Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 735: The Mystery of Mogu'shan Palace

If Drunk Wind is here, he will definitely find that everything here is simply a reduced version of the Mogushan treasure house!

After fading the original color, the entire underground palace treasure house showed a brand new style-just like the style of the Nalaksha engine!

Nomi, Lili, and Valera were already stunned. They couldn't imagine how this could become like this.


In fact, since this magical palace can be named Mogushan Palace, it is more than just a stronghold for a group of Mogu relics!

As the core of Mogu's rule in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, this is the Mogu "new capital" appointed by Thor - it's just that Thor died early, this matter has not been implemented after all.

This matter should start from Leiden.

In fact, after gaining the power of the Guardian Raiden, Thor is not so at ease. Even though Raiden has expressed that he is discouraged and does not ask about world affairs, Thor still feels that the Guardian is a good one for him. A huge threat.

But Raiden is also the source of Thor's power, Thor can't kill Raiden directly.

What should I do?


In this way, Raiden was imprisoned by Thor in the Mogushan treasure house, and the sun was not visible.

However, even though Leiden has been imprisoned, Thor still rushes to worry-as Leiden’s creation, Thor knows very well that this guardian actually has a great influence on all mogu, although the current Leiden is very Decadent, but if someone like other guardians came to him and gave him a bowl of chicken soup, so that he returned to his ideals, he was no longer a salted fish, then he might be in great trouble!

How to do?

Thor decided to go to Leiden.

Although Thor has been using the technology of the Titans and the power of the Titans, he is still strengthening his position in the mogu, and at the same time trying to forcibly turn many guardian and Titan things into his own.

For example, if the Naraksha engine is used to reversely transform the mogu, it creates the illusion that "this engine has been the property of the mogu since ancient times".

At the same time, all history is completely destroyed, and Mogu, or anyone else, cannot be allowed to know the true identity of Mogu.

The language and writings of the Pandaren recorded a lot of Mogu's performance in guarding Pandaria when Raiden did not collapse, so Thor simply destroyed the Pandaren civilization and cut off the Pandaren's own heritage.

The "Pandaren language" used by the Pandaren is actually a new language created and developed by the Pandaren based on the Mogu language.

And this Mogushan Palace is actually a "sleeping palace" that Raytheon prepared for him to work in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

Mogu'shan Treasury is the place of prosperity, Thunder Mountain is the tomb, and Mogu'shan Palace is the palace.

As Thor's palace, this huge palace built on the mountain is not only actually majestic Hunan Everbright, but also has many Titan engineering technologies from the Mogushan treasure house.

For example, this underground palace treasure house, it looks like a treasure house, but the function of storing treasures is second, here is mainly a copy of the Naraksha engine!

That's right, one-to-one imitation!

However, due to technical limitations—Mogu’s engineering talents have always been poor—so here in the end it can only be invisible.

But it is undeniable that just "invisible" is already very powerful!

However, due to the sudden death of Thor, Mogu fell into civil strife. The actual function of this palace is no longer known. In the Pandaren uprising, there are no heroes to make Shizi famous, and the centurion Theon who calls himself the master of weapons. In this way, he occupied this place and became a grass bandit who "occupies the palace as the king".

And because Layden didn't know that there was such an imitation, the Pandaren had always been a group of palaces, and he never cared.

In Pandaria, where there is no population pressure, real estate is not very valuable!

To this day, Valeira triggered the final mechanism under the accident.

When Nomi and others were still surprised, the can suddenly became excited.

It left Lili's staff, and then flew into the air, rolling very excitedly.

Star-studded, can directly grow up!

As if it hadn't been injured before!

The source of the injury of the can is that Drunk Wind forcefully uses the hammer of Khaz'goroth. In order to urge this Titan’s creation hammer, the can has contributed almost all of its power-because it was originally a cloud that has been transformed by Titan Engineering Xianglong, with the same force, gave Drunk Wind the energy to exile Deathwing with one blow.

After that, the cans were completely overdrawn.

Since no one outside Pandaria understands Titan Engineering, the can can only be a mini-dragon, eating and sleeping all day long.

After returning to Pandaria, Zuifeng wanted to hand over the can to Songtao, but seeing that the can now is a lot easier with Lili than when she was with herself, Zuifeng simply dispelled this idea.

It doesn't matter if the can has been small, now I can take all the responsibilities, and the can should be like a normal dragon, able to play and play instead of fighting all day long.

After all, in terms of age, Drunk Feng has been "hiring child labor" in the beginning.

In this case, Zuifeng didn't ask Songtao.

Unexpectedly, in this underground palace, the tin can meet the Titan energy that Mogu has left behind for countless years.

After the explosion of Titan energy, a large number of ethereal fireworks appeared, and the lizardmen began to die in large numbers.

And when the pressure of Nomi's five is greatly reduced, the can is beginning to consume the ethereal sparkle!

The slender Cloud Serpent is extremely It hovered up and down in the underground palace, and then opened its mouth from time to time, swallowing the ethereal sparkle directly.

As the can swallowed more and more ethereal fireworks, its body became brighter and brighter!

After the ethereal fireworks in the entire underground palace were swallowed, the cans in the air were already like stars!

It seems that the energy has been exhausted, the underground palace has changed again, and everything has returned to the original appearance.

The only difference is that Jiehan has become a lonely man-under the conscious manipulation of the can, the Lizardmen have almost all died under the etheric fireworks.

Jiehan felt bad, he gave up fighting, turned around and ran.

Unfortunately, it is too late.

The can flicked its tail, and then in the prism on the ceiling, the light merged together and hit Jehan directly.

The lizardman king of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms is gone. Although the imitation of the Naraksha engine is inferior in function, there is no problem in reversing the decomposition of a distorted creature.

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