Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 878: Jaina's blind date

When Drunk Wind was stunned by Dai Lin's request, the admiral slipped away. When Drunk Wind finally recovered, the sky was full of gongs and drums and firecrackers blasted.

The real official welcome team for Kul Tiras has arrived.

The headed one is not someone else, it is Lady Jaina Proudmoore.

When Zuifeng saw Jaina again, he hardly recognized the female mage for the first time.

When did the aristocratic girl who used to be fearless and fearless become such a model of aristocracy now? This really makes you feel a little unbelievable!

Although Jaina’s appearance has not changed-with the help of arcane magic, Jaina is able to maintain her face, at least from the outside, she is still the old magical girl-but apart from her appearance, whether it is her words, deeds or behaviors, Jaina had completely escaped the impression of drunkenness in the past.

He has become a completely different person.

Graceful and noble, elegant and extraordinary, even if Jaina is still holding a staff, but at first glance, she feels more like a noble lady than a powerful wizard.

The etiquette was impeccable, and Jaina personally greeted the drunk wind into the palace and had a formal meeting in a more private meeting room.

Jaina knows very well that the reception can be formal, which represents respect, but the meeting must be kept secret, because Zuifeng's identity is quite special-Zuifeng is notoriously never involved in politics.

After Zuifeng sat down, the first thing he did was to bring Alsace's last words-not many words, only three words.

"Alsace defeated Frostmourne at the last moment and came to his senses. He asked me to say to you—I'm sorry."

When he learned that these were the last words of Arthas, Jaina was silent.

Everyone is growing, and Jaina now feels that her growth seems to be a little late.

But in any case, being late is better than not being late. After experiencing many things, Jaina finally figured out many things before.

Jaina understood Alsace’s choice, and also realized Kael’thas’ responsibility. The stories of the prince and princess living happily together in fairy tales are often deceptive-as far as Jaina knew, Kaelthas He got married some time ago, and his bride is Solan Liane, the great astrology master of the high elves, someone Jaina has never heard of.

Jaina didn't know whether there was a love between Kael'thas and Solanlian.

But Jaina can be sure that whether there is love is not important to Kael'thas.

Solan Ryan is not the Silvermoon Parliamentary Party. The combination of the two parties clearly shows Kael'thas' position. It is foreseeable that the High Elves will return to the reign of the first Sun King Dathremar ten thousand years ago. .

This also means that for a long time, the Silvermoon Council on the high elves will become a decoration. Apart from some trivial daily management, Kael'thas will not give the Silvermoon Council any authority.

After realizing this, what really surprised Jaina at the time was the angle of her thinking about the problem-this time she didn't think about whether the Soranlian was happy, but instead thought of the political structure of the high elf.

Maybe this is what my father said about growth...

On the other side, seeing Jaina had no response, Drunk Feng grinned, sold Dai Lin decisively, and directly told Jaina that your father wanted me to find a boyfriend for you.

After learning of the request that her father had mentioned before, Jaina showed a rare expression of surprise.

What my father meant... Is to marry yourself?

But astonished, Jaina was suddenly sad inexplicably.

More importantly, thinking of Alsace's last words just now, the sadness finally turned into heartache.

In the past, being together with Alsace was a perfect match-although the reason for the two people being together may be due to certain political factors, and there are some people in the middle who fanned the flames intentionally or unintentionally, but Jaina really came from the heart. In love with Alsace.

Your Majesty who loves this sunshine.

Jaina had never regretted, and stood with Arthas in Gilneas.

But Arthas pulled out that **** Frostmourne.

At the beginning, Jaina didn’t know why Arthas would do that, but when Arthas chose to use Frostmourne to commit suicide and brought her final apology through the mouth of drunk wind, Jaina almost cried. .

But Jaina managed to hold it back after all-although the place where he met Drunk Wind was a more private side hall, although tearing her face in front of Drunk Wind was really not a serious problem, although Jaina closed her eyes.

Although Jaina is still full of blond hair, there is no doubt that her heart has hardened.

It seems that except for his father, emotionally, the last worry is gone.

Although she did not experience the opposition to her father, and although she did not experience the destruction of Theramore, the current Jaina has indeed grown into a great Looking at Jaina who is firm in front of her. Suddenly, Zuifeng had nothing to say.

Blind date or something... Let's put it aside, now Jaina really can't find a suitable person for her.

In terms of status, Jaina will soon be the Queen of Kul Tiras; in terms of strength, Jaina is a powerful mage, at the top level among humans; in terms of emotional experience, her ex-boyfriend is the Lich King. The spare tire was Kael'thas-once the sea was difficult to overcome, now it seems that for Dai Lin's request, drunk wind can only be helpless.

It will also take one day that Jaina will meet someone who suits her. In this case, the only thing Drunk Wind can do is silently bless her, and her face is distressed.

After all, anyway, Jaina who didn't sell her father and Jaina who accompany Arthas to the end of the battle, it seems that there is really nothing to black out, right?

After making up his mind, Zuifeng brought the topic to business.

"Let's not talk about that for now-I am here this time hoping to get help from Kul Tiras. Before countering the devil, we must deal with the last hidden danger of Azeroth."

"The last hidden danger?" Jaina quickly got rid of the pain just now, "You mean...Naga?"

"Almost." Zuifeng nodded, "Naga and their master, the last ancient god-N'Zoth!"


Jaina recalled it carefully, as if she had never heard of the name.

But that is not important anymore.

Without the slightest hesitation, Jaina directly agreed to Drunk Wind.

"No problem, Kul Tiras will do his best!"

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