Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 789: Pandaren Trial

The lawbreaker robot is just an appetizer.

For the drunk wind, since the trial is to be conducted, it must be of epic difficulty-this is the best adventurer, so be flexible, excuse me?

So soon, Allen realized the problem with the trial.

The alarm robot was still hoarse, and what appeared in front of Allen again was no longer a weak magic-breaker robot, but a construction machinery vehicle.

That's right, this is the professional machinery that Drunk Wind brought from Ulduar...

The scientific name is Chariot of Flame-aka four-wheel drive.

Of course, considering that the interior of Azjol-Nerub is not as spacious as Ulduar, the flame chariots brought by Drunk Wind are the smallest.

But anyway, the smallest flame chariot is also an extremely terrifying war machine! This thing has strong defensive power, sharp attacks, and is not subject to debuffs. It is simply a killer!

You don't even need to use a mortar system, even simple crushing is a deadly weapon for a single player!

For this, a certain unlucky warlock's demon guard used his own life to verify.

That's right, Allen didn't stop him, and his demon guard came to "charge toward the tank" once, and the ending was also very tragic.

After being run over by a chariot of flames, the demon guards are no longer in human form.

"Pluto, this is my first demon guard?"

"Wow, woof, woof~"

"It's the tenth one... You said, should I change my mind and summon a kid next time? Why is the demon guard's brain not as good as a dog?"

Pluto didn't answer Allen's doubts again, because now he was running fast-in the same way, Allen also started the deflagration sprint, trying to consume his life force, and also to get rid of the attack of the chariot of flames.

Are you kidding me? Alan really can't handle this thing alone!

Drunk Wind also took this situation into consideration when designing it. For single-player adventurers, it is obvious that at least a chance must be given. Therefore, the chasing procedure of the Chariot of Flame is limited-before his face becomes completely pale, Ai Lun finally succeeded in getting rid of the chariot of flames.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-" Leaning on the wall of unknown material, Allen was gasping for breath. For him, this long-distance running really consumed too much. Don't just don't!

Now, Allen needs to think about his strategy again. If he continues to do this alone, he may be eliminated in a blink of an eye...


There are many people who have the same doubts as Allen.

Facing the chariot of flames, the complete squad (with T, milk and DPS) can also parry one or two, and even if the squad is strong, they can also perform an unarmed Gundam.

But for the Lone Ranger, the Chariot of Flame is quite troublesome.

You should know that the Chariot of Flames appeared together with the Spellbreaker robot. One of these two machines is aimed at the caster, and the other is aimed at the caster who can create simple puppets.

what? Why do you say only for the caster?

Please, have you seen any soldier who dares to wander around by himself?

In terms of overall strength, a simple fighter is really far behind. Most of the guys who dare to be lone rangers have learned a few thief skills.

(Actually, after the big search and guerrilla warfare, even warriors such as Grommash and Orgrim have more or less mastered a lot of stealth and investigation skills-but the guys who haven't learned it are all The Alliance has caught or killed, such as Kargath Bladefist, one of the Seven Draenors)

Luminus was also very upset.

After experiencing the magic-breaker robot and the chariot of flames, Luminus felt that the world was targeting himself.

I have to say that this feeling is too bad.

As a mage, Luminus was already very uncomfortable when facing the magic-breaker robots-but she was strong enough to simply create a flame puppet and defeat the magic-breaker robots.

This can also be regarded as the racial talent of the high elves. They always know how Faye is most easily targeted, so when facing changes, they are often able to make the correct response the first time.

But when facing the chariot of flames, Luminus was helpless.

If Luminus is good at frost, maybe she still has the power of a battle—using frost to freeze key parts, and maybe slowly dismantle this flame chariot.

It's a pity that Luminus is proficient in fire elemental magic, but Frost knows nothing about it!

Reluctantly using the ring of resistance to destroy the balance of the flame chariot, Luminus directly flashed three times.

Then almost hit the dog...

When Alan first saw this wizard, he was surprised.

The mage who appeared suddenly was a young and beautiful high elf girl!

"Hi..." Allen said hello stiffly, "You..."

"Damn machine!" Before Ellendo said, Luminus said directly, "Hey, what are you doing here—Warlock?"

"Yes, Warlock." Allen nodded, "I was stopped by a strange-looking chariot. Take a break and think of a way."

"Are you alone? Killed those magic breaker robots?" Luminus raised his brows, "Not bad."

"It's okay..." Allen shook his head with a wry smile, "I'm very upset, I don't know how to deal with it-so are you?"

"Yes." Luminus nodded. "This **** trial doesn't seem to be very friendly to a lone ranger like me."

"Or, let's try it together?" Allen put forward his own opinion, "If someone helps me contain it, I can't handle it."

"Contained?" Luminus seems to be very Is it enough to contain? "

"Enough!" Allen nodded firmly, "I need a longer cast."

"Can you tell me?" Luminus suddenly leaned over, "I haven't been a teammate with Warlock yet!"

"Summon a powerful demon."

"...Er." Allen's honesty made Luminus a little embarrassed. She wanted to tease this young-looking warlock. She didn't expect Allen to tell the truth directly. As a last resort, Luminus could only He changed the subject awkwardly, "Then why don't you summon now and then take it over?"

"The fighting time is limited." Allen said blankly. "It's too long and I'm afraid I can't control it."

"Okay." After taking a closer look at Ellen, Luminus finally nodded in satisfaction, "Then I will help you reluctantly-I hope the demon you summon is really strong enough!"

"Of course." Allen was full of confidence, "Absolutely stronger than you think!"

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