Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 787: Drunken Archaeological Project

It is good to have dreams.

However, if the dreams of others are reflected in your reality, it may not be so wonderful.

After learning that this kind of blueprinting is a common trick of Titans, Drunk Wind is inexplicably afraid.

"Tell me, Leiden, did you fall into despair for this reason?"

"No, it's not just that." To Drunk's expectation, Leiden denied this statement. "I know you are still very strange now, why I gave all of the Naraksha engine to Thor, right?"

"Yes, I am very puzzled." Zuifeng nodded, "I don't understand why you gave Thor the power of the Naraksha engine, and let him reverse the curse of flesh and blood... all of this is illogical. !"

"You don't understand." Layden pondered for a while, as if organizing his own language, "Titan created me. Even if I love the world more, I can't violate Titan's requirements."

Zuifeng looked at Leiden with some surprise. To his surprise, this guardian seemed to have a rather delicate side.

"When our guardians were born, they have assumed the responsibility of the Titans and maintained the order of Azeroth. Originally, we were happy to continue working like this-but after being aware of Titan's plan, I Disagree with their ideas."

"But I can't give up my responsibilities for this reason. This nature was destined when the Titans created us-so I would take some relatively negative measures at best, such as scrapping the engine that implemented the plan."

Listening to Leiden's explanation, Zuifeng understood.

Guardians are more like robots with their own values. Unless they are hacked (corrupted by the ancient gods), they cannot violate the Titan's instructions.

However, due to the inconsistency between Titan's instructions and his own values, Leiden chose to incapacitate himself in a manner similar to self-harm.

Wait, you lose your ability to work without the Naraksha engine?

"Ryden, are you saying that the Naraksha engine is also one of the ways to realize this blueprint?"

"I think so." Raiden admitted to Drunken Wind's statement, "Each Titan's ruins have their own functions, such as Ulduar, where it is the control center, and Uldum is the Azeroth restart device. , Garnier strengthens the Emerald Dream, and the Well of Eternity attracts intelligent creatures..."

"Wait a minute, what are you talking about?" Drunk Wind interrupted Leiden. "The Well of Eternity...attracts intelligent creatures?"

"Yes." Leiden recounted some of his thoughts, "Each planet will give birth to primitive life. These primitive life are the observation objects of Titan, but they will also affect Titan's experimental plan. So Titan created the Well of Eternity. , Use it as a source of attracting intelligent creatures-after all, as long as the creatures have wisdom, they will always naturally tend to a place full of energy, and some of Titan’s backhands for the Well of Eternity also ensure that these intelligent creatures can hardly stop Titan’s plan."

"What next player?" At this moment, Drunk Wind's heart was full of deep anxiety, "How can Titan influence the intelligent creatures gathered near the Well of Eternity?"

"Naturally rely on the guardian's guidance." Leiden's tone did not fluctuate. "The guardian shoulders the responsibility of safeguarding lives, and they will naturally guide these intelligent lives to the direction the Titan needs."

Hard to understand.

Regarding this passage of Leiden, Drunk Wind expressed confusion.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the Well of Eternity has no negative effects other than attracting the coveting of the Burning Legion?

And it is Ysera who is in charge of the Well of Eternity, she has done nothing bad!

Seeing Zuifeng's doubts, Leiden put out all his guesses one by one.

"I know that the current well of eternity is not the same as I said, but it is due to the war of the ancients. Recently I was reading the records of the war of the ancients in the lorewalker. Think about it, if the war of the ancients There has not been an invasion of the Burning Legion for a while, what will the night elves be like in the end?"

What would the night elves be without the invasion of the Burning Legion?

Zuifeng thought carefully about Leiden's hypothesis.

Drunk Wind thought of Azshara, who was still ignorant of Azeroth? Unbelievable Highborne? An organization of priestesses and druids that developed silently?

If this development continues, disputes between the high-level elves and the night elves civilians will inevitably occur—even wars!

and then?

Who will win?

It must be those who are closer to the Guardian. Drunk Wind believes that if there is a war between the two sides, the victor must be the civilians of the night elves.

However, this doesn't mean anything?

Seeing Zuifeng's still confused face, Layden shook his head helplessly.

"Getting the power of the Well of Eternity is equivalent to serving Ganir, understand?"

Only then did Drunk Wind react, and his thinking fell into a misunderstanding!

He preconceived that the conflict was inevitable, but in fact, what would happen if there was no War of the Ancients, the current Malfurion is the proof.

The power from the Emerald Dream will continue to expand!

It can be said that as long as intelligent creatures use the power of the Well of Eternity, they will naturally help Titan complete the blueprint plan.

The Well of Eternity provides energy, this energy comes from Azeroth, and those who use the energy of the Well of Eternity will give some of this energy to Garnier.

Moreover, Drunk Wind also thought of the druid's exchange-after the birth of the new world tree, the night elves gained immortality at the expense of the druid's long sleep.

The initiator of this event was Zuifeng himself!

Drunk Wind is not malicious, Alexstrasza also has good intentions, but behind these two good intentions, is there a conspiracy behind it?

No one can refuse the eternal temptation, and the way to gain eternal life is to help Titan realize the blueprint plan!

Why does Alexstrasza know the way to and she has never mentioned it before?

Doesn't the dragon want to live forever?

Now it seems that Garnier and the Well of Eternity are more like a temptation of red fruit!

Want power? Come to the Well of Eternity!

Do you want immortality? Serve Garnier!

"No, I'm going to Ulduar!"

After thinking about many questions, Zuifeng finally got up.

Although Aviana should know more about Garnier, she is the **** of the wilderness after all, not the guardian left by the Titans. It should be difficult for him to have a relatively direct feeling!

Only Ulduar will have clues!

Although Tyrba Norgannon Disc was brought to Uldaman, Zuifeng believed that Ulduar must have something else!

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