Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 786: Azeroth has hip-hop

After hesitating, Allen chose Ice Worm as his mount.

It's not that he can't reach the ancestor dragon in the sky, he doesn't want to cause trouble-he doesn't know the relationship between the ancestor dragon and the giant dragon, is it unlucky to anger the giant dragon for this?

"Ice worm..." Alan scratched his head, "These guys seem to miss sand worms, let me try if I can catch a few!"

As a child of a hunter, Alan has no professional training, but he still knows a lot about beasts-at least in the Black Forest, he often follows Dax to catch sandworms.

(You read that right, those unlucky sandworms were indeed eaten. After all, the flesh left after making the soul stone cannot be wasted, right?)

Fishing for ice worms (sand worms) first finds a relatively hard ground.

In the vast white snow, Allen found a piece of ice.

Northrend's ice is made of white snow over the years, it is strong enough, and the surface is covered with thick snow.

With Pluto's help, Allen wiped away the snow and began to tap the ice regularly.

This kind of regular vibration is the easiest to attract sand worms, and Alan is not sure whether this kind of vibration can attract ice worms.

Fortunately, Allen succeeded.

Under Allen's efforts, a huge ice worm suddenly broke through the ice and bit Allen fiercely.

But Ellen was prepared, and the ambush ice worm was directly held by the Hellhound and the Demon Guard.

Pain, fatigue, weakness!

As Alan raised his hand, three curses were directly placed on the ice worm's head.

The power and difficulty of the curse is directly related to the soul strength of the target. For an ice worm, it is too easy to release the curse!

The originally strong and powerful ice worm became wilted, and even his carapace lost its original luster, and its many pairs of short legs were in vain.

With the efforts of the hellhound and the demon guard, the hapless ice worm was dragged out of the ice cave, and Allen sat on top of its head unceremoniously.

The ice worm still wanted to struggle, but under the effect of the curse, it was so weak that even a human could not get rid of it.

After struggling for a long time, the ice worm finally gave up its efforts, and the curse made it extremely weak. In this case, its physical strength was also severely weakened.

Allen began to prepare a new spell-soul stripping.

After all, he is not a professional hunter, and Alan does not know how to tame beasts—and he has no time to tame beasts, so the best way is to destroy the consciousness of the ice worm and turn it into a puppet.

It is not complicated to make a fel puppet, as long as you inject fel energy into the puppet, and then manipulate the fel energy, you can manipulate the puppet to perform simple actions-the only difficulty with this spell is that the caster must be familiar enough with the structure of the puppet ,

For ordinary warlocks, it is a bit difficult to manipulate an ice worm, but for Allen, who manipulates sand worms all the time, this is not a problem!

Soon, Allen has his own exclusive mount-Swift Ice Worm!

After fixing the mount, the next task is to hurry.

Since the ice worms move very fast on the snow, after roughly estimating the time and distance, Allen decided to go straight to Aizhuo-Nerub!

Just as the wizard can make bread to fill the stomach, the soul stone of the warlock is actually full, but most warlocks will not eat it unless they really can't find it.

Without him, the taste of the soul stone is more like a block of mud.

But on the vast snowy field, it is really difficult to find food. Alan really doesn't want to waste time anymore. If it is unpalatable, it is unpalatable!


Allen's guess is right.

On the third day of the journey, he was attacked by a snowman.

Not one head or two, but a large group-Allen estimates that the number of these snowmen exceeds twenty!

There are many distant relatives of Northrend’s Snowman Gekeby Alterac Valley. They are very comfortable with the ice and snow here. For the snowman, whether it is cold-resistant moss under the snow or a tundra goat that eats moss, it is great. food!

Except for mammoths and ancestor dragons, the snowman is the biggest on this piece of snow!

Allen had never been in contact with yeti before, and his understanding of yeti was only derived from the description of the bard, so he was a little dazed to see these guys surrounded aggressively for the first time.

What did you do? Frightened the snowman's cub? Broke into the snowman's territory?

Confused Allen feels that he should temporarily avoid the edge now-more than twenty snowmen can not be easily dealt with by himself!

Manipulating the ice worm puppet, Allen turned and left!

Allen wanted to go, but the snowman didn't let him go-the strongest snowman in the lead roared and took his little brother (maybe his wife and concubine) and chased him directly.

What the hell? !

Alan was stunned!

Didn't you do anything to provoke the snowman?

Why do these snowmen look reluctant?

Poor Ellen didn't know that the Wind of Magic—and all the ships that came to Northrend—coated the cabin with Kogukaphine powder.

Fortunately, the mist has cleared away, otherwise Zuifeng really doesn't know where to get so many Kogukapha.

Kogukaphine has a strong smell, and the noses of humans, elves, dwarves, and pandamen are not very sensitive to it. Except for the snowmen who love Kogukaphine, only the earth spirits who rely on their noses to record the location can distinguish its taste. , So these adventurers have been drunk by the wind since they got on the ship.

The snowmen are actually not malicious, they just want kogukaphine, but the behavior of Alan turning around and running makes these big men have some bad he has kogukaphine, but Not willing to give it to me! "

Under this kind of misunderstanding, it is no wonder the snowmen will chase after him.

Allen is not alone.

After entering the snowmen's gathering place, most adventurers have experienced similar scenes. These hordes of snowmen rush over at a disagreement, and the faster you run, the more fierce the snowmen chase.

At high altitude, the drunken adventurers who watched their farts finally couldn't help but start laughing.

"There are not many female wizards." Kalecgos, who was observing the performance of these adventurers, looked uninterested, "I don't think it will work."

"I think it's okay." Onyxia shook her head, "It's just that I always feel that this is unjust-the mage may find the problem, but the soldiers will not know what is going on when they are exhausted. "

"Who makes them lack the math wisdom." Khadgar curled his lips. "Who can be blamed."

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