Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 755: This is the last hero

One person, four knives.

The wind raiders formed an army alone, not only stopping Nomi and Valera, but also preventing Fei Li's indiscriminate bombing.

Lai Gong swayed into the inner gate of Guan Weng City in the setting sun again.

The Shado-Pan shooter has been urgently transferred to the front of the tower, and launched a concentrated fire on Raigong's weakness. Normi ​​and Valera are afraid of being injured by mistake, so they can only temporarily withdraw from the battle.

The wind raider is still insisting.

He still insisted, using the sharp blade in his hand to call the arrow to protect Lei Gong.

This is the last chance.

The mantid formation in mid-air also gave up the bombing mission and began to cover Lei Gong collectively-with his body.

But it didn't work.

In front of the dense arrows, the mantid is also so fragile. When it loses its mobility, using its body to resist the arrows of the Shado-Pan is tantamount to a dream.

Under the command of the manipulator, countless mantids followed after another, and Grandpa Lai also exhausted his last strength.

However, the mantid was getting further and further away from victory.


There was another salvo, and the mantid in the sky was about to be wiped out.

Originally, the number of colony insects with wings accounted for less than a quarter of the entire mantid. Under such suicidal consumption, the colony insects that played in the battle were almost wiped out.

If the Supreme is still there, the one with the shield should be the Supreme, right?

The wind raider shook his head and looked forward again.

Except for the corpse of the worms and the arrows everywhere, only the wind raider was left on the back of Grandpa Lai.

The sickle is still there, the sharp edge is still there, but the carapace on the wind raider's body is already uneven, and the proud wings are also shattered.

Raising four arms again, there is no fear in the heart of the wind raider, only firmness!

"For Karaxi, for the Swarm! For the Queen!"

Although tragic, but the Shado-Pan will not let him go.

With Yalia's order, another volley of arrows was fired.

Although the wind raiders tried their best to block, at this time, blocking can no longer solve the problem.


On his shoulder, an arrow finally broke through the carapace of the wind raider.


The knee joint of his left leg was broken, and the wind-grabber half-kneeled on Lai's carapace.

A burst of dizziness hit him, and the wind raider slowed his hands, and several arrows stuck into his abdomen.

In the ears of the wind-grabber, it seemed that the Queen's singing sounded again, the singing was ethereal and beautiful, and in the singing, he had the name Kerrur, which had accompanied him for more than ten thousand years.

Of course, all this is just an illusion. In ten thousand years, in the vicissitudes of life, the queen does not know how many have been replaced.

"This is, death..."

With arrows all over his body, the wind raider, who looked like a hedgehog, finally stopped. He knelt motionless on the carapace of Grandpa, guarding the weakness of the worm.

This mantid hero, who had been sealed in Amber for most of his life, finally came to the end of his life.

Tao Shi, who finally returned to the city wall, jumped on Lai's carapace, put the wind raider aside, and then drew the dagger from her waist.


With a dull burst, Tao Shi gave Lai Gong a fatal blow.

The weakness was broken, Lai Gong let out a mournful cry, and then staggered down.

The thick carapace began to crack, Tao Shi turned and jumped back to the tower, looking towards the sky.

Desperate manipulators and poisonous minds hovered.

After a long time, the two last heroes seemed to have made a certain decision.

The manipulator and the poisonous mind drank a bottle of purple potion, and then the two of them swooped down at the inner gate of Guan Weng City in the setting sun!

Everyone was shocked!

Unexpectedly, the last two heroes would come to do this!

It was too late to stop, and everyone in the Shado-Pan group could only watch the last two heroes slam into the inner door of the setting sun gate.


With two dull explosions, the inner door was blown open, and the last two heroes finally lost their bones.

Seeing this, Tao Shi sighed slightly--the gap was not big, and the Shado-Pan could repair it, but after losing the last hero, the mantid was destined not to cause too much trouble to himself.

Although now, a large number of congregation insects are still on the offensive under the command of the queen's general, Tao Shi is very clear that this is already the last rebirth of the mantid in this reincarnation.


After the mantid lost the last hero, there was no change in the battlefield.

Gathering insects stormed the gap in the inner door, and the Shado-Pan guarded behind to wait for work.

Although the number of congregation insects is large enough, if it is consumed like this, no matter how many congregation insects are consumed, the mantid needs to pass through the burning urn city and squeeze through the gap of the inner door, and the pandamen of the Shado-Pan faction All you need is behind the inner door, one knife at a time.

Unconsciously, night fell.

The mantid stopped his attack and retreated far.

The Shado-Pan guards held torches and began to urgently repair the crack in the inner door.

Due to the corrosion of the acidic body fluid of the mantid, this crack is difficult to completely repair, so the Pandaren can only cover the entire crack with a huge wooden board, and then fasten it with a big nail.

Although it was not covered with iron skin, the mantid who had lost the poisonous heart was destined to have no more breakthroughs.

In this battle, the Shado-Pan had already won.


Although he won, Nomi was not as excited as he had imagined.

Even looking at the densely packed mantid corpses on the ground, Nomi even had the illusion that "I am the villain".

"Why, feel uncomfortable?"

Finding that none of the three of Nomi was in a good state, Yaliya took the initiative to find these little guys.

"I always feel...something unreal." Nomi shook his head helplessly, "I have never seen a brave guy like a wind raider, and I even doubt myself..."

"Stupid shook her head, "It's not that simple - if your father hears this from you, he will definitely get angry and hang you up and fight! "

"Why?" Nomi didn't understand Yaliyah's words. "He often told me to follow my heart, but I really feel sad now."

"The sadness is not because of your own heart." Yaliya finally became serious, "but because you didn't use your brain!"

"I didn't use my head?"

"Who initiated this war? Did we take the initiative to attack the Wasteland of Fear?"

"No... the mantid attacked the Setting Sun Pass."

"Then facing the enemy's offensive, should we catch it with nothing?"

Nomi is stuck.

He knows the truth, but the instinct of the Virgin from the Pandaren makes Nomi a little sad.


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