Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 884: Drunk Trade Plan

When Thrall heard that Drunk Wind had come to Durotar, the warchief's heart was a little broken.

Let’s put Garrivix under house arrest. If Garrivix really joins the tribe, then everything is fine-but now Garrivix hasn’t joined yet. What if he asks for help from Drunk Wind? trouble?

But anyway, Zuifeng still wants to see him. According to the spy's information, the purpose of his trip seems to be related to the ancient gods?

Speaking of the ancient gods, Thrall really didn't know what he should think of these shit-chucking sticks-it seemed that they were always doing things.

Shaking his head, Thrall simply instructed Kukaron to cover up all the information about Gary Vix and his merchant ship, and then personally went to the port to meet the drunk wind.


The drunk wind who came to Durotar on the passenger ship walked down the gangway and carefully looked at the city belonging to the orcs.

Drunk Wind had also been to Durotar before—but Drunk Wind was sitting on the back of a dragon. He had never looked at the city from such a “mortal perspective”.

Towering buildings, fierce spikes, rough walls, and broad streets.

The city of the orcs has always had such a rough beauty.

Thinking of this, Zuifeng suddenly shook his head—when did he stop thinking of himself as a mortal?

But before Drunk Wind came out a few steps, he met Thrall who took the initiative to greet him.

"Warchief, long time no see!"

Seeing the drunk wind with a smile on his face, Thrall also naturally smiled.

"Big Prophet, long time no see!"

The two started to flatter each other with goose bumps.

From this, we can clearly see the tendency of Drunk Wind-for the Alliance, Drunk Wind is somewhat unscrupulous, but for the tribe, Drunk Wind is a little cold and polite.

But Thrall didn't mind it.

In the Chiefs' Hall, Zuifeng said in a relatively tactful tone that he needed to cooperate with the tribe and everyone would fight N'Zoth together.

As for Drunk Wind's request, Thrall agreed without blinking his eyes-and, rarely, did not make any request.

Hearing Thrall promised so quickly, Zuifeng raised his eyebrows subconsciously.

It seems... something is wrong!

Obviously Thrall is not a good talker!

Zuifeng clearly remembered that when he cleaned up C'Thun last time, Thrall was crying frantically, asking for money and food!

As a result, Drunk Wind kindly reminded Thrall that the battle for N'Zoth this time might be very difficult - compared with C'Thun, N'Zoth was more difficult to deal with.

But Thrall still said that it was for Azeroth.

Thrall's positive and sunny attitude made Drunk Feng a little confused, and there must be some reasons he didn't know.

As a result, Zuifeng immediately remained silent, and following Thrall's words, the two began a rather unnutritious discussion.

Since this matter involved the entire tribe, Thrall immediately sent someone to find Zul. At that time, many tribal issues needed to be discussed together.

It was also getting late at this time, and Thrall personally sent Drunk Wind to an orc hotel.

This is a hotel beyond Drunk Wind’s expectations. Although the building has a distinctive orc style, the level of cleanliness is far beyond Drunk’s expectations. The bed is not covered by animal skins commonly used by orcs, but made of plush. Blankets, cotton bedding.

It seems that this is a place dedicated to entertaining outsiders.

"Is this place always empty?" Drunk Wind asked the orc who was taking care of the hotel inadvertently, "I always feel that this place doesn't fit your orc's style."

"Uh, this is usually where the goblin guests live." The orc scratched his head. "A few days ago, the big goblin merchant named Gary Vix just left."

Gary Vickers?

Drunk Wind nodded—I heard that the prince of trade and the orcs were walking very close, and now it seems to be the case, and there is his "house" in Durotar.


The continuous sea trip is not a good experience for Drunk Wind. It is rare that there is such a comfortable place on the orc's site. Drunk Wind didn't even eat dinner and lay directly on the bed.

And just when Drunk Wind was about to go to bed, he suddenly found something wrong.

There seems to be something in the pillow?

Drunk wind got up, but the pillow looked soft and soft, there was nothing?

After kneading for a while, Zuifeng discovered the problem.

In the pillow, I don't know who stuffed a gold coin.

Looking at this well-forged gold coin, Zuifeng frowned.

This is obviously a gold goblin coin-although goblins are very stingy, they are meticulous in coining.

The question is, why is there a gold coin here?

Those who are familiar with goblins know that it is absolutely impossible for a goblin to lose gold coins!

And put it in the pillow!

It seems that the goblin did it deliberately.

So why does the goblin spend a gold coin and put it in the pillow?

Thinking about it, Zuifeng has only one conclusion.

The orc seemed to have done something to the owner of this gold coin.

Considering that the last person who lived here was Gary, can't that explain the orcs? Is this goblin merchant caught?

I have to say, this conclusion seems a little absurd, so good, why did the orcs catch Gary Vix?

And there has never been a rumor that the boss of the Bilgewater Chaebol has disappeared.

But as a traverser, Drunk Wind doesn't think so-in his opinion, it is really possible for the orcs to do so.

The tribe now only has orcs and trolls. Strictly speaking, the tribe has many shortcomings.

Whether it is the vacancy of the caster or the lack of logistics, these directly limit the continued development of the tribe.

In the original history, Gary Vix had to join the tribe after the cataclysm. This tribe brought a lot of advanced productivity and installed a strong heart for the tribe’s war machine!

And now, if the tribe wants to make up for their own shortcomings, it is entirely feasible to pull a group of goblins!

Chances are that Gary Wix is ​​in Durotar now!

After drawing this conclusion, the exhaustion of Drunk Wind was almost wiped out.

Since this incident happened, then I must intervene.

As for the position-hehe, could Drunk Wind help the tribe?

If you can take the opportunity to rescue Gallivex, does it mean you can turn Pandaria's trade from a privately profitable trade into a completely official business?

In the previous discussions on Pandaria’s food, although the pledge has been greatly benefited and guaranteed (even the alliance and tribal forces have completely withdrawn from Kalimdor), the alliance and the tribe have Oaths are not allowed to interfere-everything is handed over to the fourth party.

And now, a new one almost seemed to be in front of Drunk Wind.

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