Cheng Wushuang doesn’t care which Divine Emperor killed Heavenly Dragon and put the meat into the trial of God, but since the ingredients of Heavenly Dragon meat appeared, he must make good use of it to make a shocking dish.


As soon as Cheng Wushuang sword light fell, all the ingredients turned into thin sheets like veil, which fell neatly on the golden plate.

This installation is not easy, there are 9 Layers! The appearance has countless textures. It looks like an array of textures, and among them is the magical strength that emits an engraving mark.

From a distance, this plate is domineering outside, and it has a height of 100 meters, like a small hill.

Cheng Wushuang cut the huge piece of dragon meat into thin slices and covered it with 9 Layer. Each slice of dragon meat is covered with Spirit Fruit Spirit Grass and other rare Sacred Medicine and even Divine Medicine. Thin slices.

At this time, Cheng Wushuang took out the secret sauces and waved them. The sauces were like raindrops, scattered on each slice of the plate.

“It’s a big plate, it’s gorgeous, it’s just style.”

“I don’t know what this kid is going to do, but he came up with a tray like a treasure tower.”

“Interesting, I look forward to this kid’s food. It seems that everyone can eat several servings.”

With the appearance of Cheng Wushuang’s extra large plate, Holy Land, like a tall treasure tower, suddenly appeared in the entire gourmet Holy Land, attracting the attention of countless people.

At first, most people were watching the cooking of Rosa Goddess, but at this moment, they were directly attracted by Cheng Wushuang’s style of plate installation, which surrounded the past, leaving the audience of Rosa Goddess. half.

“This damn guy, actually made such a 9 Layer plate, is this guy doing a show?”

Rosa was biting her teeth so angry that she was the most striking person in the Holy Land. She was a descendant of the chef in the Divine World Ancient era and inherited the appearance of peerless. Anyone, see her. For Goddess, the admiration object.

For Rosa, no one can take away her aura.

But unfortunately, when Cheng Wushuang came, she would chase after her, attracting half of her, which made her not angry.

She glanced at Cheng Wushuang’s domineering installation, and her heart suddenly moved at this time, and she lamented where exactly Cheng Wushuang got it, and she got such a beautiful installation.

Suddenly, in her mind, a shadow of Divine Level kitchen utensils appeared.

Nine-round emperor plate!

In the ancient era, it was said that it was a banquet for the Three Sovereigns Five Emperors. It was a kind of plate that was extremely elegant. Any ingredient loaded on this plate would rise to a level in its spirituality and freshness.

“No way, how could that little ghost own this treasure of another grade.”

Rosa’s vanity is very strong, and she also has a lot of amazing kitchen utensils in her hands, but compared with the nine rounds of Emperor’s Plate, it is a grade worse. That is, the item that serves the Ancient Emperor is in the Kitchen utensil of the Ancient era The highest High Level exists.

As soon as Rosa bit her teeth, she buried her head and continued to cook, leaving Cheng Wushuang alone.

In her mind, I think Cheng Wushuang is a person who likes to show and attracts the attention of the audience. He is a flower but no fruit guy. She must defeat Cheng Wushuang and engrav her name on the gourmet Holy Land.

After all, the culinary skills she has acquired are all inherited from the ancient culinary emperor. Since she was born, she has been desperately specializing in culinary arts, so that one day, when she enters the Divine World, she will be able to access the ancient culinary lineage style online.

She didn’t want to lose to a kid with a gorgeous plate to attract diners.

“The real soul of cooking is still the taste and efficacy. After a while, my Sanshen aftertaste soup will be good. It will surely captivate the taste buds and souls of countless people and make them fall in Divine Soul in my cuisine.

Rosa murmured confidently in her heart, and glanced at Cheng Wushuang from time to time, imprinting Cheng Wushuang’s handsome cheek in her heart, she asked fiercely to remember this dare to provoke her guy in the gourmet raise upwards.

Rosa seems to think that Cheng Wushuang’s appearance, showing the Desolate Ancient scriptures, and taking out the bold plate, is to provoke her and declare war on her.

“Does he like me?”

Unconsciously, Rosa’s brain hole began to grow. Since she came to the Trial of God, she has been chasing her Proud Child of Heaven all the way, but she has a high vision and can’t look down on those guys. The characters of the Ancient Saint rank are more lazy.

Rosa feels that her companion in this life must make her heartbeat faster and have a feeling of sudden heartbeat, not heavenly and handsome Heaven’s Chosen.

When Rosa reflected on the appearance of Cheng Wushuang, she immediately used the Desolate Ancient scriptures, which seemed to shock the audience to provoke her. In fact, she wanted to attract her attention and wanted her attention.

As a narcissistic beauty who has reached the extreme, Rosa has determined that Cheng Wushuang came up with this magnificent dressing in order to attract her, and wanted her to give him one more look and feel that he was very difficult to deal with Deserve her.

“Hmph! I’m not that simple.”

Losa shook the head, leaving aside her previous instincts and continuing to focus on cooking, and now, almost because of her wishful thinking, she mistakes Cheng Wushuang as her suitor.

Cheng Wushuang at this moment is still immersed in cooking.

Where did he know that he had done it unintentionally, and actually made a beautiful woman at the national level such as Yuesha be present, thinking that he was after her?

Cheng Wushuang used Desolate Ancient’s prestige pressure only to save time and quickly kill the guardian spirit of ingredients.

And he took out this plate to complete a soul-level dish.

This plate is actually the Divine Level kitchenware and nine rounds of emperor plates that Rosa suspected.

The origin of the kitchenware was that Cheng Wushuang directly and secretly spent hundreds of millions of Creation Value in the shopping center of the system to purchase it.

For Cheng Wushuang, shopping center is the biggest cheating method. Any desired Item can be purchased through Creation Value.

“Nearly is now ready for the final process.”

Cheng Wushuang came out with a pill fire sacrifice. This season is divided into nine fire flames, and the cooking avenue is performed on the nine plates.


The sound of a thunderbolt suddenly appeared over the sky.

Countless people looked at this scene in shock, only to see the sky and clouds roll in, and the horrible to see lightnings lit the sky with golden rays of light.

“Look at it, it’s Thunder Robber, my God, this dish has attracted Golden Thunder Robber.”

The people were shocked and stared at the sky with their eyes wide open.

I saw Cheng Wushuang using the pill fire to bake those ingredients, a faint fragrance spread out, and the entire sky was suddenly flashed and thundered. Finally, a golden thunderbolt fell off and fell behind the huge installation.


Everyone’s heart startled, this thunderous coercion is enough to kill the god of True God Realm. The cooking dish in front of him is almost ruined.

“Haha, I said this kid was doing a show.”

Rosa’s face was shocked, but she immediately smiled. Although she marveled that Cheng Wushuang could make a dish, it would provoke thunder, but in the end, the dish was ruined because the dish was fragile. Where is medicine pill? Like, can withstand the thunder of thunder?

However, when Rosa felt that she was victorious, everyone exclaimed at this moment.

An insanely delicious taste exudes from the air, eroding the taste buds of people.

“It’s so fragrant, the dish is intact, and it’s even better!”

The crowd awakened, staring at the sparkling barbecue on the 9 Layer plate, their eyes glowing.

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