Panther Commando

Chapter 5609: dangerous quagmire

The little monk also raised his gun and stood up when he heard your Wan Lin's order. He grabbed Bao Ya's arm and said in a low voice, "Master... Brother, I will take you to wash in the creek over there, I... I know what Xiaoxi is. The location, the shoes...the mud on it is uncomfortable."

Zhang Wa and Bao Ya heard the boy's stammering cry, Bao Ya touched the boy's head, followed him with a smile and ran to the mountain on the right, Wan Lin and the others immediately followed.

Wan Lin's group scattered to the mountain on the right, and a bright creek appeared between the cracks in front of the rocks.

Zhang Wa and Bao Ya followed the little monk and ran to the front, and the three of them lay on the rock and raised their guns to look around. At this time, two leopards suddenly emerged from under the rocks in the stream in front of them. They stood on the rocks beside the stream and swayed vigorously. Then, amid the water droplets in the sky, they ran along the stream to the side mountains like smoke. go.

When the little monk saw the two leopards emerge, he whispered in astonishment, "These... two little things, how do you know there is... a place to bathe?"

Bao Ya lay on the rock, moved his muzzle and glanced at the swamp in the direction of the running of the two leopards. He followed the little monk and smiled: "Do you think your kid is capable? Let me tell you, Xiaohua and the others are in five Inside and outside, you know that there is a stream here.”

The little monk looked at the backs of the two leopards in astonishment and said in a low voice, "Ah? So... they are so amazing, I... I thought I was the only one who knew."

Zhang Wa glanced at the boy with a smile, and ran to the rock beside the stream. The two quickly put their feet into the stream, cleaned the dirt on their trouser legs and shoes, and then picked up their guns. Chase behind the two leopards.

Wan Lin's group ran for about two kilometers to the side of the mountain. The little monk who had been pulled behind by Wan Lin looked at the front and said, "Leopard... head, from under the boulder in front, you can... enter the swamp. ."

Before the little monk finished speaking, the two leopards in front had stopped in front of the boulder. The two leopards circled around the boulder for half a circle, and they ran towards the swamp with water and light.

Xiaohua then jumped up to a small tree that was crooked. It glanced intently at the swamp in front of it, then raised its head and glanced at Wan Lin, with a blue light flashing in its eyes.

Seeing this, Wan Lin and the others immediately lay down behind the surrounding rocks and aimed their guns at the swamp on the side. In the bright morning light, the swamp is low-lying, and patches of water glitter under the weeds and tree trunks.

A few kilometers to the side, a large river was shimmering in the morning light, and the river was flowing along the edge of the swamp. There are some withered and yellow aquatic plants all over the swamp.

In the slight mountain breeze, a few small trees and weeds in the swamp swayed in the wind, and the black puddles were rippling, and the wind was filled with the smell of rotting water plants.

Wan Lin carefully observed the swamp in front of him, and then he stared at the two leopards that glowed in his eyes and whispered: "Zhang Wa, Bao Ya, you two are scouts in front with two leopards, and the rest of the team follows me. Behind, follow our footsteps into the swamp."

Following Wan Lin's command, Zhang Wa and Bao Ya had already run towards the swamp. Their feet landed in the muddy swamp and immediately appeared under the small tree where the two leopards were.

Zhang Wa's voice followed from the headphones of the Wanlin group: "Leopard head, footprints were found under the tree, the black snake must have entered the swamp from here."

As soon as Zhang Wa's voice fell, Lingling's report sounded: "Leopard head, I found an unknown radio communication signal, the communication time is very short, the location is in the mountains in front of us, about 50 kilometers away from us, it should be the black snake with his accomplices. connect."

The wind knife lying on the rock beside Wan Lin, after listening to Zhang Wa and Lingling's reports, he took out the map and glanced at Wan Lin, followed by looking at Wan Lin and said, "Leopard head, if this radio signal is from a black snake, then It proves that the black snake has walked out of this swamp and is trying to negotiate a meeting place with his accomplices." He then raised the map to Wanlin.

Wan Lin glanced at the map, and then commanded into the microphone next to his mouth: "Go!" He followed the gun and stood up to run forward. At this time, the little monk also quickly stood up and said, "Leopard... head, I... go ahead with you."

Wan Lin heard the boy's cry, turned his head to look at him and scolded: "Why are you following me? Follow Senior Brother Feng and the two Senior Sisters." The little monk quickly replied: "I'm familiar with this place, I know... Where can I go, I can lead the way in front, so save... save time... catch up with the black snake. I... I won't drag... tire you."

Wan Lin hesitated for a moment, then said, "Okay, then you will follow me." He knew that walking in the swamp was extremely dangerous, and if he was not careful, he would be buried in the soft mud. It would be safe for this kid to follow him. Some.

Moreover, he judged from Lingling's report that the black snake had walked out of this dangerous swamp, and the possibility of fighting in this swamp was very low.

He then looked at Feng Dao and said, "Feng Dao, you are behind Dali and Da Zhuang. They both have a lot of equipment and heavy loads. You should take care of them." After that, he took the little monk to Zhang Wa. Chase behind Bao Ya.

Feng Dao saw Wan Lin running out with the little He turned his head to look at Dali and Da Zhuang who were lying on the back and shouted in a low voice: "Dali, Da Zhuang, you have a heavy burden on your body, you are in the swamp. Be careful."

He then looked at Brother Yuwen's advice and said, "Yuwen, Zisheng has just recovered from his serious injury. You can take care of him from behind." He raised his hand and waved it forward, and then took the little monk to follow Dali and Dalian. Zhuang ran to the swamp behind him.

At this moment, Xiaoya and Lingling looked at each other and ran behind Xiang Fengdao. They know that in the entire commando team, only Dali and Dazhuang are from the hard work, and the light work is relatively poor, and they are carrying heavy equipment. An accident occurs.

Therefore, Wan Lin specially instructed a few of him to take care of these two tall and strong guys to prevent accidents in the swamp.

The sun has risen, and the view between the mountains is extremely wide. Pieces of blackened puddles shone with dim light in the morning light. Two leopards were running up and down in the muddy swamp.

Zhang Wa and Bao Ya followed the two leopards about 300 meters away. Their feet were also extremely sensitive. They jumped and ran forward under the grass roots and trees drilled out of the mud. Raise the muzzle and look forward.

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