Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 778: Visitors from Deep Rock Island

Seven unexpected visitors made Deep Rock Island "lively".

The earth elements, who are not very curious, all expressed their interest to visitors-after all, Onyxia's power and earth elements have many similarities. (Although the difference between the two sides is a bit big)

Earth Elemental Lord, Stone Mother Serathian was very strange to the sudden arrival of these visitors-but this did not hinder her welcome and hospitality.

Not to mention how high the identities of the Dragon Kings are, just talk about Zuifeng—then Zuifeng had something to do with Shi Mu's daughter.

Princess Maraudon Theradras is the first enemy that Drunken Wind encounters that can't be completely defeated. If Zalta's soul were not found in time, I am afraid that Drunken Wind and Kane would really fall in the desert at that time. Up.

After Zalta's complete death, Theradras also left the sad place. The princess of the earth element who lost her lover returned to the deep rock island. From then on, Maraudon in the barren land was only left raging. Centaur.

But in any case, Drunk Wind can be regarded as a favor to Princess Therads, this time in Deep Rock Island, the earth elements have maintained their due respect to the dragon-especially to Onyxie Ya.

I don't know if it is based on the power of the earth or on the wings of death.

Drunk Wind doesn't talk nonsense, and directly expresses that he wants to see Deathwing.

Thraseen was stunned-she had been in Deep Rock Continent for so long, and no one had taken the initiative to find Deathwing.

And looking at the menacing looks of these seven people, it was obvious that they were not visiting.

This is looking for trouble with Deathwing.

Trouble with Deathwing!

As the element lord with the strongest territorial consciousness, Seratheon did not dare to trouble Deathwing!

But after thinking about it, with the current lineup of Drunken Wind, it seems to find trouble with Deathwing... it's not impossible.

Shi Mu thought about it and fell into silence.

To be honest, Thrasein was still a bit tangled.

Although Deathwing likes to engage in wind and rain, anyway, he hasn't destroyed the Deep Rock Continent after all-the deathwing knows that rabbits don't eat grass on the edge of the nest.

So Seratheon was also not willing to rip apart with Deathwing rashly.

If Drunk Wind and they really play off, then Deathwing will definitely find trouble with Stone Mother!

It seemed that he had discovered Shi Mu's concerns, Zuifeng pulled out the Feng Sword behind him and sent it to Shi Mu's eyes.

Don't get me wrong, this is not the meaning of declaring war-Drunk Wind just showed the spirit of Al'Akir among them.

Before the arrival of the ancient gods, Azeroth was ruled by the elements, and the four element lords fought endlessly.

Ragnaros vs. Neptune, Al'Akir vs. Seratheon.

Therefore, Al'akir and Therazane are old rivals.

As far as combat effectiveness is concerned, Al'Akir is not the opponent of Thraseen at all, but the wind element can come to the ground, and the earth element can't go to heaven!

Therefore, Al'Akir has always been the suffering master of Thraseen, and the stone mother has only been beaten for a long, long time.

Now, what I didn't expect was that the invincible Al'Akir turned out to be the essence of Drunken Wind Sword!

Shi Mu thought a lot.

Obviously, this is a display of power and a threat.

You see, the cunning Al'Akir has become the spirit of my weapon, what about Deathwing-what about you?

Drunk Wind is not a bluffing Nomi, his way of reasoning is always so unique that people cannot refuse.

Thus, the seven people found the true place of Deathwing.


Earth Elemental Plane-Deep Rock Continent is a secondary plane that relies on Azeroth, while the abyss where Deathwing is located is a more secondary plane of Deep Rock Continent.

Originally, Deathwing’s office was the Temple of the Earth—the pillar that supported the entire Earth Elemental Plane in Deep Rock Island.

But after Deathwing fell into madness, he no longer performed his duties according to the requirements of the Titans, and the torn body caused great pain, Deathwing built a building for himself on the basis of Deep Rock Island. The secondary plane.

Had it not been for the stone mother to maintain the order of the Deep Rock Continent, I am afraid it would become chaotic because of Deathwing.

Crazy Deathwing is not in the mood to name his little plane, so here we have to use the name of some unlucky goblin, which is called the abyss.

These hapless goblins were obtained by Deathwing from the Kezan Islands through various means. The craftsmen responsible for creating the elemental armor for themselves, and after the Flesh Seed Project began, Deathwing gave up its elemental armor. And those poor goblins have also suffered even more tragic experience-the test product of the Flesh Seed Project.

Deathwing used goblins inhumanely to experiment with the flesh and blood power he had obtained from Hakkar, and created a large number of distorted goblins.

Of course, Zuifeng didn’t know anything about these things. Under Shimother’s instructions, Zuifeng’s first impression of entering the abyss was... it’s so hot!

Yes, Diyuan is very hot.

After all, this was the place where Deathwing made the elemental armor at the beginning. In addition, the black dragon likes a hot environment, so the temperature in the abyss is a bit high.

Later, after Deathwing became obsessed with flesh and blood technology, he simply regarded this intense heat as a test of flesh and blood.

If the flesh and blood can't even accept this level of temperature, it is simply too weak and needs to be rebuilt!

So Diyuan has always been a terrifying furnace.

But fortunately, the seven people on the side of Drunk Wind have long since reached the state of invading the cold and heat. This kind of temperature just makes people uncomfortable.

Di Yuan was silent.

Magma flowed across the barren ground, and rocks were overgrown.

Although Onyxia said that there are traces of Deathwing here, Drunk Wind still feels that the atmosphere here is a bit it go further? "

An unstable situation appeared in the surrounding space, and Nozdormu looked at Drunk Wind—he felt that the space here seemed to have some connection with Deathwing.

"Don't go deeper." Drunk Feng thought for a while, and finally stopped. "If we go on, we may be completely separated from the earth elemental plane. Then the entire space will be under the control of Deathwing. Fighting against us Too unfavorable, here is enough, I believe Deathwing will come out!"

With that, Zuifeng took out a dragon's summon that had been confiscated from Nomi, and then used the wind sword to sever it.

Although the quality of these alchemy products is excellent, the Hefeng Sword is still incomparable.

"Damn, Pandaren, I've had enough of your provocations! Now you have come to my place?!"

Sure enough, Deathwing appeared for the first time.

Then, looking at the seven people on the side of Drunk Wind, Deathwing was a little confused.

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