Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 789: Steal a floating life for half a day

Zuifeng and Khadgar's "text messaging" lasted a long time.

In the spare time of the chat, Zuifeng also held a one-person BBQ in Ulduar-as an honorable chef, Zuifeng always has enough ingredients.

Khadgar and Sylvanas, who were trapped in the control room, couldn't help crying.

Trapped in the control room, Khadgar and Sylvanas can only rely on magic bread.

But the magic bread...Although it can barely bring a feeling of fullness, Khadgar is not Kalecgos after all. He has not studied how to make these dry bread taste better, so imagine that there is a wall. Someone is grilling meat in the place, but you have to eat dry bread.

That taste is more painful than being hungry all the time.

Therefore, under Khadgar's strong suggestion, the drunk wind who put the poison late at night could only leave the control room in an anguish.

During this period, Drunk Wind wandered around Ulduar.

To Saratas's blessing, except for the locked control room, Ulduar's other defenses almost all failed. Drunk Wind basically went wherever he wanted.

In the archives, Zuifeng saw an imitation of the Norgannon disc made by Loken to fool the Titans.

A golden round plate of unknown material.

Although I really want to get some useful information from it, Zuifeng is not good at archaeology and magic, so in his opinion, maybe the Norgannon disc is just a relatively high-end DVD-anyway. Can't read it.

The archives are just that, except for the model, the star map, which Zuifeng can't understand at all.

Finding nothing in the archives, Drunk Wind simply turned his attention to Ulduar's creation field.

Although each guardian has its own separate creation furnace, in Ulduar, there is also an experimental creation field here.

Due to the failure of the defense, Zuifeng had a chance to enter the finished product exhibition hall of the creation field, and carefully looked at the creation of Titan.

Then, Zuifeng despaired of Titan's aesthetics.

Big is beautiful-this is understandable.

But can you tell me why Titan’s works are all inorganic?

There are too many organic possibilities, right? Doesn't meet your order, right?

Looking at the creation models left by the Titans, Zuifeng really didn't know what to say.

In fact, sometimes, Drunk Wind is really weird, wouldn't the Titans feel lonely?

Imagine that in the vast star realm, there are just a few familiar faces over and over again. Titans have indeed left traces on many planets, but most of the creations are guys who only know logic. Isn’t that scary? ?

The huge Ulduar was so lonely under the starry sky. In the empty hall, the drunk wind looked at the starry sky image on the wall and stroked the starry sky sculpture of unknown material. At this moment, he felt endless loneliness.

This is really not drunk and hypocritical!

This feeling of loneliness... terrible!

The sheer order is terrible!


From Ulduar to Uldaman, even the straight-line distance on the map is terrible, so Onyxia's return will take a long time.

Drunk Wind is really unwilling to continue wandering around in the empty Ulduar. This place is big-so big that you want to walk all over it may take several days-but for Drunk Wind, it is not interesting here anymore.

Those who are interested can't understand, and those who can understand are meaningless.

So he found Khadgar again and asked him where Ulduar had something interesting that he could understand.

Khadgar stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

Then, under the instructions of Khadgar, Drunk Wind came to his private library...

It seems that Khadgar is also scratching his head for Ulduar. It seems that after he became the guardian, his life was not happy at first-otherwise he would not have moved many Karazhan books to Ulduar. You.

what? How did Zuifeng know that these books belong to Karazhan?

Please, there are signs of Karazhan behind these books!

Drunk Wind took a close look at Khadgar's library. It seemed that Loken belonged to Loken before, right?

Or maybe it belonged to Tyre. Drunk Feng hadn't been able to find anything iconic from the hardware level after watching for a long time, and he couldn't go around in a polite manner.

I got a few books from the bookshelf, and drunk wind comfortably nestled on the sofa.

On Khadgar’s bookshelf, there are not only a variety of magic theories, but also some novels and travel notes. Zuifeng is not interested in travel notes (most of them are written by Brian, and he will talk for a long time every time he drinks. The wind is about to get tired of listening), but for novels, Drunk Wind still has some ideas.

It seems that I have returned to the days when others studied in the library and Jin Yong in the library.

To the surprise of the drunk wind, Azeroth—or Azeroth's human literature—is quite good.

Perhaps it is because of the natural contradiction between nobles and commoners. Many novels read a witty, pungent irony.

Can't tell Khadgar still likes this one?

In addition to this kind of satirical novels, there are also a lot of myths and biographies. There are a large number of bards in the taverns of Azeroth. They will write down their best works when they are old. This is them. After all, most of the people who work in the tavern have no surplus.

Although many of these biographies are far from the facts that Zuifeng knows-for example, a female bard once portrayed Aegwynn as a wise, calm, and courageous image, but Zuifeng But she knew that, except for courage, the other three points had nothing to do with Aegwynn. She was neither wise nor calm, nor was she calm when facing things.

But in these books, the ideas they express always have merit.

So Drunk Wind settled down in Khadgar's library and flipped through the novel, which was fine.

Think of it as stealing a floating life for half a day!

It's a rare time to relax.

The drunk and happy life did not last long.

Finally, while Drunk Wind was reading a book, he found that the door of the library closed by himself.

Drunk Wind didn't do anything, and there was no wind inside Ulduar. There was only one reason for the door to close automatically, and that was that Ulduar's defense system started operating again.

This also means that Mimiron is back!

After discovering this, Zuifeng simply put down the novel in his hand, and then left the library.

The Lord is finally here!

Raiden chose neutrality between Azeroth and the Pantheon, so how would Mimiron choose?

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