Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 747: Shado-Pan Reserve

When Nomi woke up, he opened his eyes and saw a strange ceiling.

He seems to be very embarrassed and poisoned?

Shaking his head, Nomi barely dispelled the dizziness in his head and sat up.

There seems to be a smell of alcohol in my mouth...

For humans, drinking alcohol after being injured is purely an act of death, but for pandamen, alcohol is already a commonly used healing medicine.

"But, having said that, the taste of this wine is really not good..."

Just as Nomi complained in a low voice, a cold voice suddenly appeared.

"Little guy, you don't really say that, after all, this is the best healing wine for the Shado-Pan."

Nomi raised her head in embarrassment and saw a female panda.

The tall bun was combed into a long ponytail, which hung behind her head, neat bangs covering her forehead, she was smiling and looking at Nomi.

Behind her, Lili and Valera were looking at Nomi with their heads.

Nomi scratched his head, then stood up on the bed.

"Uh...I don't mean to offend, after all, I don't drink very often-well, I rarely drink, so wine may not taste so pleasant to me..."

It seems that because this Pandaren's aura is a bit strong, Nomi is waiting for it.

"Okay, little guy." The female Pandaren shook her head. "You don't have to explain this because this healing wine really doesn't taste very good."

Nomi was dumbfounded.

Seeing Nomi's astonishment, she smiled again.

"I am Yalia Divine Word-the leader of the Shado-Pan Mystic Sect."

"Mystery Sect?" Nomi raised her brows, obviously interested in the name, "Sounds cool."

"Why, Zuifeng has never mentioned to you the specific division of the Shado-Pan?" Yaliya was also a little surprised looking at Nomi's curious look-but after a short period of thought, she was relieved." Well, I think it might be because it hurts his image. After all, when Zuifeng first came to Shado-Pan, he was still a crane tail."

"Crane tail?!" Nomi was really surprised this time. "Daddy was once a crane tail?"

"Of course." Yaliyah seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly couldn't help laughing. "You don't know, in the training of the Secret Classics, he has always been the last one, even the soothing fog. The kind that can't be put well--every time, Tao Shi wants to protect him by making himself look worse, but Drunk Wind can always refresh the lower limit..."

and many more!

Nomi suddenly felt that this sentence was very informative.

Tao Shi... Isn't this the leader of the Setting Sun Pass?

She is very maintenance of daddy?

"Alia, it's not your style to say these meaningless old events."

When Nomi was puzzled, a cold voice suddenly appeared.

Tao Shi himself is here...

Although the gossip about people behind her met me, Yaliya was not embarrassed at all. She still had a smile on her face and waved to Tao Shi.

"Hey-Tao Shi, we are talking about you!"

"I heard it." Tao Shi's tone was full of discomfort, "I also tried to spread some past events."

Seeing that Yaliya seemed to be talking, Tao Shi interrupted her quickly.

"Okay, let's not talk about this-where did you leave? We need to discuss tomorrow's tactics."

Tao Shi was talking about business, and Yaliya was finally embarrassed to say those gossips. She shook her head and sighed helplessly.

"Who knows-I really hope that Xuehua is coming with me. Fei Li's temper is too anxious, like a firecracker, just a little bit. After seeing the tragedy of the Sunset Pass, she shut herself up again. Get up and get those dangerous explosives."

"This is also impossible." Tao Shi understood, "After all, Fei Li is still young. She has never experienced the reincarnation of the mantid. Suddenly seeing so many brothers and sisters is casualties, I am afraid she can't accept it for a while. Right."

"I only hope that she will not cause the evil demon in her heart."

The atmosphere became suppressed.

"Since Nomi has recovered, let's go out for a walk-look for Fei Li, and take a look at how the battle should be conducted tomorrow."

Yaliyah’s proposal was approved by everyone, and Nomi took the hat and went outside with the others.


It was late at night, and the moon was in mid-heaven.

For Nomi, "The Reincarnation of the Mantid" used to be just a concept of withdrawal, but this time when he walked in the wounded camp, he saw many corpses covered with black battle flags, and saw traces of suffering. After dispatching the wounded, he really felt the weight of it.

Death is so close.

On the female wall of Wengcheng, everyone discovered Fili who was deploying unstable explosives.

The non-mainstream Pandaren whose hair was dyed in colorful colors was filling the earthen jar with various powders, and seeing the arrival of everyone, she did not put down her work, but simply said hello.

"Hey, wait a minute, this thing is almost done, tomorrow I must give the mantid a big surprise!"

"Fei Li, you are the mage of the Mystic Sect." Yaliya tried to persuade Fei Li to be a bit more normal, "You are robbing the lorewalker's job like this, okay-Song Tao has complained to me many times, your explosion Things always explode in places where they shouldn’t explode, and ignorant people always blame this problem on the lorewalker..."

"Don't pay attention to that aesthetic freak-and not this time." Fei Li decisively interrupted Yaliyah's words, "During the war, as long as these explosives explode, it is the right time."

Ya Liya was taken aback by Fei Li's words, she shook her head, and then changed the subject abruptly.

"But you still need to stop We need to figure out tomorrow’s strategy and tactics. Although everyone is rushing to repair the main city gate of the Sunset Pass, if Kvork still hits like this unscrupulously tomorrow, the repair will be sooner or later. It’s too late."

Hearing what Yalia said, Fei Li finally raised his head.

"Kovok, is that giant worm? Give it to me! I will let it taste the flame!"

"The flame can't help that big guy." Nomi said suddenly, "I don't know if it feels nothing or what, even lava can't directly break its carapace."

"You can't even use lava... Are you a shaman?" Fei Li was surprised when he heard Nomi say that. "You can actually mobilize the power of lava? But won't you transform?"

"Uh, I have the bloodline of the guardian dragon-my mother is the black dragon queen-do you know the guardian dragon?"

Somehow, it was obvious that Nomi introduced her mother normally, but the atmosphere became more subtle again.

That's right, Tao Shi suddenly turned black.

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