 濓 纴 浠 栦 Charge 笉 鍒 Dress up 溂 鍓 嶈 Umbrella dies Life and Death 鐜 勮 剦 镄 勫 皯 骞 纴 灞 呯 劧 濡 傛  澶 х 殑 鑳 Borrow熻 € 熻 Korean 浣 扑 箣  殑  殑 Murderous aura 锛 屽 ammonia 灏 Umbrella 冧 冧 鏉 姝

Flawless Monkey, Hawthorn, Artial Artist, Drying, Drumming, Martial Artist 锛 岄 兘 暟 暟 暟 暟 嶅 皯 锛 岃 缮 嶅 皯 锛 岃 缮 嶅 皯 锛 岃 缮 n contaminated ancient 瀹 n ci ci ci 锛 屽 彲 鐜 ci ci 纴 灞 呯 劧 鏁 屼 笉 杩 嘼 cloth cloth 棌 镄 刣 棌 镄 刣 棌 镄 刣 锛 屽 彲 鐜 锛 屽 彲 鐜 der aura 涔 嫔 姏 锛

terrifying 锛 佽 umbrella black clothed 灏 戝 hook 镄 凚 attle Strength 缁 濆  鍫  瘮 Holy Son 绁 炲 瓙 锛 佷 粬 浠  嫢 鏄  嫑 鎯 Son 纴 姣  棤 鐤 戦 棶 锛 屽 皢 浼 氶  铔Tuizun  Jie

 € ¢ Umbrella, Hook, Lend, and Real Estate llusion €

闾 簺 簺 Martial Artist 绾 风 鑻 ︾ 瑧 嶅 嶅 嶅 嶅 锛 屼 竴 锛 屼 竴 锛 屼 竴 锛 屼 竴  嫢  嫢  嫢  嫢 I I Illusion Realm 涔 嫔 厜 镄 勪 鐗 ╋ 纴 鐗 ╋ 纴 夌 潃 杩 欎 夌 潃 杩 欎 夌 潃 杩 欎 夌 潃 杩 欎Charge

If you are using an artial artist or a martial artist, The results are comprehend. It is not necessary to do this. It is not necessary to do this.

屾  鍒 纴 杩 滃  鍙 堟 潵 浜 嗕 竴 纴 杩 滃  鍙 堟 潵 浜 嗕 竴 纴 杩 滃  鍙 堟 潵 浜 嗕 竴  artial Artist 锛 屼 粬 浠  悇  皵 瀹  皵 瀹 鏄 傦 纴 鍌 鏄 傦 纴 鍌 鏄 傦 纴 鍌 鏄 傦 纴 鍌 皵 镞 犳 瘮 锛 屾 柦 灞 曞 澶 殑 殑 殑 Martial Skill 掓 € 掓 掓

锛 屽 嚑 涔 庨 兘 浜 屽 崄 锛 屽 嚑 涔 庨 兘 浜 屽 崄 锛 屽 嚑 涔 庨 兘 浜 屽 崄 锛 屽 嚑 涔 庨 兘 浜 屽 崄 嶅 埌 锛 屼 粠 浠 栦 嶅 埌 锛 屼 粠 浠 栦 嶅 埌 锛 屼 粠 浠 栦 嶅 埌 锛 屼 粠 浠 栦 镄 勭 洰 鍏 変 箣 镄 勭 洰 鍏 変 箣  纴 鍏 呮  纴 鍏 呮  纴 鍏 呮  纴 鍏 呮 鍐 鍐 喗 喗 庤  璁 庤  璁Ji

“The disease chain, the curtain, the slide, the omprehend, the mustard, and the inheritance.

锸 e 紶 镄 勮 瘽 纴 浠 庡 纴 浠 庡 澶 澶 澶 殑 妗 殑 妗 滃 皯 骞 滃 皯 骞 殑 妗 滃 皯 骞 滃 皯 骞 滃 皯 骞 滃 皯 骞 滃 皯 骞 滃 皯 骞  斁 鍑 纴 闾 瘽 瘽 瘽 瘽 瘽 瘽 椽 浜  纴 椽 浜  纴 椽 浜  纴 椽 浜  纴 椽 浜  纴 椽 浜  纴 鐑 堢 殑strength 锛 屼 护 楁 墍 楁 墍 楁 墍, 濆 紑 钖  箣 娉纴 濡 傛 boast shamelessly 锛 屾 斁 鍑 虹 妫 濡 勪 箣 璇 嶏 紒

绌 嗙 幉 鐝 戞 槸 鍖 楀 ridicule 鐜 嬫 浈 镄 凣 desdesss 锛 屽  浜 庡 湥 鐜 嬫 槦 Holy Son 绁 炲 瓙 锛 岃  绁 炲 瓙 锛 岃  Son 嗕 笉 灏Child  鍑  鍑 this this this child 锛 岀 珶 鐒 槸 涔 濆 ぇ 椤 跺 槸 涔 濆 ぇ 椤 跺 鐜 嬫 浈 涔 嬩 竴 锛 岀 鐜 嬫 浈 涔 嬩 竴 锛 岀 鐜 嬫 浈 涔 嬩 竴 锛 岀 銮 庣 帇 銮 庣 帇 銮 庣 帇 銮 庣 帇 椹  儓 锛 椹  儓 锛

浼 犺 █ 锛 屽 帆 椹  儓 杩 椹  儓 杩 缑 鍒 缑 鍒 简 绁 炵 伒 鍒 诲 嵃 锛 屾 垚 篓 en great divine children 涔 嬩 竴 镄 勫 瓨 鍦  紒

pupils slightly shrink 锛 岀 ﹩ 鐜 彂 绔 嫔 埢 鏉 ュ 埌 Wu Cheng Wushuang   や や や や や や 镄 勬 秷 鎭  倓 镄 勬 秷 鎭  倓 镄 勬 秷 鎭  倓 镄 勬 秷 鎭  倓 镄 勬 秷 鎭  倓 镄 勬 秷 鎭  倓 镄 勬 秷 鎭  倓 変 変 Wu Cheng Wushuang 銆 銆

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