Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 785: Creepy drunk wind

Drunk Wind and Malfurion met during the War of the Ancients-but because of the two-line battle, although the two people have a lot of recognition with each other in terms of strategy and tactics, they really fought side by side. This seems to be the first once.

During the bombing battle, Drunk Wind sensitively discovered some abnormalities.

Malfurion's sealing spell is very powerful. Although Deathwing's attack was due to his own weakness this time, Malfurion is definitely the number one hero.

But this spell, Drunk Wind felt familiar.

It wasn't because of the sealing of Harves-Zuifeng felt that this kind of crazy growing plant seemed to have seen it somewhere.

Where is it...

Drunk Wind has not experienced WOW 6.0, so after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't realize that Malfurion now has some similarities with Draenor's eternal prosperity.

Even if he didn't think of this, Zuifeng thought of something else.

Malfurion, or the Emerald Dream is out of balance!

Looking at the crazy plants, Drunk Wind instinctively felt that the current Emerald Dream seemed to be out of control!

The lack of vitality is terrible, but if one day there is excess vitality, is it also a mistake?

Well, this thing really has the effect of drunkenness.

After cleaning the Emerald Dream from the Nightmare King, Malfurion—or many druids—feeled an increase in his power.

According to what Ysera said, the Emerald Dream is the reflection of Azeroth. In theory, the energy in the entire Emerald Dream should be exactly the same as in the reality of Azeroth.

What a huge energy this is!

But when you think about it, there are some differences-or logic problems.

In reality, part of the energy of Azeroth is given by the Titans (the power of the guardian, the power of the dragon), but there are more parts that are inherent in the planet itself (element, even Most material energy).

But the Emerald Dream is actually made by Titans!

In this case, there must be a difference in energy between the Emerald Dream and reality. Unless the Titans can provide energy that exceeds the reality of Azeroth, the energy of the Emerald Dream will never catch up with reality.

But having said that, the Titans can't provide it. After all, Azeroth, who has not yet awakened, is the most powerful Titan.

Even stronger than the sum of other Titans!

According to Ysera, when the Titans created the Emerald Dream, the prescribed law was the reflection of reality!

If the Emerald Dream continues to develop according to Titan's plan, it must absorb some energy.

Before, Zuifeng had personally participated in the process of purifying the Emerald Dream, and had seen Ysera and Malfurion mobilize the power of the Emerald Dream many times. The Emerald Dream looked more like a source of power.

Azeroth does not have the law of conservation of energy, but you know with your feet that the Emerald Dream cannot generate energy out of thin air!

Thinking about it, Zuifeng came to an amazing conclusion.

The Emerald Dream is absorbing the power of Azeroth!

This is the only possibility that makes sense!

At this time, Zuifeng suddenly thought of the former mother tree Garnier.

Garnier used to be the channel connecting the emerald dream and reality. When the sky fell and the earth broke, Garnier exploded and disappeared.

It was also in that explosion that Azeroth showed his power for the first time through Drunk Wind's hands.

Drunk Wind used to think that Garnier collapsed when his power was exhausted, but now thinking about it, is it possible that Azeroth himself was pushing the boat?

What if Garnier's role is to draw the power of Azeroth to the Emerald Dream?

Somehow, Zuifeng suddenly thought of Harves, the nightmare king.

Harves once had ambitions-if the power of the Emerald Dream expands infinitely, the power of the dream will interfere with reality, and Azeroth will become like a dream.

In other words, Azeroth will be swallowed by dreams.

Harves is the villain, so he distorted the dream, hoping to twist the world.

But if the dream is not distorted, will it also devour the world?

At that time, this world will become like an emerald dream!

And the designer of the Emerald Dream is Titan!

Thinking of this, Drunk Wind finally got terrified.

At this moment, Zuifeng didn't know whether his conjecture was right or wrong, but considering the test ground left by the Titans, Zuifeng really didn't dare to judge easily.

If these guesses of Drunk Wind are correct, it means that the Titans have made two preparations for Azeroth-one is based on the Emerald Dream as a blueprint, absorbing Azeroth's energy to change Azeroth itself; One hand is to seal the ancient gods to suppress Azeroth's own growth.

Are the Titans really unable to deal with the ancient gods?

Was it really a shaman who killed Y'Shaarj and gave Azeroth a hole (well of eternity)?

But after Yogg-Saron died, although Northrend did have a little bit more thoughts, there was no substantial wound!

Y'Shaarj is indeed the strongest of the ancient gods, but Yogg-Saron is not bad!

In the extremely hot Di Yuan, the drunk wind could not help but shiver.

Onyxia keenly issued the anomaly of Drunk Wind, she changed back to a human form, and then looked at Drunk Wind.

Zuifeng shook his head.

Finally, Zuifeng felt that his head was full of paste, and the excitement brought by Deathwing was successfully sealed away!

The Titans of the Pantheon...

Zuifeng even began to wonder whether the Pantheon had really fallen completely.

According to Raiden, the Titans, with the help of Norgannon, sent the final message back to Azeroth, which caused some unknown changes to the Guardians.

Thinking about it now, this answer is indeed somewhat In Zuifeng's view, perhaps Leiden is the one who was kept from hiding.

Perhaps, the Pantheon was not destroyed at all, or perhaps the "destruction" of the Pantheon was originally part of Aman Sur's plan!

While Nozdormu was still finishing the seal, Zuifeng took the lead to leave the abyss.

At this moment, there are countless doubts in Drunk Wind's heart, and he needs to verify-it concerns himself-and the future of Azeroth as a whole.

Titan, are you friends or foes to Azeroth?

No, Zuifeng feels that he needs to figure this out!


The book will have a major turning point in the recent chapters. The protagonist will no longer play soy sauce. When the target of the Titans is truly exposed, in order to protect Azeroth, there will be many more names on the list of drunken enemies.

As for the glass slag, I care about it!

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