Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 780: Deathwing battle

Looking at the appearance of Deathwing, it seems that he and N'Zoth have completely fallen apart?

Although Drunk Wind had anticipated this, Drunk Wind could not help being a little excited when the facts really happened.

As long as Deathwing and N'Zoth collapse, it means that it is almost impossible for both parties to engage in things at the same time!

In this case, the pressure on the pledge will be much less.

More importantly, there are not many cards available in N'Zoth's hand now! Today we have dealt with Deathwing's affairs, and the next plan for N'Zoth is on the agenda!

In order to further confirm the situation, Zuifeng planned to put some words out of Deathwing's mouth.

"What? Speaking of your pain point? The division of Twilight Sect is not easy, right? How do you confirm who the believers believe in? Or are they just assigned?"

Seeing Deathwing's increasingly uncomfortable expression, Drunk Wind was a little unbelievable.

Did you guess right?

Drunk Wind really guessed it right-the group of followers of the Twilight Sect were randomly divided into two parts, N'Zoth and Deathwing half and half.

Seeing Drunk Wind’s expression became more and less beating, and the encirclement of the other people was getting smaller and smaller, Deathwing decided to strike first.

While Onyxia was still in a trance, Deathwing suddenly moved.

A burst of flame burst out and went straight to Malygos.

Deathwing's thoughts are very clear. If he wants to escape, Malygos is the most threatening to him. As long as he finds a chance to give Malygos a bit of cruelty - then, even if only to escape, he will Will regain the advantage.

It is a pity that this surprise attack has limited effect.

Malygos had been staring at Deathwing. When he saw that it was breathing flames, Malygos was ready to deal with it.

A frost armor appeared on the surface of Malygos. The flames raging by Deathwing did not cause Malygos any substantial damage.

"Hey! Neltharion! Where's your power? Lost your ancient **** master, are you just such a rubbish?" Drunk Wind is still provoking, "I heard you are doing some kind of flesh and blood seeds. , Let me see if you have any seeds!"

Deathwing didn't answer, because he didn't have time to answer.

Because on the other side, Malygos fluttered his wings while releasing an anchor spell.

The anchor is a commonly used spell by the master, and the effect is very simple. In the next period of time, all the spells released by the wizard will hit the object to which the anchor is applied.

If Deathwing and Drunk Wind are accidentally hit when they are fighting, then the whole body will be bombarded by human spells to the limit...

At that time, Malygos's saturated spell attack can give Deathwing an unforgettable experience.

At the same time, Ysera closed her eyes when Malygos was fighting with Deathwing.

Due to the close connection with the Emerald Dream, Zuifeng felt the trembling of the dream world for the first time.

Nozdormu raised a hand of Sand of Time. Although it did not cause any substantial damage to Deathwing, it did block the space where Deathwing could dodge.

The battle began in an instant.


Deathwing turned around and flashed past Malygos' anchor, he roared, and then rushed to Malygos who was still casting spells.

Malygos did not stop casting spells, he continued his new spells-because he believed that someone would stop Deathwing for himself.

Sure enough, Alexstrasza stepped forward and blocked the menacing Deathwing.

Although he was one size smaller than Deathwing, Alexstrasza had no fear in hand-to-hand combat!

There is someone behind me!

Two giant beasts were tumbling in mid-air, while Malygos on one side was preparing his spells intently.

Arcane energy is getting bigger and bigger.

The restless arcane even made Drunk Wind feel uncomfortable, seeing Malygos's spell almost completed.

Deathwing also noticed the terrible magic of Malygos, but he was so entangled in Alexstrasza that it was difficult to get out for a while.

How to do?

Deathwing really feels a headache for Malygos's way of making big moves.

After saying that the boss will not be violent until time? Did you use the big trick from the beginning like this?

But no matter how painful Deathwing was, Malygos's spells were also something he had to face.

How to do?

In the next moment, Deathwing showed everyone the source of confidence that he and N'Zoth fell out.

With a roar, another deathwing appeared.


Zuifeng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the two almost identical Death Wings in the air.

Nozdormu raised the sands of time in a timely manner, and enveloped the two death wings in the air.

The sand of time is not simple sand. The time energy contained in the sand of time can erode everything like time-and the illusion is always time-limited, as long as it is eroded by the sand of time, it will disappear instantly.

Even a mortal with a limited lifespan will age extremely rapidly if exposed to the sand of time in large amounts.

But the next moment, Nozdormu's eyes widened.

Two identical Deathwings completely ignored the erosion of the sand of time!

"How can this be?!"

Nozdormu couldn't believe his eyes!

After getting acquainted with Drunk Wind, the Bronze Dragon King no longer carried out unnecessary time travel. He no longer focused on fate, but focused on the development of time itself, so Nozdormu's combat effectiveness can be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds over the years.

But I didn't expect that Deathwing would be split into two like this, and both passed the test of the sands of time!


In midair Two Deathwings laughed at the same time.

"Thank you really, Drunk Wind-if you didn't remind me again and again with Dragon Summon, how would I have thought of creating myself again? Do you think you have a chance to win? No, no, the real battle has just begun! "

With that, the two wings of death swooped down at the same time, one left and the other attacked towards the red dragon queen who was still full of consternation.

"Alexstrasza! It's sad to hear that you died last time? Well, I will send you to see him this time! Hahahahaha!"

In Deathwing's wild laugh, Alexstrasza was in danger.

Originally, the Red Dragon Queen was able to stop Deathwing because he had scruples in his heart. Now that he suddenly needed to fight one against two, Alexstrasza quickly fell to an absolute disadvantage.

Fortunately, at this moment, Malygos's spell was finally completed.

"Get out of the way, Alexstrasza!"

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