Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 725: What's the use of Lazer

(Ahem, the chapter name of the previous chapter is wrong, it is "Target Mogushan Palace", but the chapter name can't be changed, just say it here...)

Razzell certainly does not have this emblem representing a master of engineering.

Although Razzell is a true master in alchemy, his talent for engineering is not even as good as that of ordinary goblins.

By the way, Razzle's detector was not assembled by himself, but bought from the Blackfuse Group, which is one of the reasons why he is currently penniless.

Although Lazelle has a good deception technique, Varela knows how to do it!

In Ravenholdt, Valera, who was carefully taught by the Duke, took the time to take a test—the master of Confucian engineering trap dismantling.

Although there is still a big gap between this and the real dwarf engineering master, at least Valera is a beginner.

Considering her age and study time, it is not too much to say that she is a genius.

In this case, how could Razzle deceive her? !

Seeing Razzle's reaction, the three of Nomi instantly cleared their doors!

You are lying!

Ever since, Nomi pulled Lili and Valera, turned and left!

"Eh eh eh, you guys wait!" Razzle hurriedly stopped the three of them, "Okay, okay, I'm not good at engineering, but I'm good at alchemy! How about, take me!"

"But you don't need alchemy to explore the ruins!" Nomi curled his lips and rejected the goblin mercilessly. "In my opinion, you are not even as useful as that big man-at least he has fists."

"...Er Gazi only listens to me!" Razzil hurriedly declared his sovereignty, "He is my servant!"

"I know, I know!" Nomi waved his hand indifferently. "Otherwise, you and the big man will join together-but if you say yes, you can only get a quarter of what you get, and you two count. One serving."

"...A deal!"

Razzell agreed without hesitation, which made Nomi wonder if the conditions were too good.

But after all, he had to talk, and Nomi finally signed a contract with Razzle according to what he said.

In this way, a standard five-person adventure squad was formed—the kind with a dead boss.


Mogu's Mountain Palace is a stronghold of the Mogu tribe located in the easternmost part of Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

In the three battles, although the Mogu tribe suffered heavy losses under the leadership of Drunken Wind, more and more Mogu people gathered in the Mogushan Palace.

Why is this so?

This starts with the social structure of Mogu.

The Mogu tribe is a creation of Titans, but after Raiden noticed that the Pantheon was completely destroyed, the Mogu was lost in confusion.

To Mogu, they are like machines that have lost their goals, in a state of chaos.

Then, due to the negative emotions left by Y'Shaarj, the mogu became irritable, and finally fell into the battle of a hundred kings. A large number of mogu warlords supported their soldiers and became confused with each other.

And at this moment, when Thor was born, he gained Leiden's power, and swept everything with force, becoming the king of kingslayer, the **** of slaying.

But the good times didn't last long. After smoothing out Pandaria, Thor began to be dissatisfied. He and his Zandalari allies tried to attack Odom. They were hit by the Life Reshaping Device and died on the battlefield.

After Thor's death, Mogu fell into chaos again.

Although emperors continue to ascend to the throne, no one has the same strong rule of mogu as Thor—until the Pandaren uprising, Kang discovered the way of monkhood and became the first generation of monk, with pandamen, Jinyumen, and Hugo. , The earth spirits, and the yawns together overthrew the rule of Mogu.

After that, Mogu had no emperor, only a king.

And when Drunk Wind raided Thunder Mountain, it was those of the Mogu who were still Thor, and the Shado-Pan really didn't have much time to deal with the other guys who occupy a hill and stand as king.

Too scattered...

Among the snow-capped peaks of Kun-Lai Mountain, in the jungle of Krasarang, and even among the broken walls of the Jade Forest, there is an "empire" of the Mogu tribe.

The Shado-Pan really has no time to deal with them. They have changed from the former rulers to the current guerrillas and nail households...

And in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, the Mogu Mountain Palace is this kind of existence.

Since Theon, the master weapon master of the palace, is not Thor's diehard, this is not the focus of the Shado-Pan.

Those Mogu people were not stupid, anyway, after Thor reversed the engine of Narak'sha, they could not eat or drink anymore. These Mogu people simply nested in the Mogushan Palace, and they did not live or die.

In this case, whether the Golden Lotus Sect or the Shado-Pan Sect, they were unwilling to destroy them, so the two sides reached a delicate balance.

And now, when Nomi offered to explore Mogu'shan Palace, this balance had been broken-but it was not important anymore.

Now, the Pandaren have joined the oath. In this case, the remnants of the Mogu clan are not far from destruction.

Just let Nomi find the way first!


The fourth update is complete, and there are still 23 chapters left.

By the way, ask for votes.

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