Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 889: Kick off the war

Although Thrall was trembling, he couldn't refuse Drunk Wind's proposal at this time.

On the other hand, Zuifeng didn't really care about Thrall's attitude.

No matter what Thrall thinks, Drunk Wind has always felt that he has done his best to the tribe, especially the orcs.

Yes, orcs can be considered Titan creations, but how do you say they are all outsiders, right?

As the heir to the will of Azeroth, at least I will confiscate your rent, right?

Outsiders attack, pull you to fight together, this is also the intention!

Of course, many times Drunk Wind has to admit that Thrall can be said to be able to have today.

Although he does not have the aura of the savior, Thrall used his own reason to ensure the development of the orcs-the so-called not hitting the smiley people, Thrall understood this well. No matter how Drunk Wind hates the orcs, it is not good to do more to the tribe. What, especially when the brain damage he hated the most was dead.

After all, the Burning Legion is outside, and the ancient gods are inside.

The good news is that the last one inside will be gone immediately.


N'Zoth is the weakest chicken among the ancient gods except for Saratas, who has only one claw left-this identification is given by Yogg-Saron, C'Thun and Saratas unanimously, but The reliability is extremely high.

But in the same way, he was also the most sinister among the ancient gods.

Thanks to the ancient gods for the collapse of the earth, the sealed land of N'Zoth has changed from underground to the seabed, which gives N'Zoth enough opportunity to develop his own power.

The Faceless Underwater will be severely weakened, and the worm cannot survive. In this case, N'Zoth once thought that he could only rely on Deathwing to do things, but he did not expect the explosion of the Well of Eternity to send him. Won a big gift.

Azshara and the Highborne.

Azshara, who had lost the shelter of the Well of Eternity, found that she was unable to shelter her loyal subordinates, so when she heard N'Zoth's voice, she chose to surrender without hesitation.

In order to survive, for revenge.

In fact, when Drunk Wind used the power of Azeroth to do things, N'Zoth had also considered whether to add to this **** guy.

Don't need to be too complicated, just change some time nodes to make him truly lost in the time network.

If that was the case, even if Zuifeng found the bug on Timeless Isle, he might not be able to return to the normal timeline.

But because of the transformation of Azshara, N'Zoth did not spare any time in the end.

Thus, Drunk Wind escaped.

Now to be honest, when Yogg-Saron was over, N'Zoth had a rare feeling of regret-although the ancient gods themselves could hardly feel emotions, regretting this thing is not pure emotion...

Especially when he learned that Drunk Wind was going to do it on himself.

The fact that Drunk Wind visited the Alliance and the Horde successively, and held a meeting within the oath could not hide from N'Zoth's men.

Although the Twilight Sect fell apart because of the break between N'Zoth and Deathwing, the essence of it has been firmly in the hands of N'Zoth.

This also means that N'Zoth can inquire about the movement of Drunk Wind at any time-after all, this kind of thing involving the large-scale mobilization of the army cannot be hidden.

A believer of the ancient gods, unless he reveals his true and crazy side, it is difficult for you to judge his identity.

So unless the operation is absolutely confidential, Enzos can always get some news.

This is why Drunk Wind chose to prepare three sets of plans so much.

Yes, you know, but can you tell which plan is true between the real and the real?

If you can’t tell, sorry, it’s better than you don’t know anything...

The plan that N'Zoth got was the 1.0 version of Drunken Wind.

It is said that the Kul Tiran navy will be the main force, vowing to carry out a large-scale military operation against the Naga together with the Alliance and the Horde.

And as long as the naga is cleared, the lonely N'Zoth will not be far from death.

This plan is like selling stupid.

In N'Zoth's opinion, if Drunk Wind really wants to deal with himself according to this plan, then I am afraid I don't need to worry at all.

Think about it, what is the key to this plan?

Kill Naga and clear your own wings.

The idea is full, but the reality is quite backbone.

When N'Zoth reformed the naga, he took out his best state and transformed the naga into a large unit that is best at underwater combat.

In the ocean, Naga has a terrible home court advantage!

This is not the key. What is more important is that terrestrial creatures will have a natural DEBUFF when they go into the sea, and the resistance and pressure of breathing and underwater will become their natural enemies.

It can be said that except for those absolute elites, trash fish cannot withstand the pressure of the deep sea!

Of course, N'Zoth also knew that dwarves and goblins had some weird engineering—just like the original Titans.

But the cost of engineering is terrible, and N'Zoth believes that it is impossible for mortals to use this to arm everyone!

After thinking about it, N'Zoth felt that this was a rather nonsense plan-he was sure that this was just a smoke bomb that Drunk Wind gave him. Drunk Wind hoped that through this plan he would interfere with his own judgment and cover up his true purpose. !

But no matter what N'Zoth thought, after contacting everyone, Drunk Wind really brought people together in Kul Tiras.

The troops dispatched by the oath include Slipblade Naga, a small number of high elf wizards who are good at water (ice), blood elf priests, and night elf priests. It seems that they are really good at sea warfare.

As for the alliance, Kul Tiras has become the absolute main force, and the dwarf provides a lot of engineering products.

The tribe is almost the same The Dragonmaw clan serves as an emergency support mobile force, while the trolls bring in many wizards-these trolls have mastered a part of the power of shadow or light or arcane as spellcasters. force.

In general, the turrets for this operation are quite sufficient, but due to the frontal and powerful troops such as Korkalong, the Royal Knights of Stormwind, and the Tauren Heavy Infantry, they are not suitable for fighting in this situation, so Drunk Wind pulled up The troops seemed weird.

N'Zoth also got the news soon, don't know why, he felt that there seemed to be something he hadn't thought of.

And it didn't take long for N'Zoth to understand what he hadn't thought of.

On the one hand, I don’t know why a group of goblins and the Forsaken participated in the battle. The goblins provided engineering support, and the Forsaken were completely immune to the various DEBUFFs of the deep sea.

This is nothing.

The most important thing is that the Elemental Lord has joined the battle! 898)

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