Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 723: Cloud Serpent Alani

Regarding Alani in the sky, Nomi originally thought it was the culprit that interrupted his meal, but after listening to Lao Wu, he was completely interested.

A Cloud Serpent that has lived for thousands of years, does that have a lot of knowledge? Maybe you still know a lot about drunk wind!

With this thought in mind, Nomi became a white dragon, flapping his wings and chasing Alani.

Not easy to chase.

Nuomi, who had reached the extreme speed, was a little surprised to find that he could not keep up with Alani-the cloud serpent seemed to be slow, because there was no reference object when it was on the ground!

At the same time, Lili and Valera also discovered this problem.

"My God, Nomi is actually behind in speed!"

The dragon-shaped Nomi once left a deep memory for Valera, but she did not expect that in the white dragon state, Nomi's speed was far away!

Seeing herself getting further and further away from Alani, Nomi felt that she needed some changes.

The next moment, on Nomi's back, a jetpack appeared.

Gnomish X-36 special thruster, special edition for dragon!

Razzle, holding the telescope, curled his lips.

"Dwarf's products, it's not me who complained about them. Those real dwarfs are not good at making propellers!"

"That's Lord Luoya's product!" Valera couldn't help but distinguish, "Other dwarves are not good at it, it doesn't mean Lord Luoya is also not good at it!"

Regarding Valera's self-confidence, Razzel shook his head and stopped talking.

Turning on the propeller, under the strong power brought by fuel combustion and reverse injection, Nomi drew a long trajectory in the sky, and then directly caught up with Alani!

"It's great, Nomi!"

Both Valera and Lili jumped up excitedly.

However, the people of the Golden Lotus Sect are still very calm.

"Hey, hey, Nomi is about to grab that big guy, aren't you excited?" Lili akimbo her hips, looking at the expressionless Golden Lotus guards around her, "At such a high place, this How cool!"

"It's cool!" The chef appeared with a new bowl of fried cabbage. He calmly placed the dish in front of Ergazi, and then shook his head at Lili, "Don't get me wrong, I mean It’s really cool to fall down so high."

"Fall off?!" Lili frowned, "Why do you say that?"

"Because this is not the first time someone has approached Alani." The chef looked at Lili and shrugged. "Alani’s flight route is traceable, so although we can’t fly, we can go to the top of the mountain or What other place meets Alani—but we can’t get close to it. A thick cloud has been enveloping it, blocking outside prying eyes. Anyone who wants to get a glimpse will have hallucinations due to the influence of the cloud. Then fell into a coma."

"Then...Is Nomi in danger like this?!" Lili's eyes widened, "God, what can I do?!"

"Don't worry, little girl." The chef smiled and shook his head. "Alani never hurts lives. Clouds and mists will protect the hapless guy."


As the chef said, Nomi is indeed in trouble.

After getting close to Alani, Nomi truly felt how huge the cloud serpent was.

From the ground, Alani looks like a loach, but in the sky, after getting closer, Alani is a real giant cloud serpent!

The Cloud Serpent with a body length of more than 30 meters gave Nomi a great sense of oppression at close range-because after Nomi became a dragon, although he was out of the range of the young dragon, it was also the smallest among the young dragons Kind.

It is only three meters away from the beginning to the end, which is due to the long tail.

"Hey, big guy, can you understand dragon language?" Nomi tried to say hello to Alani, "Can I chat with you?"

For Nomi, Alani ignored him.

Nomi was not embarrassed, he accelerated again and came to Alani's side, reaching out his front paws to touch Alani.

Just here, the clouds completely surrounded Nomi.

Just at this moment Alani flew over a cloud, and Lili and Valera, who looked up below, lost track of Nomi.

"Eh hehe..." Razzle gave a treacherous smile. "Two ladies, do you need telescopes? Goblin engineering telescopes, thermal imaging, can penetrate all kinds of fog and clouds, as long as 998, take the telescope home !"

Lili and Valella curled their lips, showing disdain, and then took out the dwarf telescope.

At this moment, Razzle was struck by lightning, and the whole goblin turned gray.

Behind the clouds, Nomi was uncomfortable.

Nomi's front paws touched the cloud and mist, and then suffered a strong mental shock.

A large amount of messy information flooded towards Nomi, causing Nomi to roll his eyes directly-if it weren't for the instinct from the dragon's blood to make him still open his wings, then Nomi would even fall.

Nomi seemed to have traveled through time and saw Pandaria more than 10,000 years ago-he entered the perspective of a cloud serpent.


Alani is a cloud serpent living in the Jade Forest-identical twins with his brother Narak. Since he was a child, he has been different from other serpents since he was a child.

The black Narak can manipulate the thunder and squalls, while the red Alani can take advantage of dark clouds and showers.

All Cloud Serpents believe that Alani and Narak will be the future kings.

But they once again encountered the Mogu by chance. Alani and Narak, who were still whelps at the time, were responsible for the defense with clouds and rain, and the other for attacking with wind and thunder, and directly defeated the Mogu team.

After that a very powerful mogu found them.

The guy who claimed to be Thor didn't get angry because of his subordinate's death, but laughed at Narak.

"This is my mount! Storm Lord!"

As Alani was in charge of defense, Thor didn't notice him, only captured Narak.

After that, Alani alone led the Cloud Serpent in the Jade Forest until his heirs were already old-for some reason, he was immune to the invasion of time.

After all his sons died of old age, Alani left the Jade Forest and came to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. He felt that his immortality was related to Narak, but because he didn't know where Narak was, he could only wander here.

Thousands of years have passed.

Although Alani's body is still intact, his soul has long been blurred, instinct and a mysterious force have been surrounding him, and let him follow the trajectory of his life, wandering over the valley of Eternal Blossoms.

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