Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 758: Abacus of the Alliance Tribe

After the vows began to prepare for war, the Alliance and the Horde got the news immediately.

This kind of action cannot be concealed—not to mention that a new piece of land suddenly appeared at the southern end of Azeroth.

Kul Tiras expressed concern over the development of the situation.

Stormwind is concerned about the development of the situation.

The orcs are concerned about the development of the situation.

Zandalar expressed concern about the development of the situation.

This is basically such a result.

When Pandaria's more detailed information was displayed in front of the Alliance and the Horde, the leaders of both sides had new ideas.

A piece of undeveloped land!

The point is that the people on this land don't seem to have such a strong concept of territory!

The first group of unofficial adventurers who arrived in Pandaria tried to establish a stronghold on the Kun-Laishan plateau. Originally, their plan was that the Pandaren objected to it, so they said it was a temporary stronghold-but unexpectedly, the Shado-Pan did not seem to be. How to care about their actions, just warn them not to damage the environment and not cause disputes.

In the eyes of adventurers, this is an ordinary and routine warning—the kind that is not binding.

This means that Pandaren have no sense of land!

This is awesome!

Soon, the information was passed back to the Alliance and the Horde, and the leaders of both sides also thought about it.

Whether for humans or orcs, the lack of land is a big problem.


For Thrall, he seemed to see some kind of opportunity.

The orcs have actually lived a life of hunting long ago-after coming to Azeroth, they have experienced so many twists and turns, and now under the leadership of Thrall, the doves have occupied an absolute leadership position.

Orcs also desire peace (okay, just kidding)—or rather, they desire development.

After all, there is no conflict between pursuing honor and living a happier life.

However, the backward production level greatly restricted the development of the orcs.

Although Durotar's hunting resources are still abundant, it still cannot support the needs of the orcs.

If the resources are sufficient, the orcs' fertility is actually as terrible as mitosis, but now, because of the constraints of the environment and resources, the orcs have to carry out passive family planning.

Otherwise, when winter comes, orcs will have a large number of dead babies!

Even because of the lack of resources, some of the orcs have already begun to migrate like migratory birds-when they have children, they take the little guy to the wetlands, and when the little guy grows a little older, they return to Durotar for enlightenment.

Therefore, the orcs have been longing for the land.

However, because of the alliance's hostile attitude and the strict defense of the pledge, the orcs could not find a new land-Kalimdor was reserved for the pledge, and the rich places of the Eastern Kingdom were firmly held by the alliance.

There are also some scattered places, which are not the private islands of goblins, or some kind of strong fighting force, which the orcs can't grab.

So after a lot of effort, what the Horde got in Azeroth was only wetlands that didn’t grow long, and Durotar, which snowed for twelve months a year...

Compared with the tribes that occupied Durotar, the Barrens, and part of Ashenvale in the original history, this is simply a gap between the sky and the underground.

If it weren't for the orcs to occupy the Arathi Highlands with dead skin, and the Alliance could not make a move, the situation of the orcs would be more difficult!

Thrall went to the Maelstrom to listen to the voice of the elemental spirit. In fact, he also had the meaning of begging the stone mother Serathien-let's come to the magical work of nature! Orcs need land!

Well now, Thrall heard that there is land in the Pandaren!

And it seems that Pandaren don’t value land?

Even though Thrall is a dovish, he still feels a little trembling at this moment-do you want to do something?

Blatantly praising the oath must be a death, but can the tribe take a more euphemistic approach and find a way to occupy a land in Pandaria?


Varian also had the same idea as Thrall.

The Kingdom of Stormwind is also very annoying now. The emergence of a large number of emerging military nobles makes land become the biggest shortage of Stormwind.

Those knights who fought bravely in the battle got the rewards they wanted in Varian's hands-land and title.

Defending Azeroth is important, but material rewards are also essential.

Warriors will fight bravely when there is no conflict between defending the home and defending the country and gaining fame and gaining a fief. If the soldiers are required to make selfless dedication, then Wrynn's rule will not be long before collapse.

But with the death of the nobles who died in the first orc war, Varian found sadly that the land in Stormwind was not enough to seal.

The scene of confiscating land from the **** and giving it to a good boy can no longer be performed.

In order to maintain control of the kingdom, Varian must own most of the land in this country-in this case, if someone makes new achievements, he will probably not get any land.

Although Varian's credit is quite strong now, if he releases the pigeons twice, I am afraid that the credit of the royal family of Stormwind will collapse...

Is it necessary to abolish the land reward system?

This is not realistic!

Without the reward, why should the warriors of Stormwind throw their heads and blood? The foot man needs to be equipped, isn't it?

Now Pandaria has appeared!

Can you ask for an oath to share part of the pressure? After all, the orcs have food subsidies for participating in the war, right?

(Wang Wang, you have changed, you are now old fritters! Hello!)

And compared to Kalimdor, Pandaria’s neighbors are obviously much more lovely, because Varian received news that the Pandaren are super polite and super hospitable.

"You may not believe it. Pandaren always ask me to eat. Every time I buy something, they say ‘next time I’ll please’. Oh my God, this is so enthusiastic!

If you Alliance needs land-at least this will stop the evil orcs' conspiracy!


Unfortunately, no matter the Alliance or the Horde, they have got one thing wrong.

Pandaren don’t care about the land, but they don’t care about the land of Kun-Lai Mountain...

For Pandaren, isn't a barren place like Kun-Lai Mountain a trade route? The land there has no meaning other than being used for grazing.

If the Alliance and the Horde have been to the Valley of the Four Winds, they will understand that in fact, the Pandaren’s obsession with the land does not need to be lowered by anyone-the premise is that the land can grow vegetables.

Unfortunately, no one explained the Pandaren's thinking to them. Both the Alliance and the Horde thought a new opportunity had appeared.

After a fierce discussion, the two races entered the vision of the Alliance and the Horde. Maybe they could become Pandaria's breakthrough point?

Right, Jinyu and Homo?

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