Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 931: The Fall of the Titans

Azeroth's side is working hard to dig pits for Ake'Mon' and Kil'jaeden-if possible, it is best to kill them directly, at least to drive their souls back to the Twisting Void.

The Burning Legion is waiting for the arrival of its own master.

After destroying more than half of Draenor, Sargeras finally set foot on the land of Hellfire Peninsula-at this time, Shadowmoon Valley, Zangar Marsh, Nagrand and Blade's Edge Mountains were almost destroyed.

Although Draenor had no Star Soul, after paying the price of a world and countless demons of the Burning Legion, Sargeras came after all.

"Fools, your failure is simply a shame for the Legion!"

After Sargeras arrived, the first thing was to criticize Akmund and Kil'jaeden.

For Sargeras, this kind of inexplicable failure is absolutely unacceptable. The Burning Legion paid a huge price, but the result is not as good as imagined.

The offensive was frequently blocked, and even Ak ‘Mund’ and Kil’jaeden had to resurrect themselves in the Twisting Void.

You know, the reputation of the Burning Legion is also one of their important weapons-under the reputation of the Legion, many worlds will make wrong decisions in wars, and even collapse without fighting.

However, if the Burning Legion encounters repeated failures, then this reputation will soon be greatly reduced. What is more serious is that it will even lengthen the Burning Legion's front!

An Argus is annoying enough. If another Azeroth comes, how can the Burning Legion be the destroyer of the world?

Of course, Sargeras's criticism did not go too deep.

On the one hand, it is because Ake ‘Mon’ and Kil’jaeden are the second and third figures under his command after all, and on the other hand, because Sargeras himself was lost in Azeroth.

Even Sargeras himself still has the fist marks left by Drunk Wind.

From this perspective, Sargeras is not much better than his little brother.

I am embarrassed to say too much!

So everyone quickly skipped the link of criticism and self-criticism, and began to discuss how to clean up Azeroth.

There is no doubt that even Sargeras has concerns when facing Azeroth.

Although Sargeras did not like Norgannon, he had to admit that Norgannon was a good hand in prophecy.

In Norgannon's view, Azeroth will become the most powerful Titan in the future—even the Titan that will end the battle between light and darkness.

Sargeras also knew this prediction. In addition, he was beaten by the drunk wind with a set of anger and thunder, and now there is a problem with the moon of Azeroth, where would Sargeras despise this world?

It can be said that if Sargeras can really push Azeroth, the world that can stop him is really not much.

All in all, Sargeras needs a grand debut.


On the other side, the "legacy" left by C'Thun was used again.

The tunnel left by the worms will become the most powerful weapon for the coalition to ambush the demons.

This tunnel used to be the path of surprise attacks, killing N'Zoth in one fell swoop, this time it will become a trap again, killing the Burning Legion!

As for the most difficult Sargeras-Drunk Wind promised that he would definitely ‘get away’ Sargeras as soon as possible to ensure that he would not interfere with the front battlefield.

For the remaining Ake ‘Mon’ and Kil’jaeden, the coalition forces have a clear division of labor.

All the gods of the wilderness came, and the demigods of Mount Hyjal and the Four Gods of Pandaria came to the cursed land, and they would be responsible for besieging Akmund.

Even if Ake's "Mon" made progress this time, with the help of his companions, Zuifeng believes that such an All-Star lineup is enough to clean up the pollution.

Although the strongest Bailu is not at, we are crowded!

On the other hand, the five members of the Stormrage family (Malfurion, Tyrande, Illidan, Vaschi, Maiev), plus Thrall, Medivh and the five dragon kings are responsible for facing Keir. Katan.

This time there is no main cannon to burn the Atama Crystal in Storm Fortress, but the fraudsters will definitely not get any benefit.

With these preparations, Zuifeng believes that polluters and fraudsters have absolutely no time to get distracted.

As for the vast army of demons, Drunk Wind has already dug traps for them, just waiting for them to jump in!

When all Azeroth’s ‘elements’ gather together, even if it is a devil, there is nothing terrifying!

Drunk Wind believes that as long as the Burning Legion returns, it will be himself who wins.

Because this is Azeroth, because of my own backing, it is Ai Luen!

Under the bright moon, the warriors of Azeroth are unstoppable!

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