Panther Commando

Chapter 5606: Swamp in the dark

"Panther Commando(

In the thick night, Zhang Wa's group, who had been resting under the cliff, immediately ran up and down to the mountains in front of Wan Lin's command. Wan Lin also followed He Chengru to stand up from under the rock, and the two of them jumped with Xiaohua and ran down the steep hillside.

At this time, the Leopard team members, who had already had enough food and drink and rested for several hours, seemed to be fully charged and ran extremely fast in the dark and rugged mountains.

Two hours later, a touch of white had appeared over the mountains in the east, and the hazy peaks in the night gradually revealed their majestic shadows. The jagged rocks in the mountains in front of them also clearly appeared in front of a group of leopard team members. .

At this time, Zhang Wa, who had been running in front of the two leopards, suddenly reported: "Leopard head, the front is the swamp area shown on the map. Xiaohua and Xiaobai entered the swamp not far, and followed a few waters. The Black Snake suddenly disappeared from Wabian."

Wan Lin heard Zhang Wa's report in the earphone, and immediately commanded into the microphone beside his mouth: "Stop moving forward, be alert on the spot, I will go over immediately."

Saying that, he quickened his pace and ran to the mountains in front of him. Xiaoya and Lingling also scattered around Wanlin with the little monk, speeding up to follow. Chengru and Fengdao on both sides also ran forward with two boys.

Wan Lin turned around the foot of the mountain in front of him, and saw Zhang Wa, Bao Ya, and Yu Wenfeng lying behind the rocks at a glance, raising their guns to aim at the mountains ahead.

Wan Lin rushed to Zhang Wa's side, and Zhang Wa whispered, "Look at the leopard head, the front is the swamp shown on the map." Wan Lin lay on the rock and looked forward intently.

In the dimness, a large area of ​​open space suddenly appeared in front of the mountains where there were still many strange rocks and towering peaks. The open ground was covered with glistening puddles, and the puddles were overgrown with weeds, and the crooked little trees were also covered with weeds and the edges of the puddles.

Zhang Wa saw Wan Lin staring at the swamp in front of him, and he continued: "I looked at the map just now. This swamp covers an area of ​​about 50 square kilometers. There are two rolling mountains on both sides of the swamp. A fast-flowing river with wide channels."

He then raised his hand and pointed to a faint shadow of a mountain in front of him in the dim light, and continued: "The channels of these two large rivers are tortuous, with many branches, and the plains are low-lying. It must be the stagnation of water flow and the formation of such a large swamp. . If we take a side detour, it's at least an extra day's travel."

Wan Lin heard Zhang Wa's introduction and raised his sniper rifle to aim at the swamp in front of him. The puddles in the swamp are dotted, and patches of dead grass and small trees are swaying with the breeze.

At this time, Feng Dao and several others were also lying on the rock behind Wan Lin, raising their guns and staring at the swamp in front of them that reflected the water and light of the stars.

The little monk glanced at Xiaoya and Lingling beside him, and saw that the two senior sisters were also looking at the swamp in front of them through the scopes on their guns.

He frowned and glanced at the dimly lit swamp, then whispered to Lingling, "Ling...Senior Sister Ling, sniper rifle doesn't...have a scope, I can see...can't see far away, you ...will you lend me the telescope?"

Xiaoya and Lingling both laughed when they heard the boy's cry, Xiaoya raised her hand and took out a pair of low-light telescopes from her backpack, she handed the telescope to the boy and said, "Jingheng, use me, this telescope for you Just keep it for use, I have a scope on my gun."

The little monk happily took the binoculars: "Hehe, Xie...Senior Sister Xie, guys are so nice. When I look back, I...I'll...I'll give you BBQ meat."

"Stinky boy, you're on a mission now, don't be flattering." Lingling turned her head to look at the boy and scolded with a smile. "Yes, yes, perform... perform the task." The little monk replied in a low voice, raised the telescope and looked forward, and muttered in his mouth: "Really...really clear."

Xiaoya heard the boy muttering and went on and on, she turned her head to tell the boy to "shut up", the little monk moved the telescope, looked at the faint mountain shadow on the side of the swamp and suddenly said, "Hey, I... I've been here before."

When Xiaoya and Lingling heard the boy's voice, their hearts moved. Lingling turned to look at him and asked in a low voice, "When have you been here?"

In the darkness, the little monk raised his binoculars and stared at the swamp, and replied, "Indeed... I did come here, a few... years ago, I... followed the master here, and the master still... Teach me a lot of... how to navigate this wetland."

When Xiaoya heard the little monk's answer, she immediately looked at Wan Lin who was lying in front and said in a low voice, "Leopard head, Jingheng said that he came here a few years ago, and he may be familiar with the terrain in this swamp."

Wan Lin and Zhang Wa heard Xiaoya's cry, and they quickly retracted from the rock in front of Wan Lin turned to look at the little monk and asked, "Jingheng, have you really been here? "

Hearing Wan Lin's question, the little monk quickly put down the telescope and replied, "No... that's right, I and my master... father have been here before, this... there's no way to go here, it's all... it's silt, people As soon as you enter, you will sink in. If you have to... walk to the right for about half an hour, and then enter the wetland, there are many grass... and trees there, so people can walk along the grass roots and under the trees. , there are poisonous snakes inside."

When Wan Lin heard the little monk's answer, he turned his head to look at Zhang Wa and ordered: "Zhang Wa, take Bao Ya and Xiao Hua to the swamp in front of you to investigate the situation, and by the way, let Xiao Hua spy on the direction of the black snake, the situation in this swamp. Unknown, Jingheng said there are snakes, you must pay attention to safety."

"Yes." Zhang Wa replied, followed by calling Bao Ya and ran to the swamp in front of him. As he ran, he waved at Xiao Hua who was lying on a rock in front of him and called, "Xiao Hua, come with us."

Wan Lin saw Zhang Wa and Bao Ya running out, he followed into the microphone and ordered: "Cheng Ru, Zisheng, cover Zhang Wa and Bao Ya." After speaking, he turned to look at the little monk and asked: " Jingheng, why did you and Master Changtian come here?"

He knew from the little monk's description just now that the little monk had indeed been to this sparsely populated mountainous area, and he still clearly remembered the topography here.

But he didn't understand why Master Chang Tian brought this Guan disciple to this uninhabited mountainous area. If they wanted to hunt, they wouldn't need to be so dangerous. Not only is the terrain complicated, but the terrain here is complicated, and there are also poisonous snakes and beasts infested. Ordinary people can't survive here at all.

When Xiaoya, Lingling and Fengdao heard Wan Lin's question, they all looked at the little monk, and they all had the same question in their hearts.

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