Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 729: Valera's Assassination Lesson

After staggering twice, Nomi, who retreated to his teammate, sat directly on the ground.

At this moment, Nomi's weakness is visible to the naked eye.

I think that when Nomi just left Pandaria, he would be weak after using the element clone, not to mention the current Nomi?

And Nomi's weakness has undoubtedly injected new confidence into the mogu who has begun to retreat.

Um, that guy who looks the strongest is finished?

In this case, can we pick a bargain?

Ming Guzi, who reacted first, jumped directly to the center of the battlefield.

Haiyan slowed down again for half a beat. When he was upset, Mingguzi had already begun to provoke.

"I'm the leader of the Hasak clan, I'm a ghost and a god, you will die soon!"

A guy without a weapon!

Valera narrowed her eyes slightly.

This guy is obviously a spellcaster-his other mogu are different, and every move he makes will bring a small whirlwind.

Faye is not easy to clean up, especially this kind of unknown depth Faye, but in Valera's view, this guy named Mingguzi is not a powerful character!

Thinking of this, Valera went straight out.

"Mingguzi? Beware of your back..."

With light steps, Valeira walked out, and then the figure gradually disappeared as he moved forward, leaving only a breeze.

Razzle pinched his nose thoughtfully. The stalker himself had seen a lot of them, but the goblin hadn't seen a few of them who could sneak so cleverly.

Don't look at this goblin in poverty, it is an out-and-out LOSER based on the usual values ​​of the goblin, but Razzell's eyes are quite good!

Although the long journey to the north and south did not leave any savings for Ah Razzle, it has increased his knowledge. If alchemy really cannot be studied successfully, Razzel feels that he can write a book or something-cloth Ryan is said to have made a lot of money by writing books.

In his opinion, Valera is not easy!

"Well, a thief who is good at sneaking..."

It's a pity that Razzle guessed wrong.

Valera has never been a patient assassin. Although under the careful guidance of Duke Jorace Ravenholdt, Valera has mastered a lot of assassination skills, but in her heart, she has always regarded herself as an assassin. Fighting thieves.


The best sneak is to kill everyone who sees you! This is the best way for no one to see themselves-everything you see is already dead!

So, the next moment, Valella appeared directly behind Ming Guzi.

Due to the difference in height and the structure of the mogu, the usual techniques of kidney shot, gouge, and split are completely unsuitable. Cutting rocks with a dagger is bound to be difficult to achieve good results.

But Valera didn't care.

It's not that you haven't fought with puppets!

In Ravenholdt, Qorazzi took out a large number of treasured battle puppets to train Valera!

Valera is now a true all-around fighter!

When Nomi was fighting just now, Varela was observing Nomi's safety while also paying attention to the structure of Mogu.

The whole body is made of stone, and there is no obvious point. In Valera's view, this is a group of high-level puppets!

Among the high-level puppets, the most stupid is the magic puppet.

The inability to cut does not mean that they cannot be attacked. There is also a silver wire that appeared with Valera-it is said to be a wire, but in fact this is an enchanted murder item!

The steel wire was wrapped around Mingguzi's neck. When Valera appeared, she was leaning on Mingguzi with her back, pulling the steel wire with both hands.

"Say, be careful behind your back!"

Mingguzi is not in a panic.

"Hahahaha, little girl, the wind has already told me your every move, this kind of trick is not effective for Guimoushen!"

Ming Guzi laughed and grabbed the wire, then pulled it hard.

While Ming Guzi laughed, Valella also smiled.


This is an enchanted wire! And what is enchanted is not the common tenacity, but the frantic sharpness!

That's right, sharp!

With a strong pull, Ming Guzi easily broke the wire, but the price was that the fingers of his right hand were cut off by the root of the sharp wire!

This is the way of assassination. Every gadget, by its very nature, may be a trap. When you face it with the most normal thinking, you have already been recruited!

After losing the fingers of his right hand, Ming Guzi was dull.

The next moment, this Mogu Windcaller was furious.

"Despicable inferior race, do you think your little tricks can win? Don't dream, you can never defeat a truly powerful windcaller!"

The violent wind howled, the cyan whirlwind visible to the naked eye surrounded Mingguzi, the light wind rolled up his fingers, and directly connected the broken finger to the original position.

It's as good as ever, as if it had never been cut off.

Valera finally frowned.

It seems that Mogu is more troublesome than he thought. It is not accurate to be a puppet, but as an elemental creature!

Thinking of the elemental creatures, Valera finally got serious. She inserted the dagger back into the pair of scabbards on her thighs. When she pulled it out again, the dagger had turned green.

To deal with elemental creatures, unless you can use the tools of attribute restraint, otherwise, the best way is to use polluting toxins!

For example, the green thing on Valera's dagger now.

"Hope your head can be worth the price of my poison."

While talking, Valera disappeared into the shadows again.

This time, Ming Guzi didn't find any trace of Valera-even Feng didn't know where the guy with long ears was hiding.

"Come out, trash, don't hide in hiding!"

Ming Guzi was a little impatient. He summoned a gust of wind and tried to force Varela out, but he didn't get any results.

Varela seemed to have The scene fell into a weird silence, and the Hazak clan who had been waving a flag and shouting also looked like they were breathing, for fear that it would affect Mingguzi's judgment.

Then, just as Mingguzi looked around, Valera descended in the shadows.

Feast of killing!

When the wind did not react, Valera had already started her own attack. The poisoned dagger was like the fangs of a poisonous snake. It easily tore through the defenses of Mingguzi and left behind on the back of this mogu. All the scars crisscrossed.

When Ming Guzi turned around to fight back, he was surprised to find that he could hardly mobilize the power of the wind.

When she was slightly surprised, a glint flashed across the corner of Varela's eyes. She directly activated the Shadow Step and took advantage of this opportunity to jump straight.

The icy dagger with a green shimmer, hung on Ming Guzi's neck.


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