
Chapter 272

This is the instinct of all living things, and Hui Gu is no exception.

Then has he already run away? Xiao Qiao was still worried.

But I heard Xie Wen answer in front: I can't run away, there are people in Ningzhou.


Ningzhou, the Zhang family's main compound.

The night wind was blowing in the back room where Zhang Zhengchu lived, and the doors and windows were flapping open one after another, as if some invisible living creature was breathing silently in the room.

Suddenly there was a dog barking from nowhere, piercing the silence of the night.

A thin mist gathered in the courtyard in the blink of an eye, with a strange damp smell, as if it came from the bottom of the yellow spring.

The door of the hall suddenly cracked and through the gap, the sound of dripping water could be vaguely heard inside. It's like some liquid is spreading and flowing along the ground.

It was like someone's shadow came alive again, a large ink-like piece, slid from the hall to the back, and slid into the bedroom along the crack of the door.

The floor of the huge bedroom instantly turned into a deep black swamp, and the flat surface of the swamp suddenly bulged, slowly turning into a human face. That face was extremely old, the lines at the corners of the mouth were stiff and pulled down, and there were thick or light age spots hidden in the folds.

The face protruded from the ground, then the neck, then the hands and feet...

It was Zhang Zhengchu.

He crawled on the ground, bustled around for a while, and then pulled another person out from the depths of the mud. The man's face was pale, his eyes were closed tightly, and he fell silently.

The moonlight outside the window passed through the cracks and glass, and fell on the ground, illuminating the shadows of the two people. They melt together like two drops of ink-colored water.

After a while, one of them bent its head a few times and stretched out, struggling for a while like a snake moulting its skin.

He stood up from the ground, the shadow was stretched thin and long by the light. He walked past the shadow of the window lattice, rummaged around in the room for a while, making light clanging and bumping noises.

After a while, the fine white smoke from the incense burner seeped out from the gap between the door and the window.

The figure crouched on the ground again, wandering around the circle of more than a dozen incense burners, greedily sniffing the smoke from the incense burners.

When the green smoke entered the body, a storm suddenly rose above the Zhangjiaben's house, and the electric light was entwined in the thick clouds, winding across from the horizon, covering the entire sky, and enveloping the old house.

The moment the bright color flashed, a pale face appeared in the blue smoke. He squinted his eyes, moved closer to the incense burner, and looked up again when the lightning suddenly struck.

That was... Zhang Yalin's face.

Then came thunder and thunder, and heavy rain.

The figure took a long breath of cigarettes, let out a weak but comfortable sigh, and raised his head high. The swamp formed by the thick black mist churned endlessly amidst his sighs.

Suddenly, the ground of the huge house shook violently. It was like being hit hard from the bottom up with a jack.

The agarwood wooden shelf swayed under the heavy blow, and the ancient books and books stored on it fell to the ground with a bang, smoke and dust were everywhere, and the debris flew.

The figure on the ground was terrified, dormant and deadlocked under the sudden movement, and remained motionless.

A second thump followed.

All of a sudden, hundreds of insects moved in the surrounding area, and living things ran around. Slender cracks began to appear on the walls and floor of the Zhang family's house, and powder ash rolled down from the height of the beams.

And then the third blow!

Fourth hit!


After eight consecutive sounds, the wind suddenly sounded in the void. It was as if someone forcibly blew up the barrier and tore open a door between heaven and earth.

The crouching person twisted his neck and folded his hands and feet the moment he heard the wind.

The swamp on the ground suddenly swelled, and under the cover of billowing black mist, he was about to drill underground, trying to change a position.

In the light of calcium carbide flames, two howls of animals came from the sky, overlapping with the ground at the same time, shaking the heavens.

Two bluish-white phantoms rushed towards them at an extremely fast speed, falling straight to the ground like stars, carrying a lingering wind, they stepped through the high door of Zhang's house with one palm, and landed on the left side and the right side. The Taoist figure was beside him, cutting off the opponent's way of escape.

The two giant beasts looked like tigers but not tigers, their bodies were as white as frost and snow, their four claws stomped on the flowing flames, and the fierce flames shot up from the soles of their feet, coating each fur edge with a layer of golden red.

Half of their faces are majestic and majestic, and half of them have only dry bones, half life and half dead, with a five-point ghostly appearance, but they are imposing. The chains on his body were loose, and every step he took was the sound of gold and stone.

Their names are engraved on the chains: Zhao.

Chapter 96

Zhang Family Courtyard.

The formation gate tore through the void, and suddenly stretched across the sky and the earth, like a giant beast opening its mouth in the abyss.

When Wen Shi stepped out of the gate, the scalding and trembling hot wind rushed over, almost burning people's skin! It just happened to be accompanied by heavy rain. One second she was drenched, and the next second she was jerked violently in the heat. Sparks burst out from the sky, wrapped in the wind like fireworks, and then fell down overwhelmingly.

Several long blue and white shadows entangled in the sky, as fast as a gust of wind, almost invisible to the naked eye! But the movement they caused was enough to shake the entire Zhang family and even the whole land.

——grass! Dadong held his head in both hands, and fled in embarrassment the moment he jumped out of the gate, trying to avoid the raging flames, Why did they already fight?!

As a puppet master, he subconsciously threw out several puppet threads.

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