Panther Commando

Chapter 1170: Conquer the swamp (1)

Squad Leader Wang's eyes widened, and he kept his mouth open for a while without making a sound. This tall boulder is steep on all sides. He used his buttocks and limbs together just now. It took a lot of effort to climb up a little bit along the steep rock crevice. Unexpectedly, the two people below jumped up in an instant.

Cheng Ru went up and down and glanced down, seeing that Xiaoya and the others had already stood up and turned their heads to look at him, he waved his hand to show them that there was no problem, then turned his face and asked Squad Leader Wang: "You are not on duty at the top of the mountain, why are you running here? coming?"

"I see you all going back and forth, wanting to see what's the secret behind the mountain?" Squad Leader Wang replied embarrassedly, his face flushed red, he stood on the boulder and raised his hand to salute, but he stopped halfway. Now, neither of the two in front of him were wearing military uniforms. He didn't know if he should salute.

"Hehehe," Wan Lin and Cheng Ru both laughed. Wan Lin stretched out his hand and pulled down his half-raised arm, and said, "What secrets can there be here? There is a swamp down here. You tell your comrades not to come here, it is very dangerous down here!"

"Swamp?" Squad Leader Wang turned his head and glanced down in surprise. Only then did he feel a pungent smell coming from below. Just now, he nervously focused all his energy on the two people who appeared silently. Now, when I relax, I can smell this pungent smell.

Wan Lin rushed to Chengru and waved his hand to let him go back. Chengru's body flashed, and he jumped directly from the boulder several meters high. He followed his body and flashed back and forth in the mountains. A few people waved their hands and walked to the edge of the swamp with a few people.

Wan Lin glanced at Squad Leader Wang, and saw him staring at Cheng Ru who was flying away in surprise. He smiled and said softly, "Hehe, there is no secret, we are training here, you can go back!" Squad Leader Wang blushed, hesitated and said, "Reporting to the head, can I…, can I watch your training and… learn it as well? By the way, we haven’t met, how do you know I’m on the top of the mountain? A soldier on duty?"

Wan Lin smiled and replied: "I saw you salute at the top of the mountain in the hot spring just now. Well, you can watch it here if you want, but don't get close, it's too dangerous down there!" A boulder floated down like a blue smoke and quickly floated towards the edge of the swamp.

"My mother!" Squad Leader Wang saw that the person beside him disappeared from the boulder in a blink of an eye, he was startled, stood on the boulder and swayed abruptly, hurriedly sat down, and muttered in his mouth : "It's too fast!"

He followed and turned to look at the top of the mountain where his post was in the distance: "The top of the mountain is so far from the hot spring? How can he see my face? What army?"

At this moment, Dali, who was standing on the edge of the swamp, looked at the people around him, and said bitterly: "I'll come first, grandma's, I still don't believe he can eat me!" The bamboo pole thrown on the side, took a deep breath, and rushed into the swamp with a sway. He suffered a big loss in the swamp just now, and he had long been holding back his breath.

At this time, Wan Lin and Cheng Ru had come to the side of Xiaoya and the others. Everyone nervously looked at Dali's figure. He was the weakest among them, so everyone was worried that he might have an accident.

Dali ran very fast in the swamp at this time, his feet moved quickly on the meadow, leaving behind a string of splashes of muddy water. Wan Lin watched for a while, then turned his head and said to a few people around him, "I'll go over and take a look, don't move." Then he looked at Xiao Hua who stood up and said with a smile, "Don't go down." He raised his feet to chase after him. up. He knew that Xiaohua disliked the silt in the swamp and didn't let it go down. Xiaohua hurriedly shook her big tail and lay down on the rock again.

Squad Leader Wang sat on the top of the boulder on the hillside, staring down nervously. When he saw a tall and strong man jumping up and rushing towards the muddy plain, he was still wondering what he was doing.

When he saw the muddy water splashing under the opponent's feet, he suddenly realized that the following is not a plain, it is a dangerous swamp! He clenched the automatic rifle in both hands nervously, and stared at the strong man running in the mud. He couldn't help but be astonished: Too fast, how could this strong man run so fast?

But then he saw that the person who appeared silently beside him just now also rushed into the swamp. The figure flowing in the swamp like black smoke surprised him even more, and he suddenly stood up from the boulder: the other party's feet were basically under his feet. There is no splashing muddy water, and the whole person seems to be flying against the grass and water.

Standing on the boulder, he involuntarily took a step forward, wanting to look more closely, but just as he lifted his foot, he suddenly remembered that he was on the edge of the high boulder, which made his legs go soft, His **** was sitting on the rock, and a layer of cold sweat broke out from his body.

At this time, Dali had already run for about a kilometer in the swamp, and he shouted bitterly in his heart: "Grandma, a pile of stinky mud just wants to eat Lao Tzu? Didn't Lao Tzu also trample you underfoot? !" He ran wildly through the quagmire, relishing the thrill of conquest.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly floated by the followed by Wan Lin's shout from the front: "It's too far, turn back!"

It was only then that Dali came to his senses. Just now, he had been rushing around, and he had forgotten that he had already entered the swamp. He was so full of indignation that he didn't dare to answer Wan Lin aloud. His eyes were fixed on the front, and he saw a dead tree with the thickness of a calf standing crookedly on a meadow not far in front of him. , he immediately ran over to the side of his body.

He approached the dead wood, clenched the bamboo pole in his right hand, stretched out his left hand to embrace the dead wood, stretched out the bamboo pole in his right hand, and a little bit of the meadow in front of him, he turned around and ran back.

As he flew back, the dead tree behind him suddenly slanted and fell down. The meadow under the dead tree swelled up with mud. It poured into a puddle with black mud soup next to it, and then fell into the mud water with a "pop", and then a string of bubbles appeared in the puddle, "poof", "poof", "poof", Clouds of silt emerged from the water, watching the long dead wood sink into the silt.

"Ouch!" Squad Leader Wang on the boulder on the mountainside held up his binoculars to see the scene clearly, and let out an exclamation involuntarily. Xiaoya and the others who were sitting on the edge of the swamp also stood up nervously and took a step towards the edge of the swamp unconsciously.

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