Panther Commando

Chapter 5620: clever little monk

"Panther Commando(

At this moment, Wan Lin suddenly heard a "sudden rustling" crawling sound from the top of the side, and he immediately looked sideways from the corner of his eyes. The little monk was slowly climbing to the top of the mountain behind with his hands empty, and his movements were extremely careful.

Wan Lin was stunned for a moment, and he was about to order the little monk to stop moving into the microphone, but then he closed his mouth and stared at the scope on the gun.

He knew that although this little monk had no combat experience, this boy had followed his master to hunt in the mountains since he was a child, and had faced many ferocious beasts. Moreover, under the guidance of Master Changtian, this kid has fought those beasts face-to-face with his bare hands, and he has rich hunting experience.

Although there is an essential difference between facing an enemy with a weapon and hunting, it is a decision of life and death, which requires a grasp of the fighter. Moreover, this kid is very savvy, and he has gone through the previous battles with his own people. This kid already knows the depth and will not expose the target without authorization.

Now, this kid suddenly crawled back cautiously, he must have his own intentions, as long as he doesn't expose himself, it will not affect the action in front of him, so Wan Lin simply let this kid act without permission, and did not say anything to stop it .

Wan Lin saw the little monk's movements clearly, and he immediately lay down on the rock again, moving the muzzle of his gun to aim at the side of the mountain. Just as he moved the muzzle, two agile figures of leopards appeared in the condescending sight.

Under the cover of the night, two leopards suddenly ran from the side of the mountain, and then jumped up to a towering rock in front of them, with red and blue light beams faintly flashing in their eyes.

Under the rock not far behind them, three black shadows are flashing quickly, and the three shadows are lying under the rock, cautiously approaching the mountain in front of the Taniguchi.

Wan Lin saw that the three of the wind knives had appeared in the mountains on the side. He moved the muzzle again to aim at the rocks in front of Taniguchi, and put his finger lightly on the trigger of the sniper rifle.

At this moment, Cheng Ru's low report suddenly came from Wan Lin's earphone: "Leopard head, snipers and machine guns are already in place, ready to attack at any time."

Cheng Ru's voice just fell, and in the quiet mountain in front of him, a series of "da da da" gunshots suddenly sounded. flaming.

Wan Lin's heart skipped a beat at the sudden sound of gunshots, and his condescending muzzle immediately aimed at the flickering mountains.

In the flickering muzzle light, on the top of a boulder more than three meters high, a figure was lying on the rock, sweeping a rain of bullets towards the dim mountain ahead.

Under the two rocks more than 200 meters away from the side, a red beam and a basket of two beams flashed. The two leopards jumped down the rocks like lightning, and the three figures behind them quickly rushed down the surrounding rocks. On the dark rocks in the mountains on the side, clusters of red sparks were hit by the whistling bullets.

Wan Lin's finger quickly pulled the trigger, and just as he aimed at the shadow in the distance and was about to pull the trigger, the sound of gunfire stopped abruptly! The shadow on the rock then rolled out under the side rock.

"You brat, you still have some combat experience!" Wan Lin scolded in a low voice, and the muzzle of the gun followed around the boulder. At this time, he also understood that the other party did have rich combat experience, and the kid must have noticed the faint light in the eyes of the two leopards, so he immediately swept a string of bullets towards the side of the mountain.

When the kid fired the gun, he must have noticed the figure of the three air knives rushing towards the surrounding, so after he swept out a string of bullets, he quickly flipped out from the top of the rock to prevent them from being caught in the mountains and valleys on the side. Opponents aim.

Wan Lin saw that the opponent had tumbled under the rock, and he immediately whispered into the microphone beside his mouth: "Chengru, you hide on the spot, don't expose the target, and open fire after finding the enemy's firepower distribution!"

As soon as Wan Lin's command sounded, he suddenly saw out of the corner of his eyes that a dark shadow suddenly flew from the top of the dimly lit mountain on the side.

Wan Lin was shocked! I thought the little monk suddenly jumped down from the top of the mountain. He turned his head sharply and looked to the side, and only then did he see clearly that the little monk was lying under a rock with another black shadow in his hand.

Wan Lin was overjoyed, and immediately knew that the little monk had pulled the corpses of the two enemies who had just been shot down from the back hillside. Now this kid saw that the wind knives had been discovered by the enemy, so he threw out an enemy corpse in time. , to attract the attention of the enemies in the mountains ahead, and cover their actions with Fengdao.

Wan Lin whispered into the microphone beside his mouth: "Jingheng, good job! Throw another corpse for me to attract the enemy's firepower, and immediately hide after throwing the corpse!"

Following Wan Lin's low voice, the little monk's right hand suddenly raised Another black shadow also flew out to the hillside below, and the boy grabbed the sniper placed next to him. The rifle rolled and rolled down towards a few dim rocks on the side of the mountain. A series of deafening gunshots, "Da da da, da da da", followed from the side of the rock where the kid was invisible.

Among the two silhouettes flying out from the top of the mountain and the gunshots that suddenly sounded from the top of the mountain, "da-da-da" and "da-da-da", a burst of violent gunshots suddenly sounded from the dim mountains outside the valley, and clusters of gunshots spewed out. The light of the fire flew straight to the hillside below the little monk.

In the dense rain of bullets, on the top of Wanlin's side and on the hillside, pieces of gravel shot by bullets immediately splashed, and the surrounding area was filled with dust and fog. "Da Da Da" and "Da Da Da", two clusters of fire snakes also appeared on the side of the rock where the little monk was invisible.

Amidst the deafening gunshots that suddenly sounded in the mountains in front of Taniguchi, fire snakes spewed from the muzzles flew straight to the top of the mountain where the little monk was located and the hillside below. The dense firepower of the enemy was already displayed in front of Wan Lin.

A gleam of light suddenly flashed in Wan Lin's eyes. His muzzle quickly aimed at a dark shadow lying on a rock in the distant firelight, and his fingers quickly pulled the trigger.

In the sound of his low sniper rifle, the shadow on the rock in the distance trembled violently, and then fell to the rock. The assault rifle in front of the boy also fell to the rock.

Wan Lin knew that the method used by the little monk in his clever move had indeed caused the enemies who were in ambush outside the valley to really think that these pursuers were rushing down from the top of the mountain, so the other party did not hesitate to lean out and attack.

After Wan Lin pulled the trigger, he raised his hand to pull the bolt, and turned his head to look sideways in surprise. From the muzzle fire that spewed from the top of the mountain on the side, he immediately understood: this must be the young monk holding the captured assault rifle and suddenly pulled the trigger down the mountain.

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