Panda’s Self-cultivation

: Chapter 783: Trial in the Mist

In order to find a truly reliable adventurer, Zuifeng can be said to be exhausted.

There is no high lord here, and there is no Naifetian, everything can only rely on the adventurers who take up the mission in Misty Harbor.

And these adventurers are not players. On the one hand, their strength is not so strong, on the other hand, they are not so "decent".

That's right, Drunk Wind must be careful, maybe an adventurer may stand on the side of the Lich King for greater benefit.

In order to screen, drunk wind must make his trials comprehensive and reliable-it is best to pretend to be some accidents, the acting is more realistic, you can determine who is more reliable.

This is why Drunk Wind has asked Kalecgos to be the last boss, pretending that he is the Frost Dragon!

Thinking carefully about the frenzied levels that I knew in the previous life, the drunk wind shrouded the entire Aijol-Nerub in an endless mist-adventurers, you will feel the wisdom that crosses the plane!


This trial attracted more than just some adventurers seeking wealth. On the ship to Northrend, a special passenger was arranged in a room on the bottom corner of the ship.

Adonis Allen, a brown-haired human who completely wrapped himself in a robe.

The reason why he is special is because the breath on his body is not very pleasing.

After all, the power of fel is always uncomfortable—yes, Alan is a warlock.

Warlocks are a very magical profession in Azeroth. They are inextricably linked to demons, and demons are the absolute main force of the Burning Legion, so they are often branded "evil".

But actually?

Look at the boss of Azeroth Warlock-Medivh is now a Warlock!

After experiencing Sargeras' possession, Medivh's memory has a lot of knowledge about demons and fel energy, and he has now used this knowledge to resist the Burning Legion.

Here, people often have a misunderstanding-demons are all of the Burning Legion.

In fact, this is not the case.

Sargeras formed the Burning Legion because he was short-handed and he was not good at creating things, so he released the demon previously imprisoned in Mardun.

But not all demons are imprisoned in Marton!

Before the fall, Sargeras’ mission was to hunt down demons, and the objects he hunted were all the evil beings with a reputation. As for the remaining miscellaneous fish, Sargeras had no time to deal with—you can’t count on Ma. There are a bunch of little ghosts in it, right?

Therefore, there are actually many, many demons on different planes. They do not belong to the Burning Legion, but they are still evil and chaotic. At the same time, they are also willing to obtain what they want through the contract situation-such as Say the soul.

And these demons and the Burning Legion do not deal with them. The purpose of the Burning Legion to destroy everything destroys their business. If all the worlds are destroyed, where will the demons get their souls?

The warlock is the one who trades with these demons to gain power.

They twist their souls and cause pain, but their purpose is not necessarily evil.

In the final analysis, evil energy is also a kind of energy. Although it will inevitably bring some negative emotions to people, so will arcane arts!

(Faye’s arrogance is not just because of strength, but the arcane itself makes people become proud. This kind of pride is not emotional arrogance, but because he knows more and is superior-warlocks are often psychologically dark, and Darkness is not purely anti-human, but they always stare at the worst places, and the first reaction to things is the one that turned out not so good)

Warlocks are not necessarily evil, and demons may not belong to the Burning Legion.

Allen is a very "friendly" warlock.

"Hey, Pluto! Don't stare at my mana crystal, **** it, how could there be such a greedy Hellhound like you..."

For example, now, poor Allen is struggling with the task of "training the dog".

Warlocks can command demons through contracts, but Alan is more accustomed to communicating with demons-who made him come from a hunter family?

It was a coincidence that Allen became a warlock.

When Alan was a child, the Undead Scourge had not yet erupted, and Gilneas was still in isolation.

Alan, like many children, likes to take a wooden "shotgun" and walk into the Black Forest to play "hunting" games. This is also the tradition of hunters.

But life is always full of accidents.

In one game, Alan and his friends were completely separated. The dark forest was nowhere to be seen. Alan didn't know the direction and could not find a way out, so he could only wander around.

Then he met the bear.

Bears are one of the most dangerous predators in the Black Forest. They are fierce and brave. They are not afraid of pain even after being provoked. No one wants to provoke them except those experienced hunters.

And the hapless little Allen met a bear.

Allen was at a loss. He dropped his "shotgun" and started climbing trees.

In the Black Forest, there are many straight trees, and these tall trees are the best cover. In the stories passed by word of mouth, many protagonists rely on climbing trees to save themselves.

But Allen is not.

The tree he chose was too thin.

For a hungry cuddling bear, a tree with a diameter of less than ten centimeters is a bit slender. In order to obtain food, it takes some effort.

So, when Allen himself was safe, the bear on the ground began to attack the tree.

The generous slap lifted up and hit the tree trunk fiercely.

The trees trembled.

Little Allen was stunned-Mom, this is not the same as what he said!

Maybe it’s because Allen’s prayer came into He quickly heard his parents’ call—the children’s delay in returning made the Ellen and his wife a little strange. They went to the place where Little Allen often played. , And then surprised to find that Little Allen's footprints lead to the depths of the Black Forest!

The couple was shocked!

Now is the time when bears are infested, and it is too dangerous to go deep into the Black Forest at this time!

So, the two hurried over following Allen's trail and had a face-to-face with the giant bear.

The Allen and his wife are both famous hunters, but the hunters without shotguns are not opponents of a giant bear.

Little Allen watched as his parents fell to the ground with two slaps.

Just when the giant bear was about to eat, a green light suddenly appeared, and then the strong giant bear aging rapidly and at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally died.

Allen turned his head uncertainly in the direction of the ray. What he saw was an old, green face under his hood.

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