Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 783: A subtle sense of sight

Drunk Wind couldn't judge now what kind of state Deathwing was in.

Is the clone that was wiped out just now? Or is it that Deathwing simply divided itself into two?

Clone and split are completely different concepts!

The former means that as long as you find the right one, no matter how many other Deathwings are, they are nothing more than illusions. As for the latter, it means that Deathwings really mastered some incredible black technology.

Considering that Deathwing gave up the power of the earth so simply, Zuifeng is more inclined to the latter inference.

After all, how do you look at it, a kind of clone technique will not make Deathwing give up the power of the earth he is familiar with?

Deathwing has split itself from one deathwing into two, and both deathwings have real bodies and their own thinking. From the performance point of view, there seems to be something contact.

This is troublesome now.

Zuifeng frowned and watched the remaining Deathwing tumbling in the air, as if the complete death of the other had caused him serious consequences.

The other six people (dragons) just watched Deathwing silently, and didn’t take the opportunity to go up and try again—not because of the gentleman’s demeanor, but because both Ysera and Malygos, who have the lethal ability, need it. Rest awhile.

Moreover, the status of Deathwing is currently unknown, all previous plans have been invalidated, and everyone needs to think carefully about how to deal with Deathwing next.


I have to book, flesh and blood's amazing!

Soon, Deathwing seemed to finally get rid of the pain, he split into two again, and then rushed towards Drunk Wind frantically.

The kind with a very clear purpose. Whatever others say or do, Deathwing doesn't care!

There is only drunk wind in his eyes-kill that panda!

Crush that **** guy!

No matter how hard Onyxia or Alexstrasza worked, Deathwing's goal would not change in the slightest, as if he would kill the drunk wind even if he was injured.

In a trance, Drunk Wind seemed to have returned to his previous life, back to when he was a WOW rookie-there were no monks at that time, and OT was scolded by the leader for a long time after he broke out.

It seems that based on my previous behavior, this OT is a bit serious...

Well, these messy thoughts are just a moment, and the fighting literacy of Drunk Wind is still possible. Although his thinking is more jumpy, this generally does not delay the fight.

At least when facing some crazy Deathwing, Drunk Wind escaped.

Ok? Dodge?

This is actually very wrong!

Zuifeng still remembers the first time he saw Deathwing.

With wings covering the sky and unruly eyes, even if they were as strong as Gruul, they were still vulnerable to Deathwing. At that time, although Drunk Wind had the Hammer of Khaz'goroth in his hand, he was still full of Anxious, for fear that the wings of death could not be brought down.

The facts also proved that Drunk Wind’s worries were not superfluous. At the sacrifice of the can, Khaz'goroth's Hammer barely banished Deathwing.

Perhaps it was because the drunk wind was still too weak at the time. At that time, Deathwing was invincible, unstoppable, and unavoidable!

But now?

The frizzy attack, the grumpy temper, the desperate aura-although still menacing, but Deathwing seems to have undergone some changes.

Zuifeng tried his best to dodge while feeling the strangeness.

Seems familiar, but can't remember.

What happened to Deathwing? Why did he become like this?

On the other side, Deathwing became more irritable because of repeated attacks without hitting.

"Damn reptile, don't hide! Come out, your fate is in my hands!"

While speaking, the two Deathwings stopped their attacks, and instead began to cast spells against Drunk Wind.

The transformation came so quickly that even Malygos's spell countermeasures only restricted the movement of one Deathwing.

A crimson ray dissipated halfway, and the other shot directly towards Drunk Wind.

Zuifeng was finally stunned-at this moment, Zuifeng finally realized where his subtle sense of sight came from!

Where is this Deathwing? It looks clearly a dragon version of Voldemort!

At this moment, many questions in Zuifeng's mind suddenly became clear!

It's not that Deathwing is crazy, but he has divided his soul!

No wonder... No wonder the current Deathwing seems to be getting more irritable, more anxious, and even its fighting wisdom has declined!

The lava ray shot into the sky after all, and Drunk Wind avoided the crimson ray at the last moment.

Everything finally became clear!

Deathwing... I don’t know how to say hello!

At this moment, Zuifeng even wondered if he had hit Deathwing so much that he went from one extreme to another.

The previous Deathwing suffered the pain of body collapse at all times, but behind the thick elemental armor, his individual combat power was unparalleled in the world.

And now Deathwing no longer needs to have magma flowing out of the ninja, and any damage-even fatal damage-can quickly recover, and it can even divide the strength into the two bodies.

The price is no longer the defensive power of the past, and no matchless combat power.

It's really hard to say whether this decision is right or wrong.

But in any case, this is bad news for Zuifeng.

In this case, it is almost impossible for Deathwing to be completely killed.

It can be seen from the cast just now-Malygos can only limit one Deathwing spell, if the big chin makes up his mind to long as the two bodies are teleported together, then Mali Goose couldn't stop how.

At this moment, Zuifeng really regretted not bringing another Faye over. Who would have thought that the original enemy had now become two? !

Now that it was confirmed that Deathwing could not be completely eliminated this time, Zuifeng felt that now he should make some other plans.

Maybe... Seal these two big jaws?

But in Azeroth, the seal doesn't seem to be very reliable?


OT: The abbreviation of "OutofTaunt" means that the hatred caused by the damage output or the healing output lock of the team member exceeds the hatred value accumulated by the main tank against the target, and the target abandons the tank and attacks the member. If you do not stop the operation at this time or use the skills that reduce the hatred (the sorcerer’s soul is shattered, the mage’s refrigerator, the hunter’s suspended animation, the priest’s fade) skills, it is likely to cause the group to be destroyed.

Due to the changes in the tank mechanism, the current version has almost no OT problems.

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